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Posts posted by Adaptor-Face

  1. nice "trinity"


    wrong picture?


    Also: Energy vampire

    • The first pulse occurs immediately on cast, meaning the last pulse does not occur at the end of the duration, but one quarter of the duration before Energy Vampire ends.
      • When the marked target dies, it will emit one last pulse containing energy that depends on the remainder of time in Energy Vampire's duration (e.g., for an Energy Vampire that restores a total of 100 energy over 9 seconds, killing the target with 6 seconds remaining will provide 100*(6/9) = 66.67 energy in the last pulse).
  2. Ive done it before. It still won't leap you high enough to hit the killzone on earth. How you even got 17.1 is a mystery. No one knows the exact measurements of anything in this game. Heck we don't even know how tall a real warframe stands.


    And your still basiclly stating Excalibur jumps LITERALLY 7x the height of Zephy...

    There was a time where data mining was possible, DE has encoded the files now though.

  3. First of all the highest the super jump goes is to the roof to a two floor building. How on earth you got 7 stories is a mystery, and would consistently kill you on use on the earth maps. Plus thats like 7 times higher than Zephy's flight straight up. Nothing in the game will launch you like that except for glitches.


    • Maximized Power Strength increases the jump height to 17.1 meters.
      • Increases the cost to 15.5 energy.
      • Reduces Excalibur's armor by 5%.
  4.  ever tried super jumping in ships corridor or any other of the many limited head room areas ...its not nearly as usefull as a majority of others frames#2 abilitys

    because that is totaly where and how you would use this ability. when i said "revolve around Super Jump" i didnt not mean take ONLY Super jump with you. SJ +natural talent+ radial javelin is a really good combo

  5. Slash Dash

    I selected "Both 1 & 2", but come with a warning: dont make it overshadow abilities that do the same (rhino charge, tidal surge)


    Radial Blind

    I saw a suggestion somewhere about giving it a small wall penetration function to not feel completly nerfed to the ground with the LoS change, and really liked that idea. Something around 0.5 would suffice. Another was that enemies behind light cover would suffer from a reduced effect (no stun and reduced blind time)


    Super Jump

    Selected "It should not be revised". Do. not. change. super jump. EVER. That being said, if anything IS going to be done about Super Jump, make it in addition to what it already does. The zephyr argument is IMO invalid since where is zephyrs killing potential ability wise? It is excals strenght with the mobility Super Jump provides that makes it strong.


    An Air Radial Javelin that can hit enemies below you would be a nice addition to super jump though. Right now when you use super jump in the middle of a group of enemies and cast Radial Javelin (with Natural talent equipped) while in the air, you hit everyone EXCEPT the ones you escaped. Reducing the recast delay would also be a good addition, to the point that Radial blind and Javelin can be finished with their casts at the apex of the jump, or remove it completely for the other abilities but Super Jump.


    Radial Javelin

    A change to make it scale with melee would be nice, in addition with the current 1k damage.


    Excal in general

    What makes Excal strong is the fact that he is the middle man, the all rounder of frames. He can do the tasks other frames are specialised in, he should never overshadow anyone else. This is what makes him fun to use for ppl like me that want to outperform everyone else, and doing so with weaker versions of their abilities is really satisfying. Ever had a climbing race with a Zephyr? On that note add more tiles with more "roof height", corpus gas city has some, and the corpus ship. Lacking in the other tiles a bit, it is mostly straight paths.


    DNA stabilizers

    They are fine as is, but selling single ones might not be a bad idea. 1 DNA stabilizer lasts for 4(!) days, and costs 12,5k credits. if you cant cough up 12,5k through regular play in 4 days, kubrows is not really meant for you or you are not really caring for your kubrow. Maybe add a way to freeze him from the site so that people that lose access to their gaming PC/console could save their kubrow


    Mod UI

    I really like the look and feel of the new UI, but the location of the mod points does not feel right. It is the heart of modding, and should be up front and center like it used to. The mod UI could maybe benefit from adding one more line by tightening things up a bit like scale down the transmute, fusion and sell buttons a little, use a little more space up and down, moving the tips closer to the mod categories. Could also be a resolution bound thing so that smaller resolutions would not have such a hard time reading the info on the cards themselves.


    A more visual indicator of rarity of the mods other than color would benefit everyone.


    Stats being added to all abilities was really nice, but adding these stats when modding your frame would be even more epic. Giving us a way to see Stock and Modded stats of each ability when holding over them in the upgrade screen would enable us to see how much of an impact small changes actually has on our builds.

    pst: there is a lot of empty space under our frame stats *hinthint*

  6. This is not a stealth game, will never be a stealth game, not because you can't "stealth" but because you cant "stealth" any BETTER then going Loki INVISIBLE.


    What people keep asking for is "sneaking around on your knees pretending to be ninja with a Rhino". This is like asking to sneak around in the middle ages in full plate armor, to which someone will say "you need to wear leather" which is the same as "play Loki". One single metal detector on the main door into the ship and you frakked.


    This constant topic rehash is insane. We even have Sentinels that can make us invisible, but no, we need mechanics that actually allow us to walk on our kneecaps in full line of sight of mobs with high tech gear on them, and cameras that can detect movement 200 meters away, but we need to gimp those to make stealth "fun".


    Just because you think that four perma-invisible Lokis wiping a map clean at full running speed without ever being spotted is "boring", does not make it non-stealthy.


    You want "fake" stealth. It's not happening.

    you dont have to be on your kneecaps do "stealth", you just need to be quick, and you missed that point in the OP. This is more a change to REWARD stealth OR swiftness. Stealth is not kill everyone without being seen, it is more to kill everyone without the alarm being raised, or atleast that is the way i would like the stealth in this game should go, and it has with rescue 2.0.


    Did you know you can "stealth" orokin void exterminates? just be quick enough and the next room is unalerted to your presence


    EDIT: after re-reading your post a couple of times, i feel that you read the word stealth in the title and then went complete apes**t on my thread, did you even read the OP? I never stated anything about four permainvis loki beeing boring, actualy it is fun to see how fast we can finish a mission like that. 

  7. but, but super jumpe is epic as it is, if you have forward momentum you dont lose that AND it costs only 10 energy. IMHO a change like this would slow excal down, newer players even more so. as it stand right now, super jump is excals panic button.


    Personaly i would like it to have some synergy with excals other abilities, like an air radial javeling (right now you cant hit enemies below you at a certain angle around 45 degrees), and the future change to radial blind wil give synergy, making super jump "more" usefull

  8. i have been thinking about stealth lately, and i have a suggestion to a change in the extermination mission to reward stealth play.


    Reduce the number of enemies the spawn BEFORE the alarm is raised. When/if the alarm is raised the players have a small time frame to deactivate the alarm (limit on how many times? 1? 2?) before the grineer/corpus call for reinforcements. This takes a little while to deploy, so if the mission is finished before the timer has reached zero nothing happens, BUT if the timer reaches zero before the tenno extract, more enemies are required to be killed to finish the mission. 


    This should made so that stealth a little faster since it requires a tiny bit of skill to do.


    This change should apply were it makes sense for it to be applied




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