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Posts posted by FrostedMike

  1. 2 hours ago, UUDDLRLRBA_START said:

    How about the energy regen is capped to 25 - 50 energy, so you have access to just a few abilities, until you learn to craft Energy Kits?

    If so, why give energy in the first place? If you cap the energy regen, then you just give the player one or two times more chances to activate abilities which is kinda useless. Seems too strict to limit the energy regen and weird that you suddenly not regenerating more energy.
    At this point, it's better to start the mission with full energy and have no passive energy regen.

  2. 1 hour ago, iLightning13 said:

    If you're using Blender, duplicate the items, join them, then export the item (making sure to tick the "Selected Objects Only" when you go to export).

    Alternatively, you could just select all of them, then export the same way. No need to parent anything to anything else (at least, I didn't get anything along those lines in feedback for my items).

    Got it. Will help a lot for next time.

  3. 1 hour ago, iLightning13 said:

    I would recommend an HDRi (High Dynamic Range Image) to render your photos. It's difficult to see the form of your normal maps and the detail of your reflections with flat lighting.

    Also, consider modelling and baking bumps where your emissive dots are to sink them into the material. Them floating on top isn't particularly realistic, they need an emitter point no matter how vague it is.

    This part of the specification refers to the colour map of your material. The roughness can be absolutely any value you want to match the material you want it to be. However, be careful with extremes like 0 and 1.

    A metal like the pattern-welded steel you're going with would probably be around 0.2-0.4. Make sure to create a textured roughness map which varies between those values (or thereabouts, don't just take my word for it), and not just a flat colour map.

    As for modelling, it seems you've sculpted it all from a solid block. This makes it quite difficult to make alterations to individual pieces without mucking up other parts, especially for hard-edged items like swords. I would suggest remodelling each component from a primitive shape. Use a cylinder for the handle, another for the pommel, a cube for the blade and another for the guard. Model them all individually, they don't HAVE to connect together physically.

    The emissions are sinked in, probubly hard to see it because of the rendering which I will improve as you suggested. I want to sink them in a little more anyway after a second look. You mentioned a bump map. It will help but is it something that will be in the game? There is no mention about a bump map and no where to add one when uploading to the Steam Workshop.

     About the roughness map. I fixed it. I will add a few scratches and imperfections later. The map I have now is not just flat values, but it goes with the contrast of my map isn't high enough as it seems.

    I messed with the lighting and roughness more and now I think my problem is the normal map. I will rebake and see.

    I did model out of a solid block. I wasn't sure how to export it later so I didn't think about seperating parts. Should I have one of the parts a parent of the rest? I will remember it for my next model. I want to avoid remodeling if I can help it.

    Thanks you for the help.

  4. Why barely anyone here talks about OP's topic?

    There is a delux skin coming for Ash very soonTM. DE didn't give a release day. Console players will have it some time after PC get's it, but you don't need to wait long.

    As far as TennoGen skins. It depends on creators willing to make Ash skins and DE's ability to implement them to console. TennoGen is a Steam feature so it's hard ot move it to console.


  5. 5 hours ago, Yamazuki said:

    Other games are mainly balanced around cool downs or require crafting consumables to sustain their energy equivalent, or follow the trinity (tank-healer-dps) where it becomes the support's job to refill the resource with consumables being complimentary. Then of course the games with no resources at all, or when they do it's for specific mechanics/abilities, still use cool downs. Even movement in those games, as well as blocking with melee weapons, are either gated by a resource that can't be repleneshed, have a cool down, or a mixture of both; where as on Warframe we can spam our rolls, jumps bullet jumps and melee blocks freely.

    Warframe is not designed around managing cool downs, and for reference, many other games with strong abilities that are no where even as strong as some weaker Warframe abilities will have cool downs as high as 10 minutes, even Sentinels/Pets have better abilities/passives than even basic abilities in those games that still have cool downs anywhere from 10 to 90 seconds. Managing energy costs and energy income is Warframe's equivalent to cool downs. 

    If you really want to have low energy/s you already have the option to use Energy Siphon. As it is currently, you trade either an aura slot, warframe mod slots, weapon mod slots, arcane slot, or focus school slot in exchange for managing energy. The energy situation even without Zenurik isn't even as bad as people claim it is. The issue just comes back to Warframe having no cool downs, people want to use abilities so frequently, to the point they're completely wasting their energy as well as for some reason refusing to mod for efficiency because we all know maxing everything else is completely necessary.

    As for HP regen, most games with HP regen only regenerate out of combat, require consumables to do so, or require someone dedicated to healing. Warframe already has a bunch of ways to sustain back to full HP, arcanes, operator, using melee, specific weapons, and if you don't use melee weapons you can use heavy attacks to life steel to full without sacrificing a slot anywhere else. Again, these are all with 0 cool downs, other games have severe limitations on health sustain, or require you to dedicate yourself to it entirely.

    This is a good point. ^^

    I keep reading this thread and suddenly disagree with what most people suggest. I see "energy regen depends on focus school", "depends on X and Y", etc. But with those kind of mechanics, we defeat the purpose of having support warframes or abilitites that grants health and energy. These roles and abilities won't matter and no one will use them.

