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Posts posted by FrostedMike

  1. I wouldn't call these moments "jump scares" as the plot line lead you toward it and it's a little predictable when a "jump scare" triggers. It's mostly a load sudden creepy noise but with minimal visual effect like a dark figure in the background which more fades in then "appear" in front of you. The game also tries to prepare you for these moments gradually with some minimal spookiness (doors open and close on their own, noise slowly gets loader and not too sudden...). There are no jump scares that take the whole screen and shout in your ear.

    The parts I think you will have the the most troubles are the first two missions and everything after the quest.
    Personally I think the most terrifying the quest gets is the fact you don't know much of the situation but what you do know is unsettling. The first two missions are mostly you learning what is happening and the rest you know enough to not get scared as easily. You walk into these missions not knowing the objective or what is going to happen while the rest of the missions you do know the objective and when it's going to end. All missions are in dark settings so do keep that in mind.
    What happens after the quest is over is probubly the worse jump scare because the "dark figure" have a face and it's sudden. Then again, you will see it as part of the scene and not in your face. It appears randomly in your orbiter between missions and there is nothing I know you can do to remove it. This one is something you get used to but it takes time. I think the frequency of it happening increase the farther you progress.

    This is the only horror quest in the game so it's a one time experiance.

    There are some great advises given to you by other people here so you can do to prepare yourself better.
    Good luck and prepare yourself. While there are not much of jump scares, you won't like this quest.

    • Like 1
  2. As someone who currently making a video game, I can tell you that a F2P single player with live service works 99.99% of the times only with mobile games.

    It's hard to make money of a live service game as the income depends mostly on those who purchase in game items. If your game have for example a million active players, about 5% of them actually pay consistently (usualy with these kind of games. It depends). These are 50,000 out of 1,000,000. With these about of paying players you can make a living, but most games don't have these numbers of players, some end up with just a thousand players total and if we're generous and say 50% of them pay, these are still just 500 players, not enough to make a living.
    When making a free game, single player with live service, it's wiser to make it a mobile game as it's easier to add ads. You can hide an advertisement in a PC or console game, but now the single player aspect is the bigger issue. Most single player games follow a story and ment to be played one time or two times. You need to have some kind of mechanic in your game that give some game beyond the story that will keep players playing your game for ages to come. I can't think such mechanic right now so this is just a taste for you how hard it is to do it.
    Now the inner purchases are either useless or "in the way". You can't expect the players to pay to continue playing. With this in mind, why you made it a free game in the first place? Cosmetics are not a great option as there is no one to show it to and it defeats the purpose of having cosmetics in the first place. Then again, why making it a free game in the first place?

    At this point it's better to not make a free game if you're making a PC / console game and remove the inner purchases. Give it the price of the avarage indie game of about 15$ or 60$ if it's a well established IP already. Play it one time, two times, you and your team should start making a sequel.

    • Like 4
  3. I think the backlash comes mostly for this rebalancing coming out now and not earlier. Warframe needed this update, but it just now sinked in. People will get used to it in the next month and everything will be fine.

    I think it's the best first steps DE could do to fix what I believe the worse thing about the game: skill gap being too large between players.
    The game is both too difficult and too easy at the same time, depends who you ask of course.
    Some players breeze through the game no matter what gear they have, myself included. They know there is a meta, some weapons are better than others, best warframes for spesific tasks, etc. However, this group of players will manage if they're given a random weapon and warframe. This is because they know how to play and the way enemies are scaling with difficulty.
    The other group who say the game is too hard are mostly new players, but I found a lot of players who are MR20+ or 1000+ hours and can't complete high level missions without using the meta and they're having troubles even with it. You would expect someone at these ranks and play time to know how to play and complete a high level mission, but they don't. I think it's the weired armor scaling that made it, at some point the increase in armor was too sudden and large.
    I never found someone in between.

    By having a much more leaniar scaling and balancing, there is something that can fill the missing gap between player skill. Now the game feels (at least for me) with the right learning curve. It incurage players to adapt, but not too suddenly. Those who had troubles with the game can now learn with the right amount of difficulty and DE can focus a little more on high level content to fix "The game is too easy" problem.

