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Posts posted by ---RV---Maniac

  1. 46 minutes ago, (PS4)Oracle-Raven said:

    Been farming Condrocs for hours. Only 1 of them dropped Tower White pigment.

    What the actual living hell is this, and why are the Plains of Eidolon so sadistically barren?

    Should have been called the Desert of Stinginess.

    Plains of Empty

  2. New pigments that were recently added, all droping from POE ( someone has to tell me how this is not considered shoving POE down our throats) have revealed many issues so far.

    - Dargyn pilots are offten bugged and will disapear not droping their pigments, Sometimes their dargyn will spawn without a pilot and attacking you, if you destroy it since there is no pilot, there will be no pigments.

    - Kuaka's pink pigment ammounts dont make sense compared to the rest. You need 500 to complete the research as a moon clan yet white pigments from condrocs need 30 000. However according to wiki: - kuakas drop twice the amount pigments than condrocs do; - Have the same drop chance; The actual kuakas seems to spawn (on my experienced) about 4 to 6 times more often than condrocs.

    - Pigments only drop for the player that gets the kill on the enemy that drops the pigment. Here is some pics of the same mission with 3 other clan mates, all with diferent ammounts










    This means that a clan activity cannot be done as a clan, as we are "stealing" each others pigments, the more efficient way would be to run this solo, which clearly should be the oposite. 
    This affects every pigment, not just devar grey.

    - New pigments have now a chance% to drop instead of the guaranteed 100% with the older pigments. This change combined with the huge ammounts some of them require and the buggy mess that they currently are inserted in, makes this way too much of an unnecessary grind than it needs to be, Another pic to show the horrible grind



    And this was using the most effective way possible, geting lucky with the cat buffs and having both boosters on. My clan needed 30 000

    - Boosters dont always work, I had a double pickup and double drop chance boosters (doesnt work on actual ammounts I know)  on and when killing an enemy I got 5 grey pigments from Tusk Mortar Bombards. When it should be atleast 10. So on top of the drop chance of geting an pigment on killing an enemy, you also got a chance of the booster not working. So it's rng on top of rng while Im wasting plat away on boosters that don't work properly on POE.



    On the screenshot above you can see the 5 pickup and the double pickup booster in the corner

    - I was on a mission with some randoms (since using clanmates will make them harder to farm....), when I killed an enemy, saw it drop a pigment, went to pick it up only to have a random squad player running ahead of me and apparently taking the pigment for himself. It seems that if someone from another clan is doing the same research, they can take pigments you drop for themselfs while you get nothing. (Not blaming the player, he most likely had no ideia)
    This sounds unbelievable but I saw it happen, the pigment was on the ground, the other guy came and it disapeared right there, meaning to get the best efficiency possible you have to make sure noone in the squad is doing the same research or run solo, amazing feature for a coop game.

    This is troublesome as DE doesn't seem to be adressing any of these issues and judging from Hema fiasco we know how stuborn DE can be.

    This is 1 of the last responses regarding pigments (condrocs)



     . Which is a worrying response for me. Considering condrocs are still way to grindy and birds that are guaranteed to spawn STILL don't drop pigments,

  3. On 2018-06-01 at 2:43 AM, Jorak_Falconstar said:


    I did a full lap around the outside edge of the map.  10 pigments was all i got.  that is all i ever get for each trip out. 


    There is still something seriously wrong.

    thats not really the most efficient way though, around the big lake is the best from the cetus entry then go across the lake back and forth seems better.

    Although I still say, this is still not enough

  4. 17 minutes ago, Ragingwasabi said:

    its actually much better than you think, due to reliability. it reduces those bs streaks of badluck (or good luck). its better definitely better off like this, but i agree the overall drop rate needs an actual increase anyway.

    True, I got almost double it seems compared to before.
    The fact that is more often to drop also causes less frustration for when you are farming, nothing worse than killing several of them and geting nothing for it.

  5. Also another thing to add to the list.
    -Only the player that kills the birds gets the pigments. I did groups and even with nekros, I can seem to have them drop pigments for me if someone else kills them.

    Adding a pigment for the clan that cant be farmed as a team and has to be farmed solo instead of with clan mates is just 10/10

  6. 1 hour ago, Jorak_Falconstar said:

    Working as intended???

    you halved the number that drop if they ever drop at all so really there has been no change made to how often they drop.

    Double the chance to drop again and restore the drop amount to 10 per drop and it might just be doable before the end of this decade


    They seem to drop more often but you are right about the amount nerfing which bafles me. Why increase 1 thing to then decrease the other and pretty much cancel each other out?

    They do seem to drop more now if you stand around longer since the droping chance seems to be better increase than the ammount pickup decrease but it is still silly

  7. 1 hour ago, Raqyia said:

    I'd wanna say this could easily be rectified if DE could just amp up the spawn rates (and drop rates) on wildlife and Dargyns. Thought I had enough problems as is trying to hunt them down with a fishing spear or William Tell a Dargyn out of the sky. Hell, I wouldn't mind if DE just did away with the plains-centric challenges and additional PoE resources. and being the sole active boi of a small ghost clan nowadays, it's quite a struggle. Currently debating whether or not another Pigment rant on the forums could contribute to getting DE's attention

    Either we say something or accept that this is okay.



