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Posts posted by IlluminaZero

  1. I play Nekros. With the exception of an Excalibur EXP farm (where anyone shooting anything is pointless, Trinity is supplying energy, and Desecrate AOE overlaps Radial Javelin) I always contribute kills... Partly because S. Gammacor kills allow me to desecrate more aggressively due to energy regen.


    If you are constantly dying as Nekros you are either a bad player and/or your team has terrible CC.


    If you actively reject the notion of killing anything in typical Defense/Survival maps you are just lazy.


    Addendum: This is ESPECIALLY since you guys apparently had to extract due to not having enough kills. I don't see anything wrong with calling out a lazy and incompetent Nekros for refusing to participate.


    If they shoot and kill things, players will berate them for not "doing their job". 

    If they don't shoot things, all they'll do be is a desecrate monkey.


    Pick one or the other.

    With the exception of specific farm groups (like Radial Javelin once again) this hasn't happened to me. I just do both.


    If the Nekros has kills, they're doing it wrong. Nekros's only job is to desecrate endlessly. Any corpse that goes undesecrated is a corpse that proves the team has a terrible Nekros.


    You should have been mad at the team for allowing the Nekros to get 6% damage. How did you let the Nekros do that much damage!?

    With the exception of power spam (Most obviously Radial Javelin and Peacemaker) most damage is going to be coming from weapons. Nekros doesn't have any disadvantage in weapon usage.

  2. Tipedo is slightly faster than Amphis, making it the superior copter weapon:


    Tipedo + Fury = 1.7 attack speed

    Amphis + Fury = 1.6 attack speed


    Amphis still has great utility with lightning slam AOE, and IMO Clashing Forest > Flailing Branch. Kind of strange that Amphis is the only staff that uses Clashing Forest by default too, especially since ground slam combos well with Flailing Branch.


    Not sure about potatoing Tipedo, but using it for copter utility as I rank it up is great.


    Love the staff weapons. My first potato went to Amphis.

  3. Mainly noobs use Excalibur, but he isn't considered a "noob frame" because of rep farming.

    Only noobs think Excalibur is a noob frame. Excalibur is far less noob friendly than Rhino, especially for new players.


    +1 but what do you expect,he is useless nowadays except repfarming.

    Excalibur can take Radial Javelin spam to non-scaled content and trivialize that as well.


    Radial Blind is also terribly underrated, especially b4 the LOS nerf.

  4. It better be Volt. Volt deserves prime status. He is the only starting frame that has not been primed.


    It will likely be Loki Lite though since he is more popular... Especially after Nova/Soma Prime. Volt is basically the male Trinity barring nerf jokes.

  5. Because noobs will immediately trade for Boltor Prime and ignore all the other guns. The same applies to Rhino Prime as well.


    See a lot of low ranked Boltor Prime + Rhino Prime only spam Iron Skin and ignore defense objectives in an attempt to get highest kill count... Or refuse to destroy traps during missions like capture/sabotage.

  6. ..But the weight of the new armor also slows down rhino's movements speed by 30% and his shields will be reduced to 0 while Rhino has the ferrite armor and will only start regenerating after Iron skin has been removed.

    Unless Iron Skin were made idiotically tough, this is a nerf not a buff.

  7. The spear is the most prominent weapon in human history... Used in hunting, sport, and war. This game takes inspiration from Asian culture right? How is the Chinese KING OF WEAPONS (google it, seriously) completely absent? You know what Hanzo Hattori; arguably the most famous "ninja" in history, has at his tomb? ...A Spear. Not a dinky katana. To this day you can view it.


    There is a lot to draw from in spear techniques for games such as this. Take Seirei No Moribito for example:


    Even to this day the bayonet is used in modern armies, and yes a bayonet essentially turns a rifle into a spear.





    This even has pretty practical gameplay considerations. A puncture melee weapon that isn't a dagger? Do we really need more slash weapons? Rapiers would be nice too for this reason.

  8. I havent played Oberon for a while but am still sentimental towards him.

    For some strange reason, all my recent memories of Oberon as allies have been positive as well. Maybe there is something about BrOberon that wards off noobs.

  9. Staffs are my favorite weapon type so hype.

    I would prefer a syndicate mod for Amphis though. Logical choice would be Steel Meridian.

    Amphis is love. Bo Prime damage just outclasses it so badly, although Amphis still has a lot of use for coptering/slam utility.

  10. I would like this as well. The 24 hour build time of Forma basically means that it is slowly built at later and later times in the evening... To the point that I miss a day. Making Forma build time 12 or 18 hours would help too.


    Although really, the bigger issue may be the inability to build Forma and resources like detonite/mutagen in bulk.

  11. There is little reason to build clantech resources now that they're so freely available in invasions.


    All they're doing now is lessening the chance of getting valued items.



    It's outdated . just scrap them. 

    If Neurodes, Neural Sensors, and Orokin Cells fill the probability gap then yes please.


    I am guessing DE will just make common crap more common though.


    1. Now all weapons are useful.
    2. Now all frames are useful.
    No options are being removing the player: you are providing many more options.


    No. In fact in non-scaled content why even use weapons with press 4 to win?


    Weapon imbalance is a thing yes, this is not a solution at all.


    Frame imbalance is a thing yes, this is not a solution at all.


    You just hate endless missions and are falsely attributing other concerns to them.

  13. Less player choice is good? No.


    Furthermore damage abilities always had scaling issues. Whether they trivialized content due to "press 4 to win!" or they became a joke due to overly scaled enemies. Even now Radial Javelin Excalibur, Peacemaker Mesa, and Miasma Saryn can trivialize most non-scaled content... And they do far better before extreme waves than many players acknowledge. Just that many such players can't play beyond spamming 4. (Uhhh... You have Radial Blind Excalibur. USE IT.)


    The way damage abilities are designed needs to be revamped. Either that, or utility needs to take a far bigger emphasis as they are not only unaffected by scale but they actually allow player participation.


    How many people really enjoy being a bystander with Radial Javelin spamming Excalibur or Peacemaker Mesa in random alerts? Good Saryns; especially in Exterminate missions, are much the same.

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