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Posts posted by IlluminaZero

  1. In some cases Stomp is better, but if you are running with a build for Iron Skin, the time on it would bad compared to the Radiation Proc that Reckoning has, having Level 60 Heavy Gunners mow down everything in its path.

    Duration actually has no effect on Stomp. This is what makes it so easy to build for, and why it also can't compete with top tier CC skills. Stomp is locked at 8s. Also what makes it shocking when Rhino players refuse to use it.


    Part of the reason roar Rhinos are so rare as well. Fleeting Expertise is treated as a necessity in most builds, and Roar already has crappy duration without fleeting expertise.

  2. Both are very similar. They both have tankiness and utility. Rhino has more utility and CC, while Oberon has more Damage ability wise and has some supportish things. 

    Not so sure about CC. 100% Radiation Proc on Reckoning is pretty sexy CC. Consider for example, Irradiating Disarm.


    Rhino roar is great but it's difficult to actually build for one without making massive sacrifices thanks to 75 energy and 15s duration.

  3. Do people really compare renewal and roar?

    Oh someone even said renewal(you know that tiny heal that has travel time)is better.

    This is the best thread ever.

    In all fairness, with 15s duration and 75 energy drain you have to pretty heavily mod duration to make it worthwhile. While the rarity of Roaring Rhinos is annoying, DE isn't helping things with Roar's stats.


    What really surprises me though is how common it is to find Rhino players that won't even stomp. I mean, seriously?


    What I find more surprising though is that Rhino is so popular in exp farm when Total Eclipse Mirage offers the superior buff. It helps that Total Eclipse can be recast before expiring, whereas Rhinos have to wait for roar to expire. Wouldn't be surprised if the elemental buffs were superior as well, but haven't tested or done the numbers.


    What is even stranger though is that I have played with some Rhinos who couldn't even be bothered to mod their roar duration in exp farms... Just... ugggghhhh

  4. Rhino for clearing the star map at mid-low levels.

    Oberon for anything else.

    A Bad Oberon is still going to be offering good utility. At the VERY LEAST they will be randomly healing and slamming things constantly... Which offers nice CC and more health, which is especially good for newer players whom have very limited health restore options. Or just taking pressure off of constant slash procs fighting Grineer. As this Oberon player gets better, they will be able to use other frames pretty decently as well.


    A Bad Rhino is going to be spamming Iron skin contributing no CC and bad damage. That very same Rhino player will also be completely incompetent at playing any other frame.

  5. I use Excalibur radial spam as an example to:


    1) Dismiss the concept that damage abilities are weak, which comes up a lot in Ember topics in particular.

    2) Illustrate why damage and no utility is bad for gameplay. (Hi Emberrrr)

    3) That the Entropy / Blight nerf did little for the dominant meta of the game.


    That said, I partly agree with the quoted sentiment.


    To be honest I never really understood the issue that DE has with people making the most of their time, why is it such a bad thing? People are only doing what they always did in Warframe which is grinding for mats,experience and now reputation.

    It's totally the game fault. When you are limited to such a small variety of content, this is what happens.


    Part of the problem is simply that there is such strong incentive to efficiently grind like this. I've been appreciating the ability to quickly max out my Syn rep and get cells at a reasonable rate.


    The game basically forces players to play endless map types to gain both experience and reputation efficiently. May as well maximize that efficiency with Radial Javelin spam... ESPECIALLY since there is no danger of screwing up enemy spawns and pathing. Dead moments in survival, hunting down stuck enemies in defense, yeah it gets draining.


    Getting ~2 cells for >2k kills... Yeah. It is nice to have an efficient alternative to boss grinding, which is truly soul crushing to me. After all a big part of the reason Cerberus was so popular was that Oxium was such a pain to grind.

  6. I agree with OP 100%. Radial Blind already gives strong incentive for melee play, and the two new ability augments just further reinforce the concept of a melee Excalibur.


    The only problem is his "balanced" stats (check out Hydroid or Nova Prime) and... Hate to bring it up again, Super Jump being almost useless. Especially with directional aerial melee.


    If DE wants to make Exalibro a "well balanced beginner frame" they should just give him Rhino's skills. Rhino is both easier to use and has a more well balanced skillset.


    Excalibur is begging to become an awesome melee frame, but his stats and insistence on keeping super jump are holding him back.

  7. So max 600 Energy... and 15% Max Energy per burst... 90 energy. Another 4 right there for you. 


    I don't what it is about this community and mashing 4.

