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Posts posted by DeadlyNerd

  1. First, I believe that wiki information may be false. More than often has it happened that bladestorm jumps to the next target and then stops the attack pattern just because after that enemy there weren't any more in range.


    Numerous times after attacking a group of enemies in numbers lower than 13 it fails to kill everyone, despite them being grouped, just because near the end 1 strayed too far from the other 2 or 3. Those left alive are often in the near vicinity(20m) of the initial target, which acts as evidence against what wiki says.


    This leads me to believe that the pattern with which Bladestorm attacks is either random, or "attack nearest".

    Either way, for an attack that's so dependent on target position, it's inefficient. RNG shouldn't be the judge here with so many AoE ultimate abilities present.


    I propose that every time bladestorm needs to choose a target, it calculates how many enemies it can hit in that target's vicinity, and then hits the target with the best results. Of course, it calculates results only for targets within 20m of the target it just hit (or initial?).

    Enemies may still disperse, but at least this way there's a better chance of it not being wasted on just a few drifters right in the beginning.

  2. The only way to go about this and prevent community outcry about imbalance would be to make these weapons exactly the same in stats and functionality, but different in looks, from the ones made by clans.


    Sure, that would be nice but wouldn't really add functional content, which is why DE is getting much grief from that same community.

  3. Lol, wish I had your "luck".


    On a related note, get Hek, get it potatoed and put in every damage mod you can and then mop the floor with the stalker.

  4. Mine is supposed to be higher DPS than most rifles, because it is very hard to control and pretty inaccurate. 

    A bigger recoil than what Latron has would render a higher rate of fire weapon pretty useless in automatic mode. Crosshair would travel half the screen upwards in several shots.


    Current state of automatic rifles is pretty balanced and we've yet to see how the corpus lmg performs.


    Frankly anything with damage close to the damage of Latron and higher fire rate would render Latron inferior. Low accuracy/high recoil is a design no no for automatic guns in fast paced games where you need to be able to quickly switch between targets.



    Semi-autos just need a higher crit chance. The Latron already has very justifiable damage. The problem is that the Braton mk2 raised the DPS floor quite a bit for all the weaponry.


    Actually I'd like to see it get default armor penetration so that it stands out from a similar sidearm, Lex, which to me is actually better than Latron.

  5. The most convenient solution to current problem are mod templates, which to my knowledge have been in the game for a brief time due to being bugged.


    Let's just wait and see how when and whether DE fixes and reimplements them.

  6. Bladestorm could definitely use more effects but I'm talking about the speed issue with the ability.

    Too fast and it'd be a pain to watch, too slow and it's inefficient.


    As for Volt reference, no I'm suggesting exactly the opposite. The Ash user is untouched while pretty much everything else is slowed down.

    It gives the illusion of being faster without speeding up anything.

  7. Fair enough, I guess I wouldn't feel that shuriken is so insignificant if it had better targeting so it doesn't just fly off into some 2 random enemies that happen to be behind obstacles, rather than the 2 in open, further behind them.

  8. Just remembered how Killing Floor had the bullet time, so called "zed time", which simulated fast character actions by slowing down the environment and player movement(dnno exactly anymore, long time), while leaving the aiming untouched.


    Seeing how making bladestorm any faster would induce epilepsy attacks in players, why not use the same scheme.


    The player who uses ash remains untouched and bladestorm attacks happen in real time speed, while everything else gets its movement slowed down during the ulti. Environment, as in mods and resources, and enemies are slowed down completely.

    Player aim is not slowed down so the ulti doesn't act as a annoyance every time someone uses it.

    This would also allow for tactical use of bladestorm to "swiftly" clear out large groups of enemies surrounding the group of players.

  9. Let's see.. Slash Dash can be blocked by anything, props, players, and targets that does not get one shot by it, Saryn's nr 4 has the shortest range so you are wrong, and it isn't too powerful considering it's her ultimate, and the range is SHORT. I have all the Warframes at lvl 30, I've played since closed beta, I know how they used to work and how they work now also.

    Edit: There is RARELY swarms of enemies? you must be blind or new to the game, swarms occour in ever room, almost.

    If one is a blind nab, yes, slash dash wont be of much use to him. Shuriken wont either.

    Saryn's ulti has perfect range for the type of gameplay Warframe offers. It's an instant room cleaner and with flow and streamline it can be used from one large pack of enemies to another with energy to spare. I know because I'm doing just that.


