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  1. If I could only choose one thing to change on Trinity right now, it would also be fusing her 1 and 2. I totally forgot vulnerability was a thing; I'd definitely do that over viral procs, and she probably wouldn't need status immunity for my proposed 3 as it seems overkill.
  2. Being able to use another beast while one is incubated sounds amazing. Being able to change it also sounds like something we should be able to do, given the pets are fully grown and wouldn't need the incubator.
  3. As stated in the title, Trinity is old and can really use a facelift. I'll put my suggestions here, but I'd like to see what other people are thinking in order to revive her. Passive- excess healing done by Trinity is stored up to a cap (~3000 or something), whenever an ally dies within affinity range, expend all to revive that ally. -This would work on Warframes, Companions, and Defense Operators. Warframes revived would play the respawn animation as if they manually revived (still keep state effects like incarnon and buffs). 1. Both can be applied- Tap: aoe wave marks enemies to explode with healing when they die. Hold: aoe wave marks enemies to explode with energy when they die. Augment- enemies that die deal x% of their max health as radiation/cold to enemies in range. 2. Unleash uncontrolled healing energy, applying viral procs and dealing x% of enemy health as true damage/s (viral procs are /s as well,). Enemies are panicked and have microwave status bodypart growing effects applied randomly for the duration. Enemies marked by her 1 explode for more health and energy. Augment- Status duration +x% Enemies at max viral get random status effects applied to them and take +x% direct damage per unique status effect. 3. Channel: Rapidly drain health and energy to gain massively reduced shield delay, increased sprint & parkour, attack speed, fire rate, base damage, shield recharge rate, and immunity to status effects. Augment- killing an enemy marked by her 1 also increases Crit chance/damage respectively by x%(additive to mods) until the channel ends. 4. Heal allies within affinity range, grant DR, unmoddable 10m aoe knockdown on cast. Augment- Allies recieve x% excess healing from this ability as overguard, up to a cap. What do you think? What are your ideas?
  4. My Soma Prime and Supra Vandal collect dust because I can do nearly the same damage with an AoE weapon, and clear everything around my main target. I don't need energy Regen from my Vandal because there's now alot of options for energy. While I'll take my Soma out to have fun, sometimes it's just easier to grab something like boar incarnon and just call it a day.
  5. I'd really like a simaris at home simulacrum decoration or something to throw in my orbiter as well. Individual colors? Yes please! Imagine the assymetric styles you could employ! I'm honestly down for 90% of these changes, the orbiter trading unfortunately would probably lead to dupes though :(
  6. I put transparency to 35%, and reduced the size of the number text, and shortened the decimals yet I still have the same issue. I still want to see the numbers I'm dishing out, but they seem to just stay in place and muddy my screen, legacy style or not. I'd like to see a change where the numbers either fly away more and fade faster or an option to put them somewhere like on the side or on a text scroll. The game looks great and I want to see it!
  7. With acceltra and akarius prime around the corner, My suggestion was perhaps it could add aoe damage per hit, like you deal 10/15/20~55% of the damage dealt per hit to an enemy as an AoE around them. NovaUmbral's proposal was also really good and I'd be down to see a flat status increase with blast. It really does need some love.
  8. As a player with a few 3/4 ranked syndicates I've never bothered to max yet, this could provide a secondary reason to go out an max them. Some could be really helpful for bridging the early game into the mid, and mid into late (I'm looking at that amp damage from ostrons). Another route would be to get bonuses based on completion sets, like a faction damage bonus to corpus for maxxing Fortuna, Solaris, and the Ventfarts. I'm really liking this idea.
