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  1. 具体帖子详情如下,已@官方以及那个骗子,看看官方什么说法,大家小心
  2. @[DE]SamThis person sold me false and incorrect goods without a refund, and wants me to sell them to someone else. I need the official to provide a clear solution
  3. 【TheRealGengu】这个人卖给我破损的虚空锐将一套部件之后,我发现不对找他退款,他让我卖给别人,这种行为官方有什么制裁措施吗,卖给我一套破损的虚空锐将,或者大家帮我去@一下官方
  4. Unfortunately, this has happened. For every iOS player, we hope to experience the new version of the game as soon as possible and hope that the official can update the progress in a timely manner. We are very concerned about it
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