    Look, you know what I meant under swarm and I don't feel like explaining it to you if you didn't. Let's just say that there aren't enough situations per mission where 1 extra kill per shuriken throw would yield great advantage to ash.


    Don't feel entitled just cause you own everything and not to sound rude, but there are many people who have high end gear in WoW but can't lift a finger against a regular player in PvP, as in use their character to the fullest.

    And don't bother replying after stating "I have more stuff than you, I'm better".

  10. you do know shuriken can pierce and kill multiple targets right? its kinda like a ranged slash dash right now and not uncommon to kill 4-8 mobs in a good toss.

    I wouldn't be complaining about it if they were piercing enemies.



    No.. Because you can spam Shuriken FAST, it kills enemies, and it has a low cost. Making it 3 will make SOOOO many players rage and say he needs to be nerfed blah blah blah, 2 is enough. And even if the game is PvE doesn't mean the damage shouldn't be lowered if he throws 3, cause it stil needs to be balanced and on par with the other Warframes.

    So basically excalibur dash should be nerfed in damage because it hits everything in its path. Saryn ulti should also have its damage lowered because it hits absolutely everything regardless of it being outside the room.
    Worst thing they could do is balance warframes according to their statistics. Rhino got "balanced" that way and see what happened.
    The only situation 3 shuriken would help with are swarms of enemies because rarely there are more than 2 enemies in the LoS of the player, and even then it's not exactly certain that trajectory of shuriken will allow hitting those enemies. Seeing how swarms of enemies don't occur that frequently, this buff still isn't a game changer.
  11. The thing with Shuriken is that 3 would be too good.

    They would have to reduce the damage per projectile down so that the overall damage stayed the same.

    Then, instead of killing two enemies, you'd injure 3.

    I don't know about you, but I'd rather kill one enemy than injure 3, killing two makes it an easy choice.

    Also, two hands = two shuriken. It just feels right to me.


    Yeah, didn't occur to me that he's throwing them with both arms because 1 is always occupied with the primary weapon.


    As for damage, why should it be lowered? It's a PvE game and the most an extra shuriken guaranties is an extra kill, or 500(650) extra damage on something bigger and (if) solo. Not exactly a game changer.

    All strictly offensive warframes have an aoe type 1st ability so killing only 2 enemies with ash feels a bit insignificant.

  12. Just made myself one and while I really like the frame, but it's lacking in certain aspects, mostly cosmetics.


    Shuriken could use 1 more projectile because 3 is, and has always been, THE number of anything.

    2 shuriken just doesn't have the right feel, and definitely yields less enemy casualties. 4 would just be too many.


    Bladestrom, while my favorite ulti(yes, I'm a Yurnero fan), has a horrible animation. I'm pretty sure DE is working on it, but on the interview the animations guy didn't really add anything but the awesome poleaxe animation.

    I'd really like to see some decent animation for this ability rolling out in near future.


    The second offensive polarity is useless on this warframe because Continuity doesn't effect anything but Smoke bomb, which is really just used for staggering enemies and not some elaborate stealth tactics. A tactical polarity would fit a lot better on this warframe.

    Guess I'll just have to polarize it till this is addressed.


    Mind you, I have shuriken maxed and the damage is most satisfactory. It's the number of shuriken that's the issue.

  13. It would serve as an annoyance more than anything due to their fire rate. It's not as if everything needs to be nerfed to match other things especially if they're intending to add much harder late game content. Does no one consider this when talking about nerfing them?

    So you're saying that you wont be able to efficiently use them on harder end game if they were semi auto?

    That's a problem with your aim, not the weapon.


    Currently, with auto fire they're too easy to use for a sidearm that does 45 damage per shot, and has a pretty fast and accurate projectile.

    Making them harder to use, but not touching stats, would still keep them powerful in the hands of skilled players, but "annoying to use" in the hands of those not so skilled.

  14. HEK isn't a shotgun. It's a four barreled rifle. It just so happens to fire all four barrels at once and thus operate kind of like a shotgun. 

    Even if you were right, too many pellets fly out for it to be 1 barrel 1 projectile. It's a shotgun.




    I originally thought the Hek looked like this, before I bought it.


    I thought it was 2 barrels, with that front thing acting as a foregrip.

    I think it'd actually look alright light that, would lose the stupid boxy rectangle look that it sort of has at the moment.


    Still doesn't look excellent or anything.

    But from the side it definitely looks better than it actually is.



    You're a grandmaster, design council and all, get this suggestion in there somehow^^.

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