  4. The Amazing Eternals, I still have a computer with the game installed on it. Loved this game.

    I remember there were barely any players playing it so DE added bots to fill empty slots, but it wasn't enough. It was a buggy mess, but a damn fun one. I remember some names I played with constantly: Legit... Grayfoxx (I think)... We met in game, never beyond it. I remember memes and jokes (Stick Bristle, anyone?)
    I bought the founder pack and grinded the game up while waiting for the PoE update in Warframe. When PoE dropped, I stopped playing the game. When I returned, DE announced the next day about pulling it off.
    The game had some design issues and balancing issues. Hero shooters were all over the place so the market was tough. I wanted the game to succeed and I knew DE will fix everything there is to fix eventually.

    • Like 1
  5. On 2020-02-26 at 10:08 AM, Aldain said:

    Come to think of it, I wonder if we'd get Mii costumes for Excalibro, Mag and Volt...sure it is just a pipe dream but still I can dream.

    Probubly the closest thing we will have. Mii costumes seems like the best option beside fighters which are not likely considering the existance of Lotus as a spirit. While Excalibur is the poster boy of Warframe, Mag and Volt suppose to be equal to him as the starter trio and Mii costumes are the easiest things to implement to take it into account. I'm fine with that.

    My guess on the spirit fight itself.

    Either Bayonetta 1 or Palutina as the main fighter. I think Beyonetta.
    Marth (Excalibur), Pikachu (Volt) and Zero-Suit (Mag) covering her.
    Fighters has increased movement and jump height.
    Fighters appear one at a time.
    Defeat the main fighter to win.

    Enhanced to Natah and there are too many possibilities for the bonus.

    It's an advanced spirit so it shouldn't be a hard fight.

    On 2020-02-26 at 10:16 AM, (XB1)Shodian said:

    Could this a gateway into something...else?

    I thought so too, but it's hard to believe as spirits usually deconfirm fighters and franchises.
    Then again, it's only one spirit and in an event that isn't dedicated to Warframe, but to black colored characters. Usualy new franchises introduced as spirits have an entire event for them and 4 spirits to get (Demon X Machina, Cuphead, Pokemon Sword and Shield, etc...), Lotus got in with a random filler event...

  6. Just now, PenderTheTyrant said:

    I haven't used Rhino in ages, doesn't iron skin immunity only last a few seconds? The rest is armor which counts as being damaged right?

    No. Iron Skin is like an extra layer of health. You start taking damage only after Iron Skin is gone.

  7. 49 minutes ago, notchylavitas said:

    thanks for the fast replies, is there a warframe that you could possibly recommend that i should get first so that it'd help me farm easier, if it's as hard as it is?

    I personally like to take tanky warframes because I trust my aim enough to target Kela without Mesa's Peacemaker. Tanky warframes because you will be stationary a lot and won't move as much as you usually do.
    There are parts in the fight that require you to stand on a pad and shoot at other pads on the walls. If you move from the pad before hitting all targets, it resets and you need to do it again. There are enemies there that can stagger you and it can get annoying because it's just enough to move you off the pad. A warframe that can resist is advised, like Rhino.

  8. I see no reason for not stabbing your lich at any time.

    1. Stabbing gives more murmur then thralls if you fail the sequence.
    2. After the last update, liches doesn't kill you.
    3. They drop kuva if they are not rank 5.
    4. By taking Requiem mods and stabbing, you either:
      1. Get lucky, either vanquesh or convert your lich and can more on to the next lich.
      2. You fail and know a sequence that doesn't work. You can switch up the mods and repeat, narrowing you options and increase your chance of a lucky success.

    You can bring your lich to your knees and not stab him/her. The lich will just leave after three times without ranking up but you won't get the above.

  9. It mostly depends on what you like doing in the game. I for example is a "collector"/"Achiever".
    I for example want to own every warframe, weapon, companian and whatever. I want to get all the ephemeras even though I probubly won't use some of them. I scan everything. There is the achevement section in the profile, I want to complete all of them. Those kind of stuff.

    You are also at the point of min-maxing your builds, starting to get the most out of your weapons and warframes. Spend forma, spend a potato. You do you.

