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Posts posted by Shy0

  1. i've recently returned to this game after a good few years away, and afaik, valkyr's hysteria made her status immune, and i'm not aware of exceptions to her invulnerability in arbitration missions. just did an infested arbitration survival, was wondering why i was constantly being forced out of hysteria and noticed that getting hit by any disruptor would completely empty my energy. made sure that i was in hysteria with the greyed-out hp bar and not holding another weapon, etc. and over many encounters with disruptors, confirmed that i'd get my energy drained even when "invulnerable."

    i did a couple of steel path infested survivals (even stood in the energy drain eximus pools) but had no issues, and haven't had another infested arbitration show up yet so can't tell myself if it's because of arbitrations or a bug with valkyr, hysteria or ancient disruptor attacks overall.

    • Like 2
  2. 13 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

    DE is aware that we Veterans are voracious vultures. Hence this is why their probability chance tables are uncanny. If DE let us do the whole NW without the TIME GATES and Probability GATES we would have finished this content in just four hours. 

    Do you know how much time it takes to produce content like this? 

    They learned from the previous NW. We broke those in half in a matter of days. 


    "Hey DE, this man wants to try what game design is". "How about if we let him get an opportunity", "Give this man a chair, a mouse and PC"....


    Yes, you are free to do anything you want. But whining about game design doesn't solve anything if you are not contributing. It is easy to get angry at the wrong man, it is very hard to get mad at the right one for the right reasons. I have other games to appease my needs but this time the puzzle approach and the wittiness that DE tried on NW worth my time. I'm going to applaud and point out when DE does something right. 


    so you're saying it's normal to play 20+ missions and spend about an hour in fortuna and not have a single fissure spawn? have DE confirmed that this is intended themselves? can you point me to the source of your knowledge?

    i didn't once comment about pacing, and i have no intention of rushing anything. my whole rant was about the fact that i've played for hours and not had any glass fissure spawns, and i have no idea if it's a bug or intended. if it's intended, it's crap rng and crap design to have not a single fissure spawn after playing everyday since the patch. if it is DE's intention to have non-existent spawn chances, then i'm not wasting days and days trying to get a single drop, while others seem to have no problems. if it's a bug, then it's buggy rng that is stopping me from accessing content, not because of my own fault, but DE's. if it's supposed to be consistently spawning, then i'm not getting any spawns, which means something is broken somewhere and i'm just wasting my time doing missions where i hope they'll spawn instead of farming prime parts or levelling stuff in eso.

    learn to read and understand the context of a whole post. if you won't allow others to express frustration about more buggy content from DE after their bad releases since old blood, at least have the courtesy to not cherry-pick specific phrases to be sarcastic about. if you find it acceptable to have buggy release after buggy release after buggy release, then you are either a saint, which i seriously doubt, or you care about the wrong things.


    6 minutes ago, Magus_Tahir said:

    Your tepid ranting aside. They do not spawn in ESO or Void Fissures Missions. The Glass Fissures operate on the same mechanic and don't overlap. So far I have had them spawn in Open World, Void Survival, and a Syndicate Rescue. In Orb Vallis I was literally doing my weekly fishing and they started popping out of nowhere on top of me. They hunt you down in my personal experience. 

    You and so many others are so starved for content that you want to gobble it up in a day and have convinced yourself it cant be done any other way this entire thread is a testament to that very fact. Nightwave is such a small thing DE's entire dev schedule is in the air, even FFXIV content is delayed due to the events occuring in the world right now and that is beyond our control. They do not have access to their studio facilities, and in the interim they have given us Railjack revisited and cleaned the glass as best they could with the tools at home to give us something because they are stuck between two distinct modes of thought concerning content quality and content drought which is only exasperated by the worlds situation. 

