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Everything posted by XKarvus

  1. Yeah, her kit is already quite strong but needs some quality-of-life improvements for sure. Faster casting animations, longer ability durations, recasting Energy Vampire on multiple targets at once, etc. would make a big difference. It's an interesting niche being the only pure support frame in a game focused on killing masses of enemies as quickly as possible. Well of Life is what needs the most change. What if, upon recasting or holding to cast WoL on a target (perhaps as an augment like mentioned), Trinity temporarily transfers that enemy's health to herself as overguard? Doing so would forfeit the ability's other effects for the caster (due to how overguard works) while providing them to allies in her vicinity based on her ability range. Damage dealt to that overguard amount would be transmitted to allies as health within Trinity's affinity range (not ability range) at a percentage rate based on her ability strength. That way, squad mates can go about their tasks without stopping to shoot a target for additional healing. If EV and WoL are cast on the same target, then energy would be restored instead of health at the same per-second rate based on ability strength, and the hold-to-cast version would provide overshields instead of overguard (benefiting Trinity as normal this time). This could ultimately restore more energy than EV alone. WoL would end when the overguard/overshield value is depleted, the caster manually deactivates the ability, or its duration expires. The extra health or shields would also expire, and damage dealt to them during that time frame would then be applied to the target enemy's health pretty much as it currently does. That would make more synergy in her kit and add needed utility to her first ability.
  2. That passive ability would be uniquely helpful at all levels of play. Make it apply to Trinity too. Better yet, what if it worked more like a squad-wide Quick Thinking mod and prevented death altogether?! That would keep her passive relevant in arbitration missions. Some kind of damage reduction or invulnerability effect would be needed to prevent instant death immediately after, though, just like with self revives. 1. Priming enemies to give health or energy on death is convenient, but Nezha already does that with his chakram. It would also remove the status and crowd control immunity effects from her kit. Merging Well of Life and Energy Vampire somehow is a must, though, even if it's just as a new synergy. Maybe make casting EV on a WoL target give energy over time at the same rate as health. Or, allow Trinity to cast WoL on herself so she can provide immunities and healing to the squad while mobile. That'd make her more competitive with other healing abilities like Wisp's or Garuda's. 3. She really could use some kind of damage buffing/vulnerability effect in her kit. However, Link is one of her best abilities. Replacing it risks changing her identity and makes her a lot less tanky. Just making it channeled rather than toggled could be hugely beneficial. And let the player guide which enemies it tethers to like Zephyr's tornadoes. 4. This is basically Blessing with a version of her Energy Leech augment applied. I like it! Would it be overpowered, though, since she can always recast it to refresh the effects? Overall, Blessing is definitely her strongest ability, and I think it's often best to play it safe with good abilities and leave them be rather than changing them too much. What do you guys think?
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