    Mash 4 strategies (most popularly Radial Javelin) never relied on Entropy / Blight, and barely affected them.


    To make best use of Entropy / Blight you need to gain weapon affinity... Which implies killing things with the weapon. Not spamming Radial Javelin. S. Gammacor is way too good at killing things. The same doesn't apply for the other syndicate weapons.

  8. Riiiiight. It's not stronger than Fleeting Expertise yet people are screaming about the nerf just for no reason other than losing their niche? And still your argument doesn't refute my point that the domination of Fleeting Expertise and other popular mods is it's own separate issue. Having an OP niche does not solve that problem.

    ? https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/385156-rip-entropyblight-proc-gammacor-red-veil-cephalon-suda/


    Look at the first few replies. Then note that the topic title was initially about the S. Gammacor specifically. Then note total # of distinct posters arguing against change.


    Even b4 this patch weapons such as Boltor Prime, Amprex, and Soma were popular. Supra? Rakta Ballistica? Bolto? Embolist? Yeah right.

  9. RV syndicate weapons being subpar is it's own separate issue. Entropy proc on S. Gammacor was just too powerful. Period. Yes, nerfing Entropy also nerfs the other already subpar RV syndicate weapons but keeping Entropy the way it was didn't fix those weapons now did it? No, the logical thing is to nerf the OP Entropy proc and then buff the subpar RV syndicate weapons. S Gammacor is still ridiculously good and needed the nerf and the other RV weapons have always needed a buff regardless of whether this Entropy nerf happened or not.

    There is nothing logical about your post at all.


    S. Gammacor was literally the only popular Entropy / Blight weapon. That puts a big red arrow that the issue is S. Gammacor, not the proc. Especially as this affects multiple weapons rather than the problem one.


    A lot of weapons should be rebalanced. Specifically "balancing" the bad weapons that happen to have Entropy / Blight effect to make the neutered Syndicate effect less noticeable is a silly criteria for balancing.

  10. Just because Fleeting Expertise dominates the metagame does not mean that there should be something to replace it that's even stronger...

    Wot? No, it is not stronger than Fleeting Expertise by a long shot, it just catered towards niche builds. This is just not evident due to how stupid OP S. Gammacor is.


    Streamline + fleeting expertise already permits power spam. The recent nerf only factors when Flow is used, and Streamline + Fleeting Expertise + Flow is complete overkill... That doesn't even work for dominant spam strategies (like Radial Javelin) as Entropy / Blight won't proc anyways.

  11. S. Gammacor was the only issue. It was extremely rare to see any other Entropy / Blight weapon users.


    Leaving S. Gammacor alone and making unpopular weapons like the Supra and Rakta Ballistica worse is just... Wow. And yes, flow is basically useless without it's combo potential.

  12. With the exception of the S. Gammacor; which is broken as a weapon, it was extremely rare to see anyone use other weapons with Entropy and Blight effect.


    Why DE decided to leave S. Gammacor alone and destroy the Entropy / Blight effect is a complete mystery to me. I cannot even recall EVER seeing ANYONE use a blight weapon as anything but rank fodder. And I think I have seen a total of... Maybe 4 other Supra users.

  13. S. Gammacor is still a dominating weapon. Nerf to Entropy and Blight just cripples the other weapons that could use the utility. So now not only do Red Veil have crap weapons they have a crap proc too. One of my favorite builds was Supra + Max duration Vauban. It's dead now Jim.


    Nerf to Entropy and Blight does little for true power spam as OP mentioned. Fleeting Expertise still dominates the metagame.


    Furthermore Entropy/Blight proc demands weapon affinity gains. What happens when Excalibur kills an enemy with Radial Javelin? No weapon affinity. Dominant press 4 to win strategies are basically unfazed. This change just crippled unpopular syndicate weapons and makes flow pointless.

  14. Bit of math for ya

    On a standard (100) energy frame, it works out that proccing Entropy every 30 seconds is about thesame sort of regen as one energy siphon.

    So if you can keep up a decent kill rate then it is a far superior choice in public matches to run Entropy over energy siphon

    That is of course not factoring in the 1k damage over a 25m radius, or the energy buff either.

    Could also have something to do with rebalancing in preparation for the next frame.

    But regardless, the Synoid is still broken as hell.

    Energy Siphon isn't gamebreaking anyways. Regen is too slow for ability spam and on endless map enemies drop a plethora of energy restores.


    In both cases it is better to run corrosive projection.