    Warframe was never a game to hold anyone's hand, and that is what made me fall in love with it. I earned everything, I worked for everything, there were warm welcoming people every step of the way in chat, in missions, and in my clan at the time. I learned nearly everything from others in this community or by experiment. This preconceived notion that a game must deliver every aspect of itself is absurd. Ask chat, ask a partner discord, ask friends in the game, and ask the forums but given many responses in this thread the forums would be the last place I would ask. 

    Further it is a murder mystery there will be puzzles, wild goose chases, and confounding moments as any good mystery should. In just the little bit I have done I have feels of the works of Agatha Christie, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, John le Carré, and Rex Stout just to name a few and I intend to savior it as much as possible. I have been working near every day for the last three months dealing with front lines in this epidemic and even I can come home and spend the little time needed to get the components to complete chapter one, the cognitive capacity required to inquire about the puzzles without spoilers, and plan a course of action that will allow me to logistically plan my limited time to get this done at my pace.

    You gave yourself false hope by setting the expectations so high while having full knowledge of how DE builds content that you can't be anything other than disappointed by it, and for that I pity you, I truly pity you. I hope you will find a game that is rewarding in your eyes once again as we are all here to have fun and enjoy our time spent. Find something that will make you happy, life is too short a story to be what you are now. Be well. 


    thanks for at least trying to provide information. i already know where they are spawning from other players' experiences, but i haven't had any spawns for myself despite playing quite a bit in a lot of the star map and fortuna, where others seem to have some luck.

    please point out to me where in my post i:

    • asked for more content quickly, or
    • wanted my hand holding, or
    • asked for any pity from you?

    like i said, i was one of those who couldn't spawn kuva liches for about three weeks till they fixed the bug, and now, same as then, nobody is clarifying whether it is intentional that these glass orbs spawn in random missions or are supposed to consistently appear all the time. back then, i spent about 2 weeks farming grineer missions for a kuva larvling, thinking it was rng because some players had intermittent spawns, but didn't get even one spawn. then either megan or rebecca made a post about a bug where some players couldn't spawn liches no matter what, so that was 2 weeks of my time wasted. other players could only speculate till DE made an official statement. having played for years, i had no need for any of the drops in a normal star map mission and could have spent those 2 weeks doing kuva missions or anything else. then came the horrible empyrean which is still getting tweaked months later and scarlet spear which was bugged to all hell initially, and now this.

    you're not the only person working on the frontlines, and you seem intelligent. if you can't understand the context behind 2 paragraphs of a rant by a frustrated player who has seen better times in this game and is worried about the state of the recent releases, then i hope the people you're supposed to be helping won't be affected by your tiredness/exhaustion. but save your energy and pity for others who need it, and maybe re-read a post before you waste that much time on replying on a completely wrong trajectory.

  3. i've done enough missions to complete every single one of the nightwave missions so far this week. still not a single cephalite resonance. only got the nora speech about the glass spawns once a couple of days ago, couldn't find the glass orb or glassed mobs and that's been it. no more since. i'm not so worried about the nightwave rewards, but i can't progress on the glassmaker "story" content.

    DE gave us false hope with railjack revisited. made us think that they were getting back on track but they're back to their crappy and buggy rng design. i was one of those who couldn't spawn kuva liches for about three weeks till they fixed the bug, and now, same as then, nobody is clarifying whether it is intentional that these glass orbs spawn in random missions or are supposed to consistently appear all the time. i'm not spending a single penny on this game anymore. just gonna log in, do the minimum for whatever event freebies are there and log out.