  10. 5 minutes ago, CeePee said:


    Miss clicks are a thing. You have no idea how many times I miss clicked on what I wanted to forge in railjack missions and the "hold to confirm" saved me. I bet I'm not the only one. Hold to confirm a forma does sounds noce.

    • Like 2
  11. 12 hours ago, [DE]Pablo said:

    And finally we are adding more flavour to it by showcasing your whole squad.


    • I personaly think the syndicates and the affinity should be seperated. I barely care about the syndicates as I maxed out 4 of them, but I almost always care about affinity. At the very least, have the affinity BEFORE the syndicates.
    • I don't like the new resource section. It looks cramped and a mess. At the very least sort the rewards. Maybe hiding all of the information under categories: "Mods", "Resources", "Relics" and "Other". Hovering over one will reveal the rewarded items under this category.
      • We farm spesific items in the game and we sometimes don't care what we got other then one item we were looking for. For example: I don't care what mods I get from the missions while I farm for Argon Crystals. What I look for in every mission I do, is usualy for one specific item or resource, the rest is noise.
      • What we need is to find that one item quickly in the sea of rewards we got. By orginizing the rewards under categories, hiding the rewards, and hovering with the mouse over a category to show the related rewards, you will remove noise from our eyes and make it easier for us to find it.
      • Credits doesn't need to be big and take a lot of space because we always get it. It can always be shown to the players in that case.

    I took a little time and designed a new UI:
    I streamlined a bit the ability to find specific items in this screen while removing noise.
    Most of the time, by my experiance, players are looking for two things:

    • Affinity
      • Always visible.
      • Syndicates standing is not something we constantly look for compared to affinity and resources, so I seperated it from the affinity and made the section smaller.
    • Resources.
      • The issue we have with the current UI and the new suggested UI, is the sheer quantity of different items we get. It gets more messy as we get closer to the end game and makes it harder for us to find specific items in this mess.
      • Instead of having it constently visible like the affinity section, I did the exact opposite and hid the resources under categories to remove the noise.
      • Players will hover with their mouse over the blocks to show only the related items in this category (optionally clicking to keep the window open?). If we farmed for argon crystals for example, we don't need to see the mods we got. We need to find what we farmed for quickly.
      • "Mods" block shows only the mods we got.
      • "Resources" block shows only the resources we got.
      • "Other" block shows whatever does not answer the other two categories: prime parts, blueprints, endo, relics, etc. It have the same structure of the Resources window.
    • Like 2
  12. First of all, congrats on your first kill.

    Second, it was awsome to read your epic tale. I'm a sucker of these kind of stories, make something casual sound way better then it is.

    I think it depends a little on your experiance with the game and how far in you are. There are quite a lot of people who got rid of their first lich on the first day. I guess you don't have everything in the game yet so I can totaly see how it is a grind. For someone like me at the time, I could affordt focusing on my lich because I had nothing else to grind. I was done with my first lich in less then a week.
    Here is the deal tho. Liches are designed to be a big part of your journey because it is your personal nemesis. We suppose to develop a deep relationship with the lich. I didn't get to develop this kind of memerable moments with my first lich because I defeated her so fast. I defeated my second lich in a day or two. I barely remember anything of my first lich beside the fact she dropped an awsome weapon which I should use more. You on the other hand did develop relationship with the lich. Without it, you couldn't tell this epic story. You will remember this lich and what it means for you.
    I also want to tell stories about my adventures with my first lich.
    Treasrue this experiance, many others like me don't have this kind of experiance.

    You said your lich had a funny name. One of my was named "Bekk Fackemoff". Top that.
    The sad part is that this is the only name I remember, this is because she dropped the archgun and I see this weapon every time I finish a mission...

  13. 1 hour ago, (PS4)crashteddy03 said:

    I've been playing a few railjack missions and I can't say that I've noticed the issue you've described.

    Generally the host has remained as the pilot, unless they've specifically asked for someone with a higher pilot skill. Other crewmen tend to divert themselves either to archwing or guns and whoever remains on the ship doubles as engineering/security/firefighting.

    That said, I do like your suggestions as having pre-defined roles would definitely make things easier, especially the likes of engineering already having the Omni tool in hand.


