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Posts posted by ---RV---Maniac

  1. 1 minute ago, Sqecmi said:

    exactly same



    Systems (9.09%)

    Chassis (5.64%)

    bp+Neuroptics (7.52%)


    Fine your right, it's the same level of cancer. except you can do spy missions faster for C rotation. They are both along with every new frame that get's released asinine to farm


  2. 1 minute ago, Sqecmi said:

    let me ask. 

    did you farm ivara? octavia? harrow? nidus? gara?

    and they are all bad too. Octavia is okay and ivara drop rates are still twice of khoras.

    Before we had frames that droped from bosses, now we got a bigger grindfest with each new frame. You think people like gara coming from bounties with low drop chance on top of a repetitive game mode. You think people like playing the most boring section on JV raid over and over again for nidus. And the thing is. khora still required you to play a higher level mission and still maintains a lower drop chance.

  3. 55 minutes ago, Sqecmi said:

    being weak is ok, dont worry.


    1 hour ago, JaycemeSwain said:

    Easy solution, earn plat and buy her

    Done multiple runs gone past zone 20 multiple times and got about 10 hours done in the mode now if not more. I got 2 khora parts and 1 part from each vandal weapon. and I'm one of the lucky ones, there are people with more time and gone throught more rotations with no khora parts.

    The drop tables and % are horrible.

    Noone should be forced spend plat on a frame specially something thats non primed.

    Also certain zones require luck on how many spawn rates you can get and running solo will decrease the ammount of efficiency you lose per second. Don't call others weak based on a game mode that is broken and is still being worked on as we speak.

    The drop tables should better than this, just increasing the drop chance on khora parts would help greatly.


  4. 9 minutes ago, LarryYourWaiter said:

    are the knives redundant since i have the bow?  i plan on sticking to bows cuz i love the stealth aspect of the game.  so should i get a more balls-to-the-wall secondary like machine guns or whatever to deal with hordes when stealth has failed?  

    ye it would be good to have a backup plan if your stealth fails, most secondaries have multiple rounds and will alow you to deal with multiple enemies if modded properly. Something like Hikou prime or spira prime (knife weapons) can still be a good backup to a bow, since they got decent sized clips, reload fast and can do decent damage. Even Kunai (normal one not mk1) can be good enough for the starting levels.

    13 minutes ago, LarryYourWaiter said:

    if i went sniper rifle instead of bows, the sniper rifle makes noise and isn't stealth?  even when i'm far away?

    There are mods that allow you to supress noise from weapons, on any weapon if that's what you worried. Doesn't matter how far you are if the weapon makes noise enemies get alerted. Weapons also got a stat that says if they are silenced or not but most snipers tend to alert enemies by default unless you mod it so they don't

    16 minutes ago, LarryYourWaiter said:

    is stealth a viable way to go?  or do we eventually have to be able to take swarms of mobs seeing us?

    what warframe should i go for next?  i've read up on all of them and it looks like Ash would be my dream Frame but again, not sure if stealth is viable later?  how long until i can craft Ash?  Nekro has extra loot drops which would help me as a new player too...??  i generally play stealth/speed/movement speed/rogue/thief/teleport/shadowstep type of characters in games. 

    Gona answer both here. There are frames that allow you to be stealthy such as: loki, ivara and ash. I would recomend you going for those frames next if stealth is your thing. If you like speed I can also recomend volt, he is the sonic version of the game.
    There are certain missions where stealth doesn't help much so you gona have to pick other frames at times and nekros will definately help you with farming resources to build stuff so it is recomended you get him.
    Also if you play with other people and are doing a stealth run, other players might alert enemies and ruin your stealth damage multiplier. It is at times recomended you run solo for stealth runs. Running stealth and undetected will also give you damage bonuses and affinity bonuses, so it can be good to level stuff, focus farm or just taking out higher level enemies.