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  4. i don't see any problem with the way crewships are currently implemented. it's obvious from the design that railjack was made to be co-op. in an ideal situation, you have a premade squad and everyone knows what to do, or if you join a random group, people talk a little, do their roles and still get the job done.

    the recent updates already made railjack incredibly easy. i was playing when empyrean was released and, along with having fewer intrinsics, avionics and mk III parts, there was no shield gating, the railjack turrets were weaker and enemies were so much tougher. crewships were not permanently disabled by shooting out their engines and had freaking homing missiles that could do 180s and hit you from anywhere. most of the battle avionics barely scratched even the little fighters in the veil. now, you can speedrun a veil mission in less than 5 minutes with just two players at the cost of some resources for artillery ammo and flux energy.

    there has to be a little difficulty in the game. you can't expect to just steamroll every part of every game or things will get boring real quickly. if you chose to play a co-op mode solo, good on you, but be ready to tolerate some inconveniences. either shoot out the engines and line up crewships when you park so you can artillery them from one spot or go out and board them. i've been a crewship boarder from the start and i can now disable and down an unshielded crewship in about 30 secs on my archwing as long as i don't get stuck in animations or black screens. the shielded ones take a bit longer unless the railjack pilot helps with some missiles.

    as things are now, as long as you have enough intrinsics and a decent railjack, doing even veil missions solo is easy; it only takes a little longer to get rid of the crewships compared to a 2+ crew. if you're finding it difficult, maybe you need to find a component/turret/avionics/intrinsics combination that works for you. the gear requirement to do veil missions is so, so much lower now and i don't think crewships need to be made any easier for solo play. who knows, maybe the command intrinsics might allow pilots to use the forward artillery, but right now, i don't think a co-op mode should be made that much more convenient for solo players.

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  5. ultimately, when people squad up in warframe, it's usually to do a mission/objective as optimally as possible, which in most cases, means getting it done in as little time as possible so people can move on or grind more. due to how the public matchmaking works in this game, the players you squad up with when you host or join a mission might not have the same objectives as you do. someone might just want to get specific mats or drops, someone else might want to complete a nightwave objective, someone could be playing that node for the first time and not have a clue what to do. it's all part of random groups in these types of games and it's something we all have to live with, so you just have to adapt and do your best. generally speaking, if you find a rare drop, people are thankful for you marking it properly (tag the item so people know what it is, not place a random waypoint).

    if you have a specific objective yourself when you group up, consider recruit chat to find like-minded players or joining a helpful clan who can give you a hand. with experience, you'll find that certain missions are used by players for certain goals e.g. eso for farming affinity, index for credits, so if you join those missions, be prepared to do those things. then you can talk about contributing to a squad because you'll have a specific goal and you can build your team and loadout, and play accordingly. if you're in a premade group:

    • know the role you're playing. nothing sucks more in an organised group than someone saying they'll take a crucial role and then you find out in the mission that they don't know what they're doing.
    • if you're learning, find a group that's also learning or willing to teach. just be upfront and say you're new or learning. a lot of people are willing to teach. avoid "elite" groups that want to rush stuff unless you like the stress and can handle toxicity.
    • this applies more to frames than weapons, but know how your equipment and abilities interacts with the team and the mission. for example, slow nova on defense missions is generally seen as an annoyance because you need to kill the entire wave to move on to the next one, and having mobs spread out because they were slowed leads to delays finding them and killing them. speed novas cause the mobs to run to the defense objective quicker so they get killed quicker, thus speeding up the mission. in modes where you don't have to kill everything like mobile defense or you need large area crowd control, slow novas are nice. desecrate nekros likes slash procs. limbo is capable of extreme trolling so make sure you know his abilities if you use him. frost globes with bright energy colours affect visibility. mirage + any weapon with big particle effects = poor visibility and some hosts with toaster pcs will not be able to handle it. there are many more that you'll come across as you play.

    don't be a leech unless agreed beforehand. it particularly annoys some players that you're doing nothing but getting rewarded for their hard work. if someone wants to carry the team, that's fine.

    knowing when to go solo will also save you a lot of frustration. certain objectives are better/easier completed alone.

    look up the wiki for fairly exhaustive information. DE unfortunately have done a pretty bad job of explaining the finer points of their game to newbies.