    Adding to this:
    I also played a few archwing missions and didn't have any issues with the crew memebers when it comes to roles. The host is the captain and usualy the pilot, the second to join the seassion run around the ship and infultrate enemy crew ships every once in a while. Third to join either stay with the ship or an away crew, splitting the role the guy before him has. This also apply to the fourth guy.
    We just know what need to be done and let the rest do what they are currently doing. Sometimes the captain tell someone to focus on a spesific role or give a task that need to be done and the guy who suppose to do it can't at the moment. I'm yet to meet someone that isn't fine with that.

    I agree that there are roles and tasks that need to be done, it's also better to know your place on the ship and do what must be done to complete the mission. My issue with what you suggested is implementing it.
    I don't like it when the game tells me what the crew need. For example the game tell me that I am the engineer on board so I must focus on maintence, if I won't do that something will happen. I'm not sure you if you mean implementing this kind of feature, I just mentioned it in case it crosses someone's mind.
    The game also has instrinsics that allow each player to choose his own specialties. What if I join a public squad with high piloting and barely anything on the rest? What if the rest of the squad mates have the exact same specialties as me? Giving perks with assigned roles apon join the squad will help it, but then we lose the whole point of having intrinsics. Why have intrinsics if the game tell us what to do anyway?
    Railjack is about coop, it mean we all must accept each other and do our job for a common goal reguardless of our roles and intrensics. We need to communicate. If one is doing whatever he wants and doesn't communicate then we have a problem, hopefully it will teach him to communicate better next time.

  14. 1 minute ago, Mambosun said:

    Even still a week or two is shockingly slow for a game as large as this in my opinion, besides making a new account will help me learn the mechanics again.

    Your choise, I shared my opinion.
    Don't worry too much about losing your Ash Prime, he just so happend to be unvaulted for a limited time.

  15. Don't create a new account just yet. My friend just so happen to had the exact same issue as you with the email being too old and inactive it got deleted, happened just last month. My friend got a response in a week or two, you don't wait as long as you think.
    Just make sure you add in your support ticket the new email and verify it works.

  16. 10 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

    operator missions sound nice, but operators themselves i think still need a lot of work, they hunchback & running thing still bothers me 

    and overall most use the operator for buffs not actual use in combat id say , though i could be wrong. i tend to use mine along side my umbra but i rarely see anyone do it pc/xbox/switch side when im running around there

    Operators can defenetly be powerful. Get an amp that isn't the Mote Amp and you already got some solid damage (sortie level is difficult for operator only). What I found to be powerful is the ability that give Void Dash the lightning orb. Forgot it's name, but it's powerful when combining with a good amp.
    Focus still need more work to be viable for operator only end game content.

  17. Because most people run these missions solo, and this is mostly because there are players who doesn't bother to kill their lich when it spawns. If  the lich isn't yours and the guy that it belong to refuse to kill it, you're stuck. I had a few missions when I got all of the murmur I need and the right order, went on a PUB to get the job quicker, someone got his lich spawning before me but he refused to kill it. So I had to end the mission without getting to kill my lich. I run solo missions because there is no one who can screw up my run.

  18. I agree on that, at least a mission with increased chances.
    I had the same situation as you: I found all of the mods I need and the right order, even before unlocking all of the murmur (by working smart). I've also spent about 10 missions just looking for the lich to get the job done.

    Even then, there are some people in the squad who are looking to get more murmur and they don't kill the lich so more thralls will spawn, which makes the hunt more difficult as the squad don't let your lich spawn by not killing their. I ran solo missions after a case like that and even then it took me a few tries.

  19. 7 hours ago, keikogi said:

    Can you dig up those? Sometimes I like to read old concepts, because it is interesting to see how the stand up today.

    Nullifier concept. Used my skills in Blender to make a model. I'm not an artist, I'm a programmer and designer that happens to know Blender... I got better since then.
    Tried to use augment mods to make him an extremely versitle frame that can be either a glass cannon, a tank or something in between.

    No huntress concept. Never posted. Khora was announced before I could get a more solid concept.

    Didn't manage to find the metal warframe, I don't remember the name either.

    Nullifier warframe is nearly 4 years ago, this is actually before I started learning game design.

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