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  1. I always enjoyed playing gimmicky characters in games, and Warframe is no exception. With that being said, what are your favorite gimmicky/unique Warframes to use? Right now, my favorite is Vauban. His different abilities are fun to set up. Especially his 2nd ability. I like building what is essentially a blender in the middle of the room.
  2. I think the main issue with cc immunity is that for most cc abilities, the abilities either work exactly as they are supposed to or they don’t work at all, depending on the enemy having immunity. This makes balancing certain cc abilities a nightmare (imagine if you could just use frost to freeze any enemy you want, with the right combination of frames and mods, it would be next to impossible to die). This is probably why cc is currently on the weaker side, since the best way to combat it would be to just make enemies immune to it. However, I think that this is going to far. I think the best way to fix the issue is to make it so that enemies that are currently immune to cc are changed so that they are cc “resistant”. Like instead of being frozen or stopped completely, they are slowed down, and instead of being slowed down 50%, they are slowed down 25%. In this way, certain enemies are still a large threat to cc focused frames, but they don’t make cc obsolete.
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