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  6. we still don't know much about the modular archwings. yes, they've mentioned some things in the devstreams but as previous experience shows, what they hype up on stream isn't necessarily what we get in-game. i personally like customisation so i'll wait till i hear more before judging. all this speculation and advance worrying isn't going to benefit anyone. just chill and wait till we have more info to digest.

  7. i don't know why OP finds this to be a problem. if i've sunk so many hours into levelling my stuff (even the useless fodder) for the nearly 2 million XP required to hit mr 28, i don't understand why we couldn't have an easier time levelling our stuff the more we progress, especially considering the higher we go, the more we need to forma our stuff for "endgame" builds. for context, we get 3000 xp per weapon and 6000 xp per frame/companion/archwing (plus some for map completion and intrinsics). that's hundreds of weapons plus all the prime and non-prime frames/companions/archwings. there's enough grind in this game and i will take anything DE throws at me that lessens the grind or makes it easier, especially considering that this method isn't a freebie and depends on me having put in the effort to start with.

    conceptually, it makes sense that the more proficiency we have with various weapons and frames, the better we get at using them and fighting with them, hence the more rank 0 bonus mod capacity the higher we rank (since there's no other way to change the base stats on a particular piece of gear in this game, not counting warframe health, shields, energy).

    since you've based a significant part of your argument on stalker being no challenge due to high mr (like, seriously, what?), if you want stalker to be a challenge due to having unranked gear, just carry around an unmodded mk1 weapon at all times and only use that weapon when stalker spawns. problem solved. never mind the actual fact that stalker feels less powerful not because of high mr, but because we have a lot of tools to handle him now (operator, amp, arcanes, weapon power creep, knowing how to dodge his big attacks) than we did in the earlier iterations of the game. handicap yourself as much as you want, but don't nerf everyone just because you miss the before-times.

    i think there are far bigger trees to bark up at this time in warframe's development.

  8. i don't think any human player could replicate the performance of a well-modded peacemaker. the insane fire rate and no need to reload or pinpoint aim are what sets it really far apart from any weapon we could use. while some weapons might actually generate a much higher damage burst, the need to reload and search for targets means nothing comes close to the sustained dps peacemaker puts out. the only things limiting peacemaker are the energy drain (which can be modded for and loadouts/teams made to support it) and the shrinking targeting circle (but this is compensated for by more damage and crit, and it never becomes a point target unless you have really negative power range).

    at least we have to aim a little bit nowadays. in the beginning, peacemaker was essentially a 50m radius sphere of death, which some players abused to the point it had to be "nerfed" to what it is now.

  9. of the recent deluxe skins, i thought excalibur's was pretty cool. the ones they showed in the homestream today were really off-putting for me. garuda looks anorexic, which could fit with the vampire theme but it just looks unattractively skeletal to me.

    khora's proportions are all wrong. probably a limitation of the skeleton but the 3d model's proportions look nothing like the concept art. it really needs a remodel or at least some adjustments around the neck + shoulder area and maybe the head size too.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Xaero said:

    They do regenerate health when shot to zero, but it seems disabled engines never turn back on. At least I've never seen it happen once since the update.

    oh that might be new with the last patch, or the fact that most people would kill the crewships too quickly to notice. previously, if you shoot out the engines and left the crewships long enough, the engines would come back on and the ships would start regenerating health.

    edit: just logged in to test. it appears my observations were not entirely correct.

    if you destroy all three engines, the crewship is stuck in place and doesn't shoot at anything although they still try to launch ramsleds.

    if you don't destroy all the engines, the crewship will still be able to move and shoot and regenerate.

    if you take a crewship to zero health but don't destroy all the engines, it will stop moving and shooting but eventually regenerate to 50% health, at which point it will start moving and shooting again.

  11. not going to comment too much about the other points, since i think that railjack stuff should be team-based and was not designed to be solo content to begin with, but crewships will slowly regenerate health and repair destroyed engines if left long enough. simply disabling them doesn't mean you're safe; you need to destroy them by blasting them with the forward artillery or boarding and killing the reactor.

