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Posts posted by DeadlyNerd

  1. Your argument about Diablo 3, CS, Dota, LoL, HoN, SC, and SC2 makes absolutely no sense at all. Warframe is the only game where you have to repeatedly hold down the wasd movement keys (and jump/crouch keys as well if you like going faster) and also the mouse keys for firing since there's so many enemies to take down. In Diablo 3, mouse handles both movement and attacking, whilst spells are just periodically used by the left hand. In CS, you hardly hold the trigger for more than 2 seconds due to recoil, and there are also a lot of opportunities for camping and strategy rather than in warframe where you just want to keep going forward. In MOBA games, again mouse handles movement and auto-attacking, and rarely do you ever have to spam spells with your left hand or have to hold wasd keys. And finally while RTS games do utilise the mouse a lot, but the left-hand is spared, only used for shortcuts and control group functions. 


    Please don't ridicule the carpel tunnel issue as Warframe does seem to be a very clicking/finger-intensive game... 

    So basically you're saying that by sparing 1 hand you're completely safe against carpal tunnel?

    FYI all MOBA gamers do at least 100 clicks per minute, not to mention that in DotA you have to manually attack your own and enemy creeps to either deny/get kills.

    The fact that you don't hold the mouse button down for more than 2 sec in CS is the reason for rapid clicking. Also, no self respecting pro in CS will hold down his mouse button for automatic fire.

    Also, WoW, which I haven't mentioned, is 10x more click intensive than this game, yet nobody seems to be complaining because they know their voices will never be heard due to the fact that the game is too big for their insignificant opinions.


    Carpal tunnels are in both wrists and just that justifies my argument.


    If you don't like the manic clicking and holding down shift key, then slow down, relax and stop rushing all the time if you're so afraid of the consequences.


    EVERY game today is a click fest, keyboard wise or mouse, so if you don't like it, don't play it.




    None of that invalidates the point... <.<

    All of that invalidates many points as he isn't playing the game the way it's meant to be played. ANY opinion is invalid and pointless the moment one stops using the product as it's supposed to be used.
    That is why user manuals are there, so one can't complain that his dishwasher can't wash his pants.
    If you're playing a casual game as a hardcore player and not liking it, it's your own fault for playing the game in the first place.
    As for playing the game, I didn't spend a dime until I was completely sure I'll be going further than 2 warframes and 12 weapons.
    OP spent $60 on a game without even considering the possibility of end game not suiting his style. That is his problem, not the game's.
  2. began reading only paragraph beginnings after "two rank 30 warframes".


    Dude(it's justified here), you have a hunter founders pack, spent $20 more and have 2, TWO, warframes on 30 and you're complaining about replay value.

    How on earth is it possible that you have only 2, TWO, warframes after spending $60 on platinum. Srsly, that's over 1,7k platinum. That's enough for 5 warframes and potatoing them, not to mention you get one for free.


    Lol carpal tunnel. If it's such an issue here, then all those secretaries should be suing their companies for hazardous working conditions.

    Let's not mention Diablo 3 and Counter Strike, oh oh and DotA,LoL,HoN,SC,SC2 etc. Those kids should be so ill right now it's not even fathomable.


    My advice: Roll up the window covers, open your window, take a deep breath, check the weather, put on adequate attire and go for a walk.

    In short, take a break.

  3. APB : Reloaded has it and it's pretty convenient.


    If you run the game from steam you get a "use steam to log in" button on login screen that uses your stored login information.

    Typing every time is a bit tedious and you know, you want the players in the game as fast as possible.


    Anything like this on the horizon?

  4. Armor isn't the culprit here. DE should just add more perks to non armor ignoring weapons, such as crit rate, tighter spread, stun chance, passive elemental damage.


    Armor is actually a very fine addition to the game and in fact makes the weapons that ignore it desirable legitimately.

    Other weapons should be made desirable in other aspects rather than armor piercing weapons brought down to their level.

  5. You obviously didn't read the part about where if you have a maxed AP mod on, the theoretical Scindo with the 150% Pressure Point would do a whopping ~250-300 guaranteed damage to Heavy Grineer, BEFORE adding in the other elemental damages.

    Since when is 50+150%*50 350?


    I know I'm again straying away from the topic, but where'd you get taught math?



    am I missing something here?


    surely i didn't understand something properly.


    Last night I leveled my serration from rank 9 to rank 10, and while it took quite a few mods (mostly common and uncommon rank 4's) and a few fusion cores.. i'd say the total for the fusion was in the tens of mods/cores 50 at most. I used up a few excess rares of the same polarity and managed to use all the V mods that i don't need but still... i only had 4 extra serration and all at rank 4 (the base rank).


    Where are you ppl getting those astronomical numbers? like 1600 mods/cores needed from 9 to 10?



    I'm actually surprised how is index finger didn't break due to all the clicking^^.
  6. Srsly, this is the most gamebreaking and annoying bug in the game and it appeared with U8.