  5. 18 minutes ago, EmissaryOfInfinity said:

    Onslaught was created to give us an actual end game. To finally give high-end players who're geared to the teeth something that actually stands a chance of making them struggle. It's a non-stop slaughter-fest, and that's all it exists to be, more or less. And I'm glad for that. We don't always need shiny baubles that every wee Tenno is going to want getting put into new game modes, because whiny people inevitably wind up getting said game mode nerfed until it's meaningless to just stand around until you get the rewards. Nothing else in this game is even remotely challenging to someone with end game gear, save maybe a particularly nasty sortie modifier, or extremely long-term runs in Mot. I'd rather not have anything added to Onslaught to draw in Tenno who want shiny baubles, because as it is, it's an excellent way to farm Focus, and it's a pure test of strength otherwise. We can worry about incentivizing repeat play in other game modes.

    But they havent incentivized other game modes, havent done so in years now. This was supose to be a veteran game mode yet it's broken, the loot tables along with the % of actually geting khora is a joke, 

    Every new frame now that get's launched as to be more asinine to grind than the last one for some reason.

    Clan finally got some new decor, but there is still no reason to actually be in clans aside from research as it stands, specially when onslaught could have been easily made into an operation for some clan effort yet they failed to even do that. The new decoration placement system needs alot of work too and after years of making color pigments in the dojo a thing they still havent made some major colors into pigments (black, white, etc)
    Not to mention dark sectors eternal delay, the kinpin system eternal delay, raids removed, lack of an operation with leaderboards for over a year now. There are reasons why players who have been here long enough complain.

    This mode is not endgame either. Towards zone 13+ the biggest issues you have are the enemies not spawning properly for you to keep your efficiency up and the portals taking a long time to actually appear while in the meantime blocking new spawns entirely. Your basically fighting against the bugs themselfs instead of the actual enemies or the way it's intended. Your run on onslaught will most likely end to either a bug or a crash, I don't see how that is endgame

  6. whole log since foundation might be a bit much, but seeing who invites who for let's say the "last 30 days" would be appreciated and helpfull on knowing who actually are good recruiters and helping the clan out.

  7. The disapointment for me was the fact that the major changes from last plague star, was to make it less cheesable and make the boss as much as a bullet sponge as possible.
    People complained about it being boring last time and now it's even worse,
    The only thing about it is the rewards mostly due to the items which that are locked on this operation and the poe resources/forma that you can buy plenty of. Mostly due to the fact that poe mining is cancer, specially for sentirum and nynth which they clearly know thus adding them as rewards for this event.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Oreades said:

    The thing is it always, always, always circles around to "needing" sufficient reward to "justify" the effort exerted. A name on a board just isn't enough for a lot of people, what they want is to have some spiffy thing that almost no one else can have/get and the quote unquote "challenge" is just a means to that end. 

    Because for a lot of people it's more about stroking egos and being able to flaunt that they are better than everyone else and if they don't get that no amount of "challenge" is going to cut it.

    what is your point?

    It shouldnt be an operation cuz there are few people that never going to be happy about it?
    you never gona make everyone happy, doesn't mean you should continue to starve the clans out of something to do. 

    My post got merged with this but doesn't mean I feel the same way the op feels about the rewards.

    Honestly it feels Im geting buried by DE staff

  9. 1 minute ago, Oreades said:

    That was my point tho both of those entered as operations and then vanished for months before they where re-added to the game as normal missions, same with the Index. Well I know Pacifism did, Rathum is a bit too far back for me to remember exactly. 

    Which really doesn't work with Onslaught since it's a new game mode and from the sound of it one of the ways you get the parts for Khora. So it can't just go away like all the other operations did before they where re-added into the game as general mechanics/modes. 

    I would be surprised if Onslaught doesn't have a leaderboard out of the gate, not unlike the Octavia Boss fight but I'm not sure what if anything might be done above and or beyond that. I mean I suppose they could do a "one month only" leaderboard prize but all that's going to do is make anyone who bothers with the leaderboards after that window salty.