  12. her new 4 will hit all enemies provided they are in line of sight. imagine a wide cone in the direction you are facing. it also charges her 2.

    her new 2 provides damage reduction. it increases in power when you hit enemies with her 1 or 4, till a cap of 90% damage reduction. when it hits the cap, it starts draining your energy. casting her 3 reduces her damage reduction to base and stops the energy drain.

    her 3 knocks enemies back, gives them a heat proc and strips armour. how much armour is stripped depends on her 2's power level. if it's at cap (90% dr), it will completely strip armour. casting 3 will reduce 2's power level.

    the general playstyle now is have 2 running for dr, charge it up with 1 and 4, when you need to stop the energy drain from 2 or have enemies around you that need armour stripping, cast 3, strip armour then 4 to kill. repeat and repeat.

    power strength and efficiency are necessary for an effective build. having some duration and extra energy also helps with the drain from her 2.

  13. 1 hour ago, 40PE said:

    -I have to wait and push the connect button because there are no grups to join
    -I'm in an event end the stuff that we need to kill suddenly disappeares and for some reasons we have to abort the mission
    -The grind is crazy, a mission gives me 250ish points, and you need 1k for an item to purchase. Terrible amount of grind.
    -On the space mission if the group don't want to leave and continue the fight, I can't get out, only with abort? If I get out forcefully, I remove the whole group from the fight and they were pissed for quiet many times now, they wanted to continue.

    -Did I mention the grind is crazy with this event? Triple that in your mind, and you start scratching the surface how grindie the event is.

    Yes its my choice to play or stop. Yes its my choice if I want the gear I can grind for it. But the story and gameplay is crazy boring. Fun should come first, and grind reward is not fun. Again and again.
    I get it, these developers just can't get out of the loop. But then something have to happen, a new director or project coordinator should join the team, because Warframe is the grind, that really need to be changed, if they want the game to be FUN!

    ok, so DE have been really bad at explaining how the event works to those who might not get it straightaway (but what's new? the newbie experience for me was encounter something, look up wiki, rinse and repeat till i knew enough), but some of your gripes are a bit unreasonable. maybe instead of posting when you're angry and frustrated, take some time out and come back when you've cooled down a bit. this rant just makes you look entitled and lazy. the event has been out for ages on pc and there are plenty of sources of info for players from the wiki to youtube to other players to reddit to this forum.

    yes, this event is grindy, but that's how warframe is. everything is a grind, but in terms of getting arcanes, this grind is way better than what we had with eidolons and the rng drops. it's up to you. the "exclusive" rewards like the basmu and ceti lacera won't take too long if you're doing things right. you can choose to ignore the arcanes or trade them for plat or do eidolons.

    if you're finding the game is not fun like it's supposed to be, take a break, do something else or leave altogether. don't come on to the "players helping players" section and make an angry rant. save that for any of the feedback sections. if you genuinely asked here for help with understanding this event, i'm sure you'd have gotten better answers or someone will have posted a link with information to help you.

  14. recruiting from only the forum (not counting the "pre-selected" candidates, who hopefully are not players who will leak spoilers).. not sure how i feel about that. on one hand, you probably will get the more enthusiastic testers. on the other, forum users hardly represent the general playerbase and will probably skew whatever results they are trying to get. that and they probably won't do as well as "professional" testers.

    i can understand the need for spoiler control, etc. but i'm a bit uncertain about this. hopefully, they eventually get a more transparent public test server. hopefully, this means working patches and fewer bugs. we'll see.