    If the door happens to close while you're running through it, you'll be stuck falling through the map. Could also be related to lag.

  7. Currently my clan's dojo is pretty desolate due to the fact that there's no real point in visiting it unless you want to duel.

    Also, visiting the dojo prevents the player from doing missions.


    My suggestion:


    Give clan members the option to spawn in the dojo on login.


    Create a command room of sort with a 3D system map from the current main menu (pretty much a copy paste). Interacting with a CP infront of the map brings up the mouse cursor and allows the player to rotate the map and select planets and missions.

  8. Wow... really? Really going to go there.


    For the love of all that is sane, shut up and never bring this up again. That particular 'style' did not start, nor was it popularized, by nazis. YOU just happened to only know of it's existence through nazis, however that doesn't mean it is therefore a nazi thing. To tarnish a rather unique look that a lot of us happen to enjoy because someone attributed it to nazis is plain stupid.

    Lol, pull your pants up boy, the sight isn't all that glorious and definitely it's not pleasing.


    I brought up the flamethrower soldier cause vauban looked like it. If you want to consider it me associating vauban with nazi then you're too dense for arguing with.

    Tbh, you're one of those that calls "racism" every time someone carelessly describes someone "black" when they're referring to a person of african descent.

  9. Of course it isn't assuredSure, it could be earlier, but it could just as easily take longer.  On average, it's going to take longer.  Not double, less than that, depending on the actual chances, but it doesn't really matter that much.  It's partly principle.  Sure, maybe this one wouldn't affect it a ton, but they have been on a trend of adding more and more things to ? alerts, and that adds up.



    Maybe add this as a passive reward that has a chance of occurring in every alert.

    This way it stays as a limited reward, but doesn't affect ? rewards.


    They've obviously got to give us a reason to do 2000cr non ? alerts. If a game aims to succeed, every part of it needs to be a potentially rewarding feature.

  10. That said, if by monthly allowance you mean something around 20-30 plat, then I'd like it, sure. A free slot/forma/potato per month is a nice bonus, and more of a gesture of goodwill than anything else.


    That's pretty much what I said in OP, a token of appreciation for supporting the game.

  11. It's even more noticable with a lower chance.  If, for instance, potatoes are rare enough to show up only every two weeks, and you halve their chances, you're going to end up going for a month.  Two weeks is a really really noticable time frame.  If I got them every day, on the other hand, and that was halved, I'd still end up with way more than I could ever possibly use, and really not care.


    Also, most clans were covered?  Most large clans, maybe.  None of the smaller ones.  Whether that should or should not be the case is debatable, but nowhere near most clans are set. 


    Would I love to see void keys be more easily obtainable?  Yes.  Especially considering the crazy drop rates for some of the parts.  I just don't want to see it get plunked into the alert system.  Things keep getting thrown in there, and I personally find the alert system frustrating at times.


    My suggestion would be to reward or increase the chances at void keys in some sort of skill based manner with potentially several, maybe mutually exclusive methods of doing so, such as speed, reduced damage taken, kills, avoiding ability use or something less obvious like stealth rewards.

    Nah, this is the beauty of RNG as much as it is its bane. It's unpredictable.


    Say the chance was 4%. That means that out of 100 rolls that day 4 could've been beneficial. Halving that doesn't mean that you'll have to wait double for something rare to appear, only that there's a slightly lower chance of it appearing in those rolls, every time.

    A rule of probability is that it doesn't have memory of past results, unless you remove bad results every time you run the test. You can speculate that a 50% chance means that you'll get 1 in every 2 attempts, but it doesn't ensure it.


    I suggested void keys in alerts because alert's are DE controlled and thus offer a limited amount of farming one can do per day to obtain rewards from them.

    Putting void keys into regular missions and making the drop rate rather high would result in overfarming.

  12. The concern is that a single item costs as much as full games (several if you don't buy them on release) or that a standard monthly subscription to an MMO gets you less than a couple nights' worth of void runs. This doesn't solve that problem, if anything it would exacerbate it.

    Not exactly. It solves it in a way.


    Founders would get a number of insured void runs through that monthly allowance. It would be their own fault if they spent it on warframes/weapon packs/cosmetics, or in turn if they spent their allowance on void runs instead of cosmetics/warframes/weapon packs.

  13. I think I already suggested something to use all those mods conveniently.


    Fusion core BPs, where you pay some credits to convert several useless ability mods into useful fusion cores. 


    It's surprising how quite a few were against that, but now I'm seeing a thread about how ability mods are useless and clutter.

  14. I'm probably going to get flak for this but I think it's only fair to grant monthly allowance to founders depending on the size of the pack.


    Nothing too high, just about enough to show appreciation for supporting the game.


    I'm not presenting this because I need plat(I'm not even a founder), but because even if one pays the price of a retail game, he'll still have to keep paying to be able to use premium content later on.

    DE needs to eat and all, I know, but isn't it a bit arrogant and cheeky to keep asking for more money even though the player pretty much bought the game as retail.