    They can add a leaderboard for clan scoring along with normal leaderboards. Have the clan scoring that goes towards the operation last a week. There is no reason as to why it needs to be removed for operations, we can have both running. Chora rewards can still be there along with every reward. All we want is a clan scoring leaderboard for like the first week or so to go towards the operation. It's not that hard to understand

    The reason why former operations modes were removed and added months later, was cuz they were testing them, which lead to them changing the game modes compared to the original operation versions. Onslaught is diferent, if they wana keep the mode as it is after an operation is over that's more than fine. There is no rule that says every operation mode has to be go away for months after it appears.  They will most likely have a normal leaderboard going with onslaught (like survivals or defenses) so we just ask for a simple clan scoring leaderboard to be added in an operation. This seems like a pointless issue.

  10. 21 minutes ago, Oreades said:

    The problem there is that usually "Operations" go away for a protracted period of time before they are eventually re-added to the game in some capacity. Onslaught on the other hand isn't going away it's just going to be a persistent in game thing.

    no reason for why we cannot have the operation and have the mode stay permanently afterwards

  11. 3 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    Maybe I missed it, but they said, specifically, that there wouldn't be?

    They havent said there wouldn't be or otherwise. However the way they talked about it, leads to believe there won't be an operation. Last few operations got mentioned within a week time (onslaught supose to be next week) and they haven't said if it is an operation or not. If it is supose to be an operation, then it's weird they haven't said so clearly.

  12. 1 minute ago, Thaylien said:

    Eh, here's the issue I can see... This is already introducing an actual leader board for itself, it's introducing its own rewards for achieving milestones, and more than that, it's introducing a system that can have more rewards added to it later. It doesn't need to be a limited time Operation, it's a persistent Operation, as it were, that was why I suggested it be an Alert to start it off.

    Also, the Operations often mean that the game mode doesn't appear as a game mode itself for several months after...

    The leaderboards that are being introduced, are like the survival defense ones for what I understood.
    They are not the same as clan leaderboards, no issue there for me. They can just make it an operation and have clan scoring leaderboards during it. After the operation, they can go and have their own leaderboards like the other game modes.

    And the reason they added the previous game modes themselfs months later is due to the fact that the operation itself was sort of a testing ground. Most game modes that got added from operations are diferent versions than the operation versions.
    Besides, nothing stops DE from releasing the game mode right after the operation as it is, they got no reason to hold it for months just cuz it was an operation. If anything, they will get better feedback as people push for longer runs on that game mode.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Thaylien said:

    If you recall, most Operations came back as regular game modes anyway.

    The likely course of action in this case might be a simple weekend Event to get it started, maybe something that would count to the old Stratos emblem, and then it'll stay active.

    If it goes towards stratos emblem, that would probably mean a tactical alert which would be disapointing.

    Im hoping to finally having another proper operation with actual leaderboards and it would make sense to have a new mode introduced by an operation.

  14. 54 minutes ago, craftfaster2 said:

    I was thinking it would be popular if the focus farming aspect of it is good enough. All those enemies...all I can see is walking focus bubbles xD

    possibly, depends on how much it gives.

    I just hope they don't throw away a chance to make a new operation with leaderboards, specially considering how long it has been since the last 1.

  15. The new mission type "onslaught" should be added to the game like many of the new mission types have been added, through an Warframe operation.

    It will allow us to finally have a leaderboard operation due to the endless mode that it has. 
    It will advertise the game mode and push players into actually playing it and trying out the mode.
    It will give clans something to do as a clan ingame, it has been missing for a while now.

    The reason that Im making this thread is that during the devstream they mentioned nothing regarding a possible operation, which leads me to believe they plan to throw it out there and believe that the new mods (which have not been well received) to be enough reason play it. 
    If they choose to do so, it will be a missing opportunity to give veterans and more competitive clans something to work for, which is currently lacking.