    Which is why that small passive energy/health regen need to be kept to the minimum and have nothing that affects it. I think the health system as it is now is perfect and we need just a small energy regen, 1 or even 0.5 energy per second. Nothing more.

    It will help new players a lot and won't be relyable enough for veteren players. People here seems to forget that new players have no access to Zenurik, no Energy Siphon, no Rage mods, no arcanes and limited amount of energy restore items.

    My final opinion:

    • Players should generate about 1 energy per second only while in combat, acting like Energy Siphon but with Rage conditions. It will prevent players from hiding somewhere for a few minutes to max out their energy. It's here to help when we need it the most and not to take advantage of and be exploited.
    • Energy Siphon is still stronger and more relyable as it generates more energy and works outside of battle.
    • Zenurik need a nerf reguardless. Players raly on it too much, myself included. There are so many things that the rest of the focus schools have, but the energy regen from Zenurik is just too strong to encourage using something else.
    • The idea here is mostly for new players who struggles with the game, not for us veterans.
    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Miser_able said:

    yea, any of the bosses where you have to spend something to fight them make the frame a pain.

    I farmed Saryn before Kela's update, when she was just a reskinned ballista and costed nothing to fight her. This is how bad. I still remember about 14-19 helmets and chassis EACH, but no systems...

  7. 42 minutes ago, lukinu_u said:

    By "reason for rejection", I mean reason for the devs to not consider the finished design as much are othre disrespected rules like stated here https://www.warframe.com/steamworkshop/help/index.php?page=some-reasons-for-rejection

    Overall, what I say is while the Tennogen program has rules to follow, they are flexibles on issues that can easily be fixed and will contact you if you piece need final adjustement. And misplacement of you final mesh that could occure is one on these.

    Ohh, thank you for clearing it out. I read those already and I keep a close eye to make sure I follow the parameters.

    Thank you for answering.

  8. 2 hours ago, lukinu_u said:

    Just use the reference weapon position and it should be ok.
    This kind of stuff is never a reason of rejection and if it's an issue, they will simply ask you to fix it. If the design is interesting and good quality, they will work with you on fixing the few technical issues that can cause problems.

    I didn't plan on rejecting, I even got another post here with my progress. It just seemed weird. I will get another weapon and check it's transform, if it got the same transform, then I should consider exporting my skin like that as well. This is something that can be done in ten seconds at the last moment.

    You also said it, DE will contact me if I got something for their liking and need a little refinement.

  9. Hi everyone.

    My name is Michael and I play Warframe for 5-6 years and modeling for about 4 years.

    I want to share my first TennoGen skin that I'm working on and get some feedback:

    21/05/20 update:

    Recent events in real life prevented me from taking time to work on the skin. I also got a little burned out.
    From last time, I tried to work on the grip more but I'm not happy with it. The handle is not metal now but the render doesn't show it very well no matter how much I tried. I think I need to change the roughness a bit more.
    Another thing that bothers me is that the handle is going to be covered most of the time and we will barely see this part of the sword anyway, so I don't think I should mess with this part that much.


    10/05/20 update:



    Changed the pommel according to feedback. The feedback mentioned the handle looking like it belonged to a different sword, but upon closer inspection I fegured a change in the pommel is enough. I had a few different designs and I picked the one I thought fit the most. I made it look like a smaller version of the guard with a small blade similar to the "one leaf lotus" shape in the actual blades.
    I also upgraded the lighting set up for my renders. It shouldn't be too dark as it was.



    06/05/20 update:



    Got a few pictures:



    With more colors:


    Close up:


    I feel like these are my final color. Every feedback before submiting is appriciated.


    04/05/20 update:




    Final shape and general texturs.
    Now I want to change the emissive texture a bit (looks a little off and covers more space then I wanted). I'm also not 100% sure about the default colors. There are 3 shades of gray in the mix and it's hard to see the difference between them because of the lighting in the render.


    02/05/20 update, small details:




    Added some details and changed the shape slightly.


    01/05/20 update, new design:




    After feedback I got, I decided to rework the entire design and start over. The older design didn't feel "Tenno" enough, didn't even fit to Warframe in any way, shape or form. I added more curves and thinner parts so it won't be just a bulk of metal in the shape of a sword.
    The render above doesn't have the small details yet. This is just the base shape.

    Thank you for all the feedback. Thanks to that I saw what didn't work with the older design.


    Old design:


    Originally I wanted to make the skin very simple, like it's mass produced for the Tenno. Because I'm not used enough to the new version of Blender and this is my first time sculpting in this version, I ended up with a skin that looks more like a collectors item. Happy little accident that I love and willing to continue.

    24/04/20, First post:



    27/04/20 update:




    Changed the shape a little to make it less "meaty".
    Added color and completed most textures maps. Only missing roughness and metalics.


