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  1. This seems to be a bug with DLSS:
  2. Controller vs m/kb didn't do anything, BUT - Turning off DLSS seems to be the thing.
  3. Interesting. I have all the fx settings maxed out. maybe reinstall time.
  4. Since I have crossplay, I've been able to directly compare PC and PS5 - on PS5 there is a nice clear UI when using Garuda's 4th, on PC it does not appear at all (the expanding circle) for the same character. To be clear, the ability works just the expanding circle doesn't appear on PC. I have settings all maxed out so it should not be a settings issue?
  5. Since I have crossplay, I've been able to directly compare PC and PS5 - on PS5 there is a nice clear UI when using Garuda's 4th, on PC it does not appear at all (the expanding circle) for the same character. To be clear, the ability works just the expanding circle doesn't appear on PC. I have settings all maxed out so it should not be a settings issue?
  6. It’s not intermittent though , it’s every game when graphics are maxed, right at the start of the game, and never when turned down, and last night I flipped it back and forth like 5 times to be sure. I went as far as stack overflow and stopped myself from working in spare time :), but people suggested that error indicated using an inefficient udp api instead of async coding (everyone hates async code). So maybe the game is doing the netcode on the UI thread or something…. But anyhow I left DLSS on and problem solved. id love to help DE resolve this, but more want to help others who have this problem
  7. I tested more last night, video settings definitely seem to work around this issue, recommend to all suffering. With video settings maxed and 144fps, my cpu/gpu aren't even breaking a sweat. But the problem happens at the start of every game. When I am host, the EE.log is full of this: 453.624 Phys [Warning]: Performance warning: created/destroyed static entities at runtime! 453.624 Phys [Warning]: Created entities: 453.624 Phys [Warning]: LandingCraftDeco [/Lotus/Objects/Tenno/Ships/NoraShip/NoraShip_skel.fbx] When I am not host, it has these: UDPDriver::TransportSend error A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately. ERROR 10035, address: 86.109 Net [Error]: NetDriver::Update connection timeout detected! Destroying connection to <<ip address snip>> due to timeout of 7.5063. 86.109 Net [Error]: Last send (seconds ago): 0, out packet: 3103, out pending ack: 3102, last ack: 1800, out seq: 32970, expected seq: 37330, most recent received packet: 3282 86.109 Net [Error]: Lost packets: 866, acked packets: 520, in flight: 1302 86.109 Sys [Info]: Server disconnected! [connection = 0] 86.109 Game [Info]: HOST MIGRATION: local client trying to join new host: OfficialSlumped Solution: I was able to eliminate all the above and play multiplayer Turning on DLSS reducing frames to 60fps putting video settings to low.
  8. Agree - and since I have an intel 13500 cpu and a 4070ti, 500mb internet with low ping I should not be having this issue and lowering the settings shouldn’t fix it - but it did. And then increasing it again really causes it to happen again. And nothing else was running in the background, I disabled firewall, etc etc. I never got freezes fwiw, but mobs stop moving like in a lag situation before host migration.
  9. https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us/articles/221074567-Multiplayer-Problems adding above for reference
  10. It’s really weird that it’s acting like a network lag issue, but I did try ping setting and the pc type is desktop already. no, this is a case of the game being poorly optimized and if too much is going on it doesn’t prioritize the network above rendering or something like that. regardless there is a 100% workaround people can use for this, completely in their control. I’ll find the official article later which suggests these issues are due to graphics settings. edit: here: https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us/articles/221074567-Multiplayer-Problems
  11. Yesterday after I finished the war within quest and equipped the scepter you get from that, I started getting disconnected from every group I joined, despite playing the last two weeks playing all day with no issues. after trying everything including calling my isp and playing on a different platform ( it was fine on ps5), I found an article on warframe’s site suggesting it was a video problem… now I had everything maxed out on a 4070ti running 1080p, my cpu is at 1% and my GPU at 35%, ping at less than 100ms. So no problems. Still, I figured why not. I “solved” the problem in two ways, in both cases I tested off/on and it’s not a coincidence it actually works - I either put alll the settings to low, made sure dx12 was on and exited/launched the game, or I put the fps limit down from 144 to 60. I don’t think I should have to do either, since my computer can handle it easily. Still, obviously the game is unoptimized enough that this happens? I’d like to narrow down the best setting to change and the trigger - I mentioned above it started happening after war within and using the scepter - because the latter lets me drain corpses and the former adds other features and I wonder if that puts the engine’s performance over the edge?
  12. So this started happening to me yesterday after I finished the war within quest and equipped the scepter you get from that. after trying everything including calling my isp and playing on a different platform ( it was fine on ps5), I found an article on warframe’s site suggesting it was a video problem… now I had everything maxed out on a 4070ti running 1080p, my cpu is at 1% and my GPU at 35%, ping at less than 100ms. So no problems. Still, I figured why not. I “solved” the problem in two ways, in both cases I tested off/on and it’s not a coincidence it actually works - I either put alll the settings to low, made sure dx12 was on and exited/launched the game, or I put the fps limit down from 144 to 60. I don’t think I should have to do either, since my computer can handle it easily. Still, obviously the game is unoptimized enough that this happens? I’d like to narrow down the best setting to change and the trigger - I mentioned above it started happening after war within and using the scepter - because the latter lets me drain corpses and the former adds other features and I wonder if that puts the engine’s performance over the edge.
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