    And yes. Synoid Gammacor specifically is the problem. You don't see many running around with the Supra and Rakta Ballistica for procs. Those weapons are hurt FAR more than the S. Gammacor, which is still a god tier weapon.

  15. Interesting as in completely better than any other way of regenerating and refilling a huge energy pool? Not only did you get a far better gain of energy per proc but you had a larger store of energy. Also, it didn't exclude the use of Fleeting Expertise for some builds.

    Exp Farms never demanded Syn weapons, but Trinity.


    There is a reason for this.


    The same applies to large energy restores for the odd Excalbur that radial javelin spams without Trinity.


    The most infamous power spam exploits are essentially untouched. They just nerfed max duration builds and any weapon (not just S. Gammacor) that has energy restore Syn proc.


    So not only does Red Veil have weak syndicate weapons, now their proc is useless too. Awesome.

  16. You mean specifically not making energy gain too ridiculous with the proc? I mean you'd never run out of energy the way it was before. Especially coupled with a high energy pool.  


    And nevermind it's crazy DPS.

    Flow + Entropy was an interesting alternative to a meta-game dominated by Fleeting Expertise.


    Now we are just back to Fleeting Expertise. If DE is trying to stop power spamming; like Excalibur EXP farms, they are doing a horrible job at it considering that Excalibur wouldn't be proccing entropy much anyways due to power kills giving no weapon affinity.

  17. They should change it from 25 to 10% but not base

    It would reward ppl with maxed primed flow 

    now there is no good reason to use p flow at all

    Word. To worsen this:


    Entropy was gained by weapon affinity. POWER SPAMMERS GAIN NO WEAPON AFFINITY. This changes very little in "press 4 to win."


    Entropy made Flow an interesting alternative for maximum duration builds, which was already in the minority. Fleeting Expertise was still treated as king for spam, made obvious with Excalibur (Radial Javelin), Mesa (Peacekeeper), and Saryn (Miasma).


    So S. Gammacor is still a god tier weapon and bastard weapons like the Supra basically lost the little utility that Entropy proc gave them. Awesome.

  18. Some moments they spit, it hit and the person went down. Period.

    Other times (same run) we got hit by tar moa, got slowed, took damage, but could still jump out before it completely murdered us. And these were higher level than the ones which oneshotted some of my teammates (me included). A bit later we got some oneshotting tar moa's again, though.


    I'm not sure if it's just because we got hit directly by the tar projectile, or because the effect is random.

    This. I have been assuming there is some type of bug with Tar Moa's damage because of how inconsistent it is. Sometimes my uber Armor Valkyr can laugh off tar damage, the next second she is taking insane burst damage... To the point that I have even rarely been essentially OHKO with +1200 armor + Warcry.


    Boggles the mind.


    I like the inclusion of Mutalist units as well, but this random insane burst damage doesn't seem right.

  19. Ember has an interesting ability called Accelerant.  Accelerant makes the enemy take additional damage from fire damage only.


    Normally, I'd say this is inferior to M-prime... but since m-prime's 200% damage increase is not affected by power mods, while Accelerant is, I'm going to have to say that Accelerant is in fact the best damage increasing power for fire damage only.


    Essentially, accelerant + Ignis makes Ember a goddess.  Ignis' low damage is increased 710% by a maximized Accelerant.


    It's all about using a fire damage weapon, and Ignis in particular clears rooms with its wide cone of fire, hindered only by its low base damage... which isn't a factor when it's used by Ember.


    However, Ember is kind of a one-trick wonder, since all of her other powers are either not viable or inferior to other powers.


    She may not be the best frame for anything other than an ignis build, but she's not obsolete in my opinion because she does have that unique unmatched fire damage buff that can be used with flamethrowers.

    This is a pretty bad double standard when you consider Sonar's existence... Which has a higher damage multiplier, higher range, higher duration, and works with all damage types.


    And Ignis is simply a terrible weapon. If you want to do maximum fire damage you don't want to use Ignis, you want to use Soma. Further boost the Fire damage of the weapon with crit multipliers.


    Addendum: Frankly, this makes the entire topic seem like a farce to demand Rhino buffs once again.

  20. Not trying to bash you.

    But you have now made 4 topics saying how Rhino is a weak frame.

    On to the topic.

    Ember went from wow to wtf. So yeah.

    Yeah, Holeypaladin's Rhino Crusade is... Something.


    Rhino is overrated, but Rhino is easily T4 viable. Rhino has a well rounded kit and CC immunity is great. Comparing abilities in a vacuum is pretty meaningless.


    Also agreed on Ember. EMBER easily wins the cup here.

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