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  1. J'avoue que je suis curieux aussi. J'ai pas envie de faire du cross-save parce que jouer sur console, c'est caca (oui josé, j'ose.). Cependant, si le support pouvait passer par la et expliquer techniquement pourquoi ça à foiré, ce serait cool. (Il m'arrive de faire des algos, du dev, de la bdd, bref des trucs cools et une solution technique, je suis jamais contre.)
  2. Et c'est pour ça qu'il faut arrêter d'acheter chez Sony. C'était très bien, avant, mais ça c'était avant. (Oui, ce petit commentaire inutile et totalement gratuit vous est offert par la société Dalle, et vous pouvez aussi m'appeler Tr4p-Cl4p)
  3. Sinon passe sur une vrai machine, genre un ordinateur. T'as aucun pouvoir sur ta console (je te parle pas de frame), pas moyen de bidouiller un fichier correctement sans risquer de softlock un truc et de mettre en l'air ta garantie (je te parle pas de brandir ta facture). Tant qu'on est sur un sujet déplaisant qu'est la console de jeu vidéo : pourquoi ce pseudo ?
  4. Hi. I'm Maman_Troll, the saint mother of all trolls. The savior of fun. The kueen (It's like King and Queen mixed) of absurd. You probably knew me in another life. Whatever. I'm here to deliver a message to DE. --- Begginning Transmission --- (Here, you must understand begging and beginning) Warframe is at a new dawn. 11 Years. Most of videogames studios should learn from DE. A complete game, for free with some pay elements which don't stop player in their progress. That's amazing. Every people who don't agree is foul. They should go in hell. I, The best troll of all, notice that absurd isn't present in the game. I love how the game is. StellarDrama, paradoxes, "human" conditions, how every factions have their faults. I also notice that their is missing elements that should be more fun. The absurd parth (Part + Path) Warframe has global-oriented stories. This include some drama, some war, some personnal link to the global-story. Why then, their is no spinoff quest with absurd elements ? Like Greener playing football with bombs, Corpus floating in space, Infested has a normal american family-life ? Be creative ! Outjaws (Like Outlaws and Jaws) I love outlaws from every country. Yakuza, Chinese Triad, Korean Mafia, Italian Mafia, Somalian Pirates, French Old-Fashionned Gangs, Irish Gangs, Pirates congregation... Can we have a gameplay like this ? Imagine a place, a destroyed-city out from any government, any faction. Abandonned to everything, who peoples are greener, corpus, half infested, daxes, all vagabond, organized in crime organisation. Missions from them adds some objectives to missions. Bonus missions which gives somes bonuses, like X% (X = reputation level) of credit. It can be the occasion to design some outlaws stuffs for tenno, no ? --- End Transmission --- Sorry for this english. I'm not really good at it. I'm not good at my proper language too. Bye.
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