  15. fyi, weapon ranks do not affect weapon stats, only the mod capacity (this becomes a much smaller issue at higher mastery ranks) and providing mastery rank exp. warframe ranks, however, do affect warframe abilities and stats.

    it is the mods you put in your weapons that affect their performance. learning what mods to put into which weapons is a big part of progressing in this game (also farming the necessities and ranking up your mods). already some good tips above so i won't add too much to those, but generally speaking, you need to identify what type of weapon would benefit from certain mod combinations.

    there are broadly three types of useful weapons:

    • pure critical (go for critical stats +/- multishot, hunter munitions),
    • pure status (go for status chance +/- damage, multishot, attack speed) and
    • hybrid crit + status (hybrid mod build).

    certain weapons will have certain strengths you can mod for further. there are some weapons that don't really have crit or status but just do a lot of base damage e.g. penta. these can be fun at lower levels since the mobs are pathetic but will start to fall off at higher-level content.

    melee is currently much better at wiping out groups of enemies than a lot of beginner ranged weapons, even with lower-ranked mods, as long as you can get close enough. note that many "necessary" melee mods only have 5 ranks to max out compared to ranged needing 10, so prioritise accordingly. some nice melee weapons to try would be dual ichor (mr6), lesion (mr9) and orthos prime (mr12).

    i would recommend not focusing too much into certain weapons if you're new; you need to level up many, many weapons to get mastery rank exp to open up more choices anyway, so just try everything out. try and get "necessary" mods like serration and hornet strike ranked up to max since they will help out with practically all ranged weapons.

  16. 28 minutes ago, (XB1)EsoxMaximus said:

    Thank you for your reply. Alright, good, then i am overlooking something. I have a fully maxed grid, level 9, 10, 10 , 8 intrinsics respectively, maxed lavan conic nozzle, and a vider engine with +51.9m/s Speed. my current speed is 128m/s. yet i see content contributors on youtube with engine speed of 640m/s. What am i missing?


    20 hours ago, Shy0 said:

    don't look at old screenshots; certain display bugs and avionics were fixed so the old numbers are inaccurate.

    if those vids were anytime in december or january, they are outdated and some UI bugs were fixed. if they're in the last month or so, then i don't know.

  17. a few things affect railjack speed:

    1. engine. mk III engines farmed from the veil have the highest speeds and boost multipliers. i'm not sure of the stat distribution nowadays because they changed the numbers when they tried to reduce the rng a bit but vidar engines have the highest speed, while lavan has the highest boost multiplier. zetki is kinda middle ground for both.
    2. avionics and grid rank. lavan conic nozzle has the highest speed increase. lavan ion burn has the highest boost increase. you do need them to be max rank and have the grids they are slotted on to be upgraded to max also for the most benefit. avionics capacity becomes a big issue when you start maxing stuff out so you need a good reactor too.
    3. intrinsics. rank 7 piloting gives you all the buffs you need for the most speed and for long enough to be useful.
    4. drifting. i've never played with controllers, but whichever button you have bound for sprinting is usually the one. you need rank 5 piloting to drift. tap [sprint] to do a quick burst move, then press and hold [sprint] immediately after to drift. you will carry on boosting as long as you hold the button and have enough boost meter. when you let go or run out of meter, the railjack will launch forward in whichever direction it's facing a certain distance proportional to how long you were drifting for. drifting is the quickest way to go from a to b.

    edit: note that the avionics increase the railjack's BASE stats; they don't increase the stats provided by the engines.

    hope that helps. i think we on pc look really fast because those of us who've done railjack will have our intrinsics and gear all ranked up so it makes a big difference compared to base stats. that and a lot of people don't know how to drift. don't look at old screenshots; certain display bugs and avionics were fixed so the old numbers are inaccurate.