    This is not a suggestion, but just an opinion and I'd like to see how the community reacts to this, specially founders.

  15. No disrespect to the DE art team, but Vauban is straying too far from the original warframe concept.

    I like the concept of initial warframes and therefore think it's worth noting this so that the upcoming warframes use more of the initial concept.


    As for Vauban.

    It looks more like a suit of a flamethrower nazi soldier in RTCW. 



    The differences that stand out:


    Boots - initial warframes have slick lines that seamlessly incorporate the foot and leg as a whole.

    The big trench coat - it associates with high armor but vauban is actually very light so it's pretty much what it looks like, a trench coat. Other warframes, except for the Rhino and Frost which actually do have armor which justifies bulkyness, have tight armor expressing distinction between bodyparts(don't even think about it)

    The helm - the lines aren't "ninja". they're more "soldier".


    Generally the warframe is too bulky for the amount of protection it offers giving the impression that it's wearing loose clothing and not what a ninja is supposed to wear.

  16. honestly, i'm going to have to disagree with you, OP...


    more 'junk' in ? alerts = increased rarity of other ? items (not counting artifacts, those things usually drop like crazy)

    Oh come on, it's not like potatoes drop consistently enough that a lower chance would be noticeable. That stuff is already so rare that even if the chance was halved or doubled there wouldn't be any change.


    Your logic makes no sense.  You say you understand forma, even though keys are way easier to get than forma.  We've only been lucky because of a livestream alert and a bugged forma alert that resulted in another 12 hour.  The only other ways to obtain forma is via login(where it's less frequent than keys) and via keys themselves, where you have like a 10% chance on the two rarer keys.

    Just do wave 5 of low level defense missions, you'll get some tier 1s.


    I'd only be okay with void keys going into alerts if they increased the ? alert frequency.  Stuff like vauban, certain weapons, and potatos are infrequent enough as it is, i'd rather not they became even rarer.

    I'm not using forma as an argument because it drops, but because it's available through cash(just like void keys) as a non mandatory item, except for dojos, but with the 2 pretty much ensured formas most clans have that covered.

    As for lower chance of getting really rare items, read above.



    Sure, farm some more. I, and some of you, may have that patience but most people that drift from f2p game to f2p game don't. Heck, even I'll run out of that patience.

    Keeping players in the game is all about the carrot on a stick. Keep the carrot too close and they'll eventually get it, keep it far away and they'll give up quickly.

  17. RNG is one thing, but having no drops in over 3 days of doing defense missions diminishes any will of continuing to play.


    Void is new content and what's the point of this new content if those that can't spend cash on it(read, majority of the community in any f2p game) are unable to access it. 

    I can understand potatoes,formas, mod packs etc. because they're all not mandatory to buy in order to have access to the game's content.

    Void, however, is the new big content that the update is published on and keeping it barely accessible to the majority of the community is just wrong and goes against any principle in game advertising. Why would people play a game where they're pretty much denied of even trying end game content if they aren't lucky enough.



    My plea is to add void tower keys to alert rewards.

    Give em a reasonable chance to be rewarded so they're not as frequent as artifacts, but at the same time appear often enough to keep people doing alerts in legitimate hopes of getting void keys.



    Call this what you want and it's probably been suggested before, but the accessibility of void needs to be addressed.



    Sure, farm some more. I, and some of you, may have that patience but most people that drift from f2p game to f2p game don't. Heck, even I'll run out of that patience.

    Keeping players in the game is all about the carrot on a stick. Keep the carrot too close and they'll eventually get it, keep it far away and they'll give up quickly. For those who aren't certain, this is keeping the carrot too far away, waaaaaaaaay far away.

  18. Even 350 per fast swing is overpowered when it hits multiple mobs and happens every second without being buffed by Fury.


    Wham, 350 to multiple mobs.

    One second later, wham 350 to multiple mobs.

    One second later, wham 350 to multiple mobs.


    Even if it is only 350 and not 600 (yeah okay I messed up the math a little), 350 is still way too much for an attack that hits every second. With Fury, you could buff that to 60% faster swing speed. So in less than half a second, you can do 350 damage to everything in front of you within melee range?


    I'm sorry that sounds a little overpowered to me.

    Actually, it's 1.3sec if it's not buffed by Fury, it's not 350 to all mobs all the time as the character can do an overhead swing, some mobs have passive damage reduction(no, not armor), swings can be interrupted unlike charges.


    So yeah, you go do that against a group of 50+ infested and I'll stand back watching you get knocked down after the first swipe and trampled to death by chargers. God forbid there's an ancient in there, or nearby. No, using Rhino is against the rules here as we're testing weapons and not warframes.


    But this is derailing the initial topic.


    Yes, I feel high ranks of mods need to be toned down in fusion core requirements.

    Yes, I'm also fine with the current situation as 105% Serration and maxed elemental damages+armor piercing is possible with only 1 polarization and is enough for everything excluding late waves on defense missions where weapons don't do much damage anyway.

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