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Everything posted by UlyssesTheDM

  1. I can definitely get behind this! 😲🤯 Just imagine, moving Frost bubble? Hell yes! Even as an Augment this would be pretty nifty!
  2. I agree with everything you are putting down here, especially in regards to maybe putting armor on Decoy and Eclipse's weapon-only damage buff being nerfed a bit too hard. To answer your Gara question, currently it is about 15m radially and is not able to scale with mods because it is a passive. That said, Gara being able to just blind things sometimes is pretty freaking cool and I am looking forward to seeing it in action.
  3. I kinda agree. The initial cost should probably be removed from Prism. I'm okay with the cost-over-time reduction though. 30% is too low for a weapon-only multiplier.
  4. I agree with this, especially in the consideration it doesn't affect abilities or DOTs, only raw weapon damage. Yes it is a separate multiplier, but 30% feels very steep from the 150% that it used to potentially offer. I would not mind if it was at 60% or so though. This would make it a "off-meta" pick for certain Warframes.
  5. Not really. Nourish is still a solid ability, and still moddable to get it up to 300% more powerful (or higher). It still really helps energy economy of certain Warframes, but it is no longer is a straight-up upgrade. It is a sidegrade, which is how it should be I think. Energy Nexus is still a thing also, so passive energy gain with this ability is still wonderful. That all said, I think some Warframes with a channeled ability should have some way (no matter how janky) of replenishing energy or extending the time which they are able to channel their ability. For example: Mesa should get energy with her Ballistic Battery; Titania should have her Spellbound Harvest augment built into her Spellbind (albeit diminished in helminth) and just make the augment decrease the number of enemies you need to hit to gain the energy OR her Tribute ability (which presently feels janky) could also hive her a bit of energy when she collects the offering; perhaps when Valkyr kills an enemy while in Hysteria it can have a higher chance of dropping an energy orb (or 100% gore chance); a Slash Dash augment for Excalibur would be awesome in regards to this too, to allow him to harvest energy from enemies he kills, or maybe no augment and it just increases chances for an enemy to drop energy (or 100% gore chance to make this just happen naturally). Wisp's Sol Gate opens a gateway to the sun, the provider of nearly all of the energy present in the solar system- wouldn't it make sense for her to also be able to harness that energy constructively instead of only destructively? I'm kinda just throwing some ideas out here for lesser-used abilities or for Warframes with an ability augment with has a method of giving them energy. That is a great way for Warframes to move away from using Nourish, even moreso than a nerf may do, and it also feels way better vs taking away the veteran Tenno's favorite toy.
  6. Will Wisp be included in this with her passive? I know she already is in the option B category, which I do prefer for her, but just checking to see.
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