  18. there are no rivens for warframes, only weapons. if you didn't know that, don't even start getting into rivens till later in the game.

    ivara is the epitome of frames that need abilities for survival and max potential. if you want health and shields, and don't like abilities:

    1. warframe might not be the game for you
    2. inaros is probably the only frame that fulfils your criteria (has no shields though, and mostly uses ability 4 now and then) and has low-ish mod requirements but can be built to a decently-high ceiling. valkyr comes close but you need to build for armour and either war cry or hysteria usually, though i suppose in early game, there's nothing too dangerous that she can't handle with a simple tanky build. frames like ash, loki, rhino, nezha, can be played by pressing one ability button now and then but you won't be using any frame to their full potential.
  19. do not buy frames or weapons off the game's market for plat. there are much better ways to spend your money (unless you're loaded and a few thousand plat is small change for you). and besides, part of warframe's early-game appeal is farming for stuff to craft more stuff to farm more stuff. if you skip that, you miss out on learning about the game and you end up in the grindy "endgame" early and you'll burn out.

    i don't know what MR you are, but my priority for plat items from the in-game market would be:

    • warframe and weapon slots. even if you're not a hoarder, it helps to have more options to handle whatever the game throws at you.
    • forma bundles (much cheaper than single forma) will speed your progress a lot at the start instead of having to wait 23 hour per forma
    • maybe some orokin catalysts and reactors, and save them for gear that is not going to be mastery fodder
    • if you're really sure you want a kavat, the kavat genetic codes are much easier to buy than farm but this is very low priority. kubrow eggs are very easy to get on earth

    DO NOT buy mod packs, DO NOT buy frames/weapons from the game's market. materials and credits are usually easy to farm. if you struggle with farming stuff, join a good clan or make some friends who can help you.

    if you want frames for missions, buy primes off other players. the most useful ones for doing the star chart stuff would be frost for any static defense, nekros for farming, nova for debuff/speed/cc, mesa/saryn for killing stuff, ivara with infiltrate for learning spy missions, and ash, rhino and oberon for general running around. limbo is actually really good for static defense too but needs specific builds and you're more likely to annoy other players if you're new and don't know his mechanics. mirage and chroma are really good for making big damage numbers but are not easy for new players to mod and play. i don't keep track of MR requirements or prices since i've got the full roster so do your own research.

    don't forget about weapons too. lots of good primes around so do your research and find some that you like and can use at your MR, and craft them.

  20. first of all, effective health is a function of health and damage reduction, not actual health, so your actual damage numbers will never match up with effective health numbers.

    secondly, anything you have in your loadout that can affect enemy armour or health will change the numbers a lot. auras, mods, crits, procs, damage type combinations, even using different attacks within a melee stance applies different multipliers to your attacks. it's fine to work things out theoretically, but applying all the modifiers and quantisation and rounding.. i'd rather just leave that to the game.

    thirdly, elite lancers have alloy armour, not ferrite like the normal lancers, so your elemental damage will give you different values.

    if you're going to test weapons and are concerned about the numbers you are making, you need to know what variables you have in your kit and know how to take those variables out or account for them. it's probably much better if you just enjoy your riven's effectiveness and how quickly enemies are going down rather than look too much into the numbers.

  21. i'm pretty sure DE mentioned somewhere that they would adjust lich health/armour because they are now no longer status immune (but have a status cap). not sure if they are meant to have a damage cap like the sentients do. whether this was intentional or not, it seems like another poorly-implemented idea. rank 5 liches were already pretty bullet-spongy, and now, from what you're saying, it seems worse. i've not done a lich since the status changes so i can't really add much. maybe check the other forum sections to see if anyone else is reporting the same or send a support ticket with some "evidence" e.g. screenies/video.

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  22. the easiest combination is slow nova + mesa. add a limbo or frost if you want no damage to oplinks. applies for both ground and space squads. just have a big gun with a weapon damage buff frame e.g. chroma for condrixes in ground missions.

    nova's molecular prime not only slows enemies, it increases damage taken and if a bright energy colour is picked, can highlight enemies for easy targeting. as others have mentioned, killing enemies is the best way to negate damage, and right now, mesa's peacemaker is the best option for that. modded properly, there is no weapon that gives the same high sustained dps with no reload time (with enough energy).

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