    This is with boosters on and geting "lucky" with the drops, since every pigment that droped gave me 40, at times it can be only 10 per drop but I was "lucky" . And ofc using probably the most efficient way possible to farm,

  8. New update on tower whites from condrocs.
    - Apparently if they are airborn they don't drop pigments.
    - Condrocs that are sure to spawn on every spawn will also not drop pigments.

    Like this wasn't awfull enough as it is.

    This is alot worst than Hema research

  9. Recently started the condroc pigments called White tower, that thing is pure aids.
    Condrocs have really low drop chance. The condrocs that will spawn automatically in every session will not drop any pigments and I just started a run now, for half an hour I have been flying around in my archwing and have goten 0 so far.

    This is way too much of a grind. My clan needs 30 000, with these drop rates I wonder how long this will take. Compare this to any other pigments (even zanuka) and this is by far the worst yet to farm.

  10. Major problems for more

    - shoved more poe down our throats
    - enemies now don't have a 100% chance of actually droping the pigments
    - if you got clanmates on your team, it says to affect the number of pigments that drop, even then it's not a certain number, it's often random the ammount you actually get per drop which is just dumb for me.


    21 hours ago, SwaG97 said:

    Any alliances looking to recruit some small clans like us. It would be really helpful of you.


    12 hours ago, DarkingBlade7367 said:

    Same for me. My clan : GalactiquePIXEL is looking for alliances.

    V alliance in this discord link is open to recruiting clans if you two wana join

  12. Sent Invitations


    - Mastery rank 18+

    - Minimum of 500 hours of playtime in warframe.

    Exceptions: If you have either 1000 points on Pacifist Defect or 200 points on Ambulas Reborn or 1000 hours ingame, you can be made exception to the other two requirements.

    What's expected of you

    - Registration on discord https://discord.gg/4XJHxdr (no mic required)

    - Participation on warframe operations

    Leave a message here or on the forum recruitment post or add me ingame with a message saying you wana join,  for a clan invite !

  13. 2 hours ago, Miraluka said:

    Clan dojos have been touched twice since they were launched. Once to add the new style of rooms and more recently to add a few new rooms and decorations.

    For the last "update" no new rooms were added, just observatory was changed to have star map and arsenal. There were alot of decoration added mostly just objects taken from corpus and grinneer tiles, alot of them meh. The animated elemental objects were probably the best.
    Overall, the latest update was disapointing to say the last. Specially considering it was called a dojo remaster, yet still lacks so much.

    Dojos could use some more love

  14. 12 hours ago, Protideus said:

    Because i am pretty sure everything that was alluded to in this DevStream has been implemented and nothing more is being worked on.

    A lot more was promised before that. Kinpin system, the eternal dark sector rework, new obstacle course, etc...
    Not to mention the stuff that has been left abandoned. Clan/alliance UI and management could use a rework and improving. Dojo has had a few decorations added but nothing else major for years now, base color pigments still missing after years of implementation. Dojo and clans have been left to die.

  15. 3 minutes ago, lexandritte said:

    Immediately raises the question of what the hell would happen to your Arcanes when you pop them on the Plains, because Plainswing is weeeeird. Would you be using your warframe arcanes or archwing arcanes while flying in the Plains? Because arcanes mostly affect weapons, and you are using WF weapons instead of AW weapons.

    Honestly Archwing needs a lot of love, and it's been needing it for years. It kinda came back to life with Plains, but even then only the Wings, Weapons are still completely pointless.

    Itzal came back to life, the rest is mostly ignored still. The main reason why itzal came back was to cover the ridiculous large distances on poe bounties and not being able to vacuum eidolon stuff.

    Since archwing doesn't work the same way in poe, we could have the arcanes only affect actual archwing missions.

  16.  In order to activate it a few members of the clan need to go and press x on it. If you are ghost tier, only one guy I believe needs to press it. That will trigger the ceremony and then change the appearance of the altar

    It will give you endo, 5 k per level your clan gains. Warn your clanmates before you do it, they can only claim endo if they are in the clan for a few days atleast and need to go to the dojo and click on the altar to get endo.

  17. 13 minutes ago, GinKenshin said:

    all of these issues don't matter, you know what matters? Venus open world and the Sacrifice quest

    Even those things are meh for me at this point. Im sick of poe and it's eidolon buggy state. Sacrifice quest won't keep players into the game however it is long overdue that we get our lotus back. 

    If Venus open world comes out in the buggy state that poe did or even onslaught, that might be the breaking point for alot of people.

    I just hope once Venus open world and sacrifice is done, they can focus on things to keep players invested in the game. Like the Kinpin system or dark sectors to give clans a reason to actually exist and give players something to play for.

  18. 1 minute ago, Sqecmi said:

    exactly same



    Systems (9.09%)

    Chassis (5.64%)

    bp+Neuroptics (7.52%)


    Fine your right, it's the same level of cancer. except you can do spy missions faster for C rotation. They are both along with every new frame that get's released asinine to farm


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