    28/04/20 update:




    Added roughness texture and metalic texture. I posted two renders with two different roughness textures because I think I didn't understand how it works.The spesifications say about 80% luminance for metals and about 50% for none metals, it's a number between 0 and 1 which 0 is super reflective and 1 is complete matte. Does it mean that metal parts on the roughness textures should be light gray or dark gray? It should be dark gray (left render) with my understanding about texturing, but it looks a little off compared to the right render which is made with a light gray texture.
    It might be my normal map cousing problems? Something about my render set up?


    30/04/20 update:





    I'm happy with it so far. Any last feedback before I upload it?





    The skin is for swords weapon.
    Made using Blender and Photoshop.

    I don't have a story for this skin.

    • Like 3
  10. I want to start making TennoGen skins.

    I downloaded the Skana for reference and imported it to Blender. This is what I got:


    It got a weird transform to it.
    Rotation on the X axis is 90 degrees and the scale is 0.01 units. Does it suppose to be like that? When I export my object, should it have the same rotation and scale as the reference material?

    One more question: the origin (pivot point) is at the guard section, should my skin have it's origin in the same place?

  11. A note first: please make your text color "automatic" and not "black". Some of us use the forum with night mode and it makes it hard to read black text on dark gray background. "Automatic" will set the text black for day mode and white for night mode.

    About the abilities, I'm in the same boat as @keikogi, the abilities need to be simplified a bit. They sound good but a little too complicated to fully understand.

  12. While I agree that most problems with Chroma can be solved with some numbers tweeking, I agree with most people here that it's better to completely rework Chroma.

    Spectral Screem is useless. There is no way behind it. Not even a damage buff will save it in my opinion. Range is awful, it locks you out of shooting and melee attacks and adding these functions will make the ability look visually weird.

    The other three abilities can be saved with numbers tweeking, but I don't know if it's enough at least with Effigy. I find my uses for Effigy, but it's not doing enough.

  13. I commented here once before, I want to update:

    It seems like I can only play at centain times in the day.
    I can't log in in the morning almost at all, but I can in the after noon and later.
    When I log in for the first time in the day, I need to wait a few minutes with the login screen open and then log in successfuly.

    It happens every day.

  14. 47 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

    Honestly, just use what you enjoy, Warframe is big on freedom of choice.

    But, I guess here's some general tips of what might work (slightly) better:

    Ash - silent weapons are of course nifty if you're going for a solo stealth run,
    also his Passive makes Slash-y Status (or Hunter Munitions Crit) weapons a bit more deadly (not that those usually need help, heh).

    Nekros - a Slash-heavy weapon can again be useful here, to cut enemies into bits so Desecrate has multiple targets.
    Using Shield Of Shadows, you can ignore the stagger / knockdown effects of Launchers.

    Frost - with mass CC prowess, you can try e.g. going for (Crit headshots with) slower precision / big-single-hit weapons
    (not least since his mass damage might very well clear away any "fodder" enemies, leaving only heavies).
    Icy Avalanche is another (very much worthwhile) Augment that'll let you ignore Status effects.

    Wukong - Wuclone doesn't have to worry about ammo reserves, so a max dakka gun would work fine while you focus on Melee pwnage.

    Saryn - AoE is neat to more easily spread Spores, she also makes very good use of Condition Overload.


    There is a lot of freedom with your choise of weapons for each warframe. What @NinjaZeku mentioned are some examples for cool synergies. Not a must have, but works together very well.

    More examples:

    • Ivara - Silent weapons doesn't break Prowl. It allows you to stay invisible while shooting enemies.
    • Banshee - Her passive makes every weapons silent. You don't need to worry about taking a silent weapon so you won't be detected quickly.
    • Ember - Weapons with primerly Heat damage and high status chance helps her new passive, making her stronger when you burn a lot of enemies.
    • Mirage - Using her 1 and whilding a ranged weapon will result in 5 times more bullets being shot as each of her clones shoot with you. While it works with every weapon, AOE weapons result in larger blast radius and about 5 times more damage as the blast radius of the bullets overlap each other. You can even reduce the accurecy for an even larger blast radius, but now if you aim at an enemy directly, your chances of missing him increase. Aim to the floor to hit.
    • The Hema works better with warframes that can heal themselves, like Nidus, Inaros, Trinity and Oberon (there are more). The Hema uses your health pool for ammo, so having the ability to heal means you don't have to worry about both running out of ammo and dying from using the weapon too much.

    There are some warframes with sygnature weapons which give actual buffs when used with spesific weapons. I don't remember each bonus exactly, but some examples: Atlas and Tekko. Revenant, Tetsu and Phantasma. Khora, Dual Keres and Hystrix. The Larkspur have double magazine when used with Hildryn. Guass reloads the Acceltra faster. All new warframes have at least one weapon like that.

  15. Completly agree.

    I'll take it even farther and say that I don't even see the point in having this kind of system in the first place. DE could have just increase the credit reward and have no bonus rewards at all. This way you get you share depends on your contribution reguardless if the flotilla is populated or not.

    I have no intention to grind 3 hours straight for a possible buggy bonus reward, I have better things to do with my life.

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