  9. Hey all! Since it's been a few months and we've had time to really feel the companion rework's changes, I thought I would make a list of companions I thought could use some extra love and some ways I would change them: Djinn Djinn could really use some love. It's expensive to make, and right now I would say it's the weakest sentinel. Stinger is somehow worse than the laser rifle, and it's precepts leave a LOT to be desired. Stinger- Garunteed toxin procs are cool but worthless. If the weapon was silent and could sleep enemies on hit, it could see some use alongside thumper. It just sucks. Fatal Attraction- You don't notice this because it affects very few enemies and the ones it does die before you see it happen. If Djinn were invulnerable during the cast and the attraction had an aoe, it might see play as a defensive combat sentinel. Reawaken- Feels like a bandaid for how often djinn dies. Providing an aoe knockdown or some other, more noticeable benefit other than shields when it awakens could make this feel better. Wyrm Wyrm is nice and tanky, but it's precepts feel weak. Don't even get me started on laser rifle. Crowd dispersion- Honestly not that bad. Damage isn't that important outside of the new bond mods (namely manifold). Rather than knock down enemies, pushing them away (including eximus) would be more useful. Negate- taking away one status effect is barely noticeable, even on lower level maps with half decent enemy count. It should have charges like Mesmer or Disoguard in exchange for a longer cooldown. Laser rifle- No damage. No crit. No status. No fire rate. No *@##$es. This weapon needs a boost to pretty much every stat, but if I had to choose: base damage. This should hit alot harder than it does. Shade Outside of stealth missions and even then, shade feels lackluster. The stealth breaks easily and it won't instantly refresh between pods of enemies, even when you're not attacking. Prisma skin should be available for prime owners if both are mastered. Ghost- great when it works, but makes shade feel very niche. A small speed boost that lasts a few seconds after stealth would feel really nice. Stealth should break AFTER ability casts so that caster frames can utilize this sentinel more. No cooldown if player doesn't attack/cast could help shade not feel so clunky. Ambush- Fire rate/attack speed would be a good addition. Both shade and its owner should get the bonuses, with shade attacking the first enemy you hit after breaking. Revenge- should be opened up like assault mode. Kubrows Kubrows are at least not dying every two seconds. They still feel as though they need more love and a niche to carve out for themselves. Perhaps they could be one of the few companion types that actually do meaningful damage across the board? Savagery/Ferocity- Give these the assault mode treatment. Each kubrow should be able to equip this mod, and it should do more damage. 330% finisher or something. Hunt- More damage. kubrow should look for a knocked down enemy to preform a finisher on after charging. Howl- should give an armor strip to make it more in line with nekros terrify. Cooldown also feels very long. Unleashed- If this could work on eximus or nullifiers (temporarily taking away their aura), this ability could maybe be useful. As it stands, very niche, and you'll probably end up taking down the target just flying through the map as it is. Neutralize- I have no ideas on how to fix this. Maybe replace it with status negation or something. Proboscis- this should target the strongest possible enemy, and maybe even give them 1-5 viral procs and/or disarm them. Right now it's only 1 enemy, and it doesn't really do much other than look kinda funny. Helminth Trample- feels underwhelming given a regular kubrow does the same thing. A damage type change or maybe leaving behind a few maggots that panic enemies then explode would be cool. Strain mods- interaction with Nidus they should still proc their corrosive status. Kavats Reflect- No need of fixing, but adding a chance for the enemy to be opened up to finishers would be funny :) Draining Bite- Feels unnoticed. 15% up from 10%. Overheal provides over guard or something. MOAs Whiplash mine- I'd be happy if it was 15m instead and it activated in 1s rather than 3s, as enemies tend to die before it goes off. Anti-grav grenade- Lifted status instead would be appreciated, the anti grav is meh. Predasites Acidic spittle- A small aoe (like 2m) on impact would be greatly appreciated. More base status chance on the ability would be awesome as well. Endoparasitic Vector- Right now this sucks and is alot worse than it sounds. Remove heat damage. It should work much closer to a corpus tether mine where it doesn't pull enemies in, but rather keeps them in a small aoe zone. Infectious bite- Counter intuitive to want an enemy to live after a finisher. More finisher damage (400% maybe). Instead of pustules or whatever, prime the enemy to explode with viral and toxin procs when they die. Much less confusing and instantly works on a finisher kill. Paralytic Spores- The spores are bad. 16m is nice, but a 3s finisher window is terrible. Increasing the duration and having the spores disarm could provide beneficial. Vulpaphyla Sly- Decent, but lacking especially compared to the Panzer and Crescent. adding a sprint and parkour buff after killing an enemy could increase the use of this one. 25% instead of 20% on the deevolution would be nice as well. Crescent Deevolution- Opening enemies within 5m to finishers could double down this vulpa as the melee one. Overall I think the companion rework was a great success! I'm exited to see more companion updates in the future.
  10. My PC recently broke but I'm fortunate enough to have a steam deck. Coming from kbm, I've found shooting to be much harder and I'm relying definitely more on AoE weapons and my frame abilities. Gara, Saryn, Volt, Nekros are my faves right now. I took extensive time button mapping for preference and it has helped. I've had to change the way I move and aim: less bullet jumps in combat, more rolls, shooting is definitely a premeditated thought rather than a reactive one now. Overall, I've had to move from a more reactionary on a whim playstyle to a more deliberate, thought out set of actions.
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