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Posts posted by DroopingPuppy

  1. But for now, only two types of gunblades are out there and both are just a gun with attached blade.

    What about to make a polearm styled gunblade? Like a speargun, but able to swing in melee. Else, what about bayonet melee weapon attached by the tip of your primary weapon?


    And.... what about to remove channeling and can fire the ranged weapon part by LMB, rather than charging attack?

  2. Limbo, because it can easily ruin the game, although many Limbo I have met are very helpful to the gameplay as well. I don't hate all Limbos, and many was actually good teammates for me, but it is no wonder that it is the most hatred warframe because its skillset is able to mess up the game so easily if its player want to troll or use it carelessly.

    Even if hundreds of good Limbos are do the wonderful thing to you, only some bad Limbos make the game worse and got stamped on your memory, so it can't be helped.


    The other would be, Frost in Infested defense/survival mission. It is toooooooooooooooooo annoying that they blocks our bullets -_- and we can't remove it. It is true that enemy inside the globe are slowed down, but usually globe is too small to be effective.

  3. 11 minutes ago, [DE]Mumbles said:

    Opticor Changes & Fixes:

    • Opticor beam now has a radius (thicker more cylinder shaped beam) that will allow you to hit more enemies with a single beam.
    • Increased the Opticor AoE damage radius from 3 meters to 5 meters.
    • Critical Chance and Critical Damage Multiplier now apply to the AoE.
    • Reduced Ammo capacity to 200.
    • Fixed being unable to destroy Nullifier bubbles with the Opticor. 
    • Fixed being unable to kill enemies inside a Nullifier bubble or Eximus Snow Globe with the Opticor. This also fixes being unable to hit Lephantis or Sargas Ruk at times.


    • Chat will automatically rearrange and switch to the Squad tab when loading into a mission.
    • Optimized mission load times and reduced memory usage dramatically.
    • Made several small performance improvements for the remastered Earth tileset (more to come).


    • Fixed not being able to deploy Extractors on Earth.

    Yeah, these are really a good news!

    Also no more 'ty' or 'stk' on the clan chat!

  4. Because we can access for Syndicate when we reach to the some Mastery Rank, it is nothing wrong that we have an assassin squad. Actually it is not so impressive for the most times too unless all three weapons you have and the warframe are low ranked. Even if so, if you have a teammate it is not so hard to dispatch them. I, personally, see them as a threat only on the nightmare mission, and even in there it is not so hard to remove them.

    But the problem OP suggests seems, why we have to meet them all the times, without the limit of number unlike Stalker, Zanuka Hunter, and G3, and I do think that it is a reasonable thought, even consider the weakness of the assassin squad, and it is not so common to see more than two times in a day just for target you(if you also counting the assassins aim for the other teammate, you can see more often, though).

    So what about something like this?

    The number of sending assassin squad is limited by 3 per one day, per each faction, or the number is depend on the minus rank, so 3 per one day for rank -1 and 5 per one day for rank -2, for example.


    I wonder that it impacts much though. I didn't see a single faction haunts me more than two times in a day. -_-;;

  5. On 2017. 7. 4. at 2:27 AM, Trichouette said:

    And this is why you stick together when you hear the first noises that signal he's coming.

    He doesn't lock the door immediately.

    Also the doors don't unlock when "one of us is down" but when "the hunted player is down"  (or the stalker is down)

    Usually my random party members are not let me to stick with them. And in the other tileset it is possible to open the door. Why Orokin tileset only have such a problem?


    Also the locked door cannot be opend until Stalker is retreat. :(

  6. I want to scan for the Simaris but when it is only available on the very dangerous area then I want to run it with the other gamers. But when the matchmaking is set by Online then I can't choose to be a host, meaning that I have to leave the game, wait for some minute for the game I was leaved is not able to be entered(I don't know when it does as well!) and run the queue again. It is, actually very annoying to do so. Why not to choose to be the host in the game while making the game online?

  7. 이게 디아블로2처럼 결국엔 여럿 빨리 잡는데 유리한 구조로 가다 보니까....

    체력은 높은데 죽을 때 폭발하면서 주변 적에게 피해 주면서 같이 죽는 물귀신놀이 하는 적이 나오는 건 어떨까 싶군요. 그러면 저격총 같은 단일 대상에 큰 피해를 주는게 현 추세에서도 어느정도 쓸만할지도 모르니까요. 그런데 아마 이런 것도 한계가 있을 거라 봅니다. 결국엔 구조상 다른 무기가 나을 때가 훨씬 많거든요.

    아니면 현실처럼 저격총을 맞고 죽으면 일정 시간동안 주변 적에게 디버프가 걸린다든가.



  8. After the Harrow patch, the chating screen sets clan chat by default even in the mission, but with this I have to manually change the setting to the party chat each times when I enter every single mission, or when I need to chat with the party member immediatly I send the messeage to the clan chat and lost the precious time to warn the party member, as well as confusing the clan members.

    Can you fix it to set party chat by default? Else give a way to set the default chats...

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