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Posts posted by DeadlyNerd

  1. I think it's something to do with the terrain angle and terrain tile set.


    For instance, on that same tile set one can't crouch jump from the slope just to the left above you. Drove me crazy that I couldn't get on that platform from there.


    They srsly need to work on parkour, specially jumping as its very laggy.

  2. here's how you solve your problem OP:


    Click on the big shiny "online" thing and then press "private" or "invite only".

    Now you'll be able to play past wave 5 with your friends or solo.


    Have a great time doing defense.



    On a serious note. You knowingly queued up for defense on public, you should be expecting this to happen and be ok with it.

    Y'know, insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.


    Sense of humor is required to tolerate someone going "Shut Up" repeatedly? Sorry, I must have been mistaken in thinking that a post with no constructive feedback is useless and should be called out as such. Maybe I am just from an older generation that remembers things like Bulletin Boards and such where moderators would tear you a new one if you decided to play such antics. Alas, times change.


    Wrote a tutorial in the original reply for ya so you don't get lost next time.



    edit: for Cypherdiaz and future anyone who gets offended by obvious non offensive replies

    This is an attempt at a humorous way of shushing the OP because we all want void keys. 

  5. Friend and I were farming ferrite and he said : "Would it be good if there was a sentinel that could collect resources".

    My response:




    So why not. A sentinel that doesn't have any specific offensive/buff abilities. It has a tractor beam instead of the gun and its purpose is entirely to fly around the player collecting dropped resources and ammo for the weapons he has.


    However, the sentinel would not pick up mods since it'd take away the "fun" of searching around for dropped mods.

    Resources get outspammed by "energy full" and "pistol ammo full" and often they're hard to notice due to bodies, infested spores and sometimes even corners behind grineer ship doors.

    Also, picking them up is more of a chore than an adventure so a way of autolooting them would aid the gameplay.

  6. So, basically we'll all end up being ninjas that can't sprint. That's like CoD, Super soldiers that can sprint for 10sec.

    If you don't like rushers in public games, then don't play public games. How could such a simple solution not cross your mind.


    And then again if you're being a troll, nice one.(sorry, I just glanced over the title and felt my powers of putting down OPs are needed once again)

  7. One problem the server gathers the data for the whole squad and then sends the data to the memory storage of the game servers at the extraction point when you leave.

    That's why if you don't save progress if your game crashes or bugs.

    The data the server gathers can always be sent to it individually per player. They just have to change that bit because in the end the server still splits that data and updates stats to each player in the group.

    The real problem is, because the game is being hosted client side, there'll be a problem with session ID when the host exits.


    It's a rather big rework of the server code, but it can be done.

  8. I would't make this thread if i did't give a poop about this game.

    I did so trying to help it out.

    You tried helping a game by making a doom thread. How, what, dafuq, nvm... I probably wont ever get.

  9. To prove that bold and underlined sentence wrong, I had an enemy run circles for no apparent reason 30m away from me. Kinda hard to start aiming right because of that and had to go close, to a bunch of Heavies on either side for no apparent reason. Yeah, not exactly correct.


    So 1 mob had a glitch in its AI making it take cover at that distance and you deem your argument stands a better chance against his. 

    30m is a distance where you ignore mobs because they pretty much ignore you and those heavies should'v been your primary target.

    Also, please don't use heavies as argument either cause, with its armor piercing, a potatoed kunai can down a heavy in several headshots, which are way too easy to score due to absolutely no recoil.

    He is completely correct, everything on a map will either be standing still behind a cover, or rushing at you. Anything that by some miracle isn't is not worth shooting at.

  10. Maybe you shouldn't speed run him. Morphics on boss runs can drop from containers too so I'd suggest doing a detailed clean up.


    Besides, someone already said that Mars is a way better farming place.

  11. Guess this is just like one of those "oh yeah, we changed twin viper sound but didn't tell you"


    Sure, DE are cool with all the hotfixes and the whole content update in U8, but this is just making them look bad. Whatever happened to listening to the community?

    Ah right, you can't listen to it if you do everything without their knowledge.

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