    A simple warframe operation with a leaderboard with simple rewards (dojo statues) seems easy for me to pull off, given the nature of the mission already being endless and it would revitalise some clans in terms of giving them something to actually do as a clan, while we wait for future updates.

  16. 2 hours ago, [DE]Drew said:

    The recruitment forums are just not used enough to justify having more (which is why we looked for alternatives in the first place). 

    You can change how the Clans are sorted and you can filter to look for specific types:
    Clan Searching.PNG

    Listing by 'Most Members' by default is not perfect, but it's currently the best option. All other options cause bigger problems. Even if we added a 'Random' sort option, it still would be messy.  We're fairly limited by the software we're using. 

    Didn't even notice there was a filter option, cause the filter and sort by option are close by, I didn't even notice there was a diference. But that improves things

    The subforum names are still misleading, for example; in order to acess shadow tier or higher clans recruiting pages, you gota click Find Squads and Alliances! which doesn`t make sense to me.

  17. The recruiting section for clans/alliances/squads is not good enough for multiple reasons:

    It's confusing and hard to find. If you go to the home page, go to trading & recruitment. You see 3 options.

    • Clans which is now called clubs if you actually click on it (wrongly named) and doesn't host just clans anymore but alliances and any kind of group you wana create in there(has a alot of issues in itself, will explore ahead). 
    •  PC Trading post which has 2 subforums called ghost clans ( this is the one that actually does what is suposed to do) and Find Squads and Alliances (this is again wrongly named) - it has all tiers of clans in it from shadow to moon, which is not clearly expressed and it's bundled, as the name says, with normal squads and alliances.

    This is a mess, I made a forum post regarding this change and it was said that the "club" function would solve some of the issues. Even though clubs is a good adition for the community of the clans, both sections have the same issues: Too many clans, alliances and groups in 1 place making it a mess, the clans with highest members get on top and giving them an unfair advantage. Did having multiple subforums in an organized way cost too much resources? The excuse given to joint all of the subforums from each clan and alliance tier was the lack of activity but as it stands I prefer a quiet and organized multiple subforum sections than this bundled mess.

    • Xbox One & PS4: Trading Post suffers from the same as the PC Trading post,

    Other issues

    • Its promoting thread bumping, that will allow you to keep your clan higher on the list of both clubs and recruitment clans
    • Smaller clans have no way to show up in the recruitment thread and even less chance in the clubs section.
    • Club section was a great ideia but feels really unfinished and its becoming worse than recruiting section is in terms of a mess. Anyone can make any kind of group in there and with no proper sorting features.

    Some suggestions 

    More tags and ways to split up the club section, such as having tags on each club for diferent clan tier, alliance or if your a club which is not an alliance or just 1 clan. Allowing players to pick and choose what they wana see. We need more ways to separate diferent clubs otherwise clubs with more members or those that do constant activity bumps will stay on top always.

    Bring back the subforums for recruiting as they were before, or atleast have a better separation between tiers

    Alot of clans now have requirements like voice chat and mastery rank, adding tags for those could be worth trying. People could seach for clans with voice comms using the tags. 

    As it stands, the clan tier tags mean nothing, except they show up if you see your thread, which wont be the case for most because it will be buried under other clan posts. Have the tags actually pop up if some searches a specific clan tier. EX: someone types storm clan in the search bar and only storm tier clan recruitment posts or club forums pop up (this wouldnt even be necessary if you add a subforum again for each tier)

    Add more fuctions to clubs, such has allowing certain threads to be public for everyone to see, this would allow players not in the clan seeing bits of information about a possible clan/alliance they might be interested in. Allow us to make threads in our clubs to be public or private depending on our will. That way we can make public threads as advertisiment for our clan/alliance with info for people looking to join and have private threads for clan members only (info, events, etc).

    Add the proper names for each subforum section, like Find Squads, Clans (shadow to moon) and Alliances instead of Find Squads and Alliances. Im suprised people still go there for clan recruiting (I think they just click until finding the right option). It has been left like this for weeks, which seems a bit embarassing.

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