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Posts posted by DeadlyNerd

  1. I don't really see the point in having the auto equip. It's annoying and occurs when I want it the least.


    If there is a way of disabling this, please enlighten me, but seeing how this auto equip occurs randomly after artifact alert missions, I don't think there is a way.

  2. While I do like the old one better, the new ones aren't so bad. They actually sound like they're suppressed. If you watch some spy movies they sound like silenced pistols.

    To hell with suppressed shots, they're quieter than afuris but use a larger caliber. That right there is illogical.


    I'm going to say this, and it's probably going to &!$$ at least one person off. If you feel the only weapon worth using is the boltor, you can't aim. 

    While boltor does ignore armor and there is no real need for headshots, its projectiles have a flight time and the gun itself fires bolts a bit lower than the crosshair would suggest.


    This, to your surprise, requires good aim of the players who want to use boltor efficiently, as in 1-2 shot kills.

    In that case boltor IS the only weapon worth taking and those saying that, DO have good aim.

  4. Mastery levels I can understand but requiring a forma is just cheeky. For an item that has so many uses, where it's consumed upon use, it's pretty expensive.

    DE better rethink, either the resource requirements of these weapons, or forma prices.


    And oh please, what's the big deal about new resource requirements, 10 fieldron samples... I have 49 and I'm not even trying.

  5. .but my point is that there are a good amount of weapons where you would still get back some of your rare resources, you don't deserve all of them back every time.



    Actually, we do deserve them back. It's a missclick caused by foundry clutter and non existent organization.

    This time it's not the player, it's entirely the game.

    Also, there is no real confirmation for crafting, just a dialogue asking the player if he wants to pay a sum of credits to start the craft. Better declaration and indication are needed.


    Until we get those, any mistake is made because of the unfinished system and not player negligence. Why do you think there are trivial and redundant indications on some products, because otherwise you could sue the company for the lack of same indications if a mishap was to occur.

    I'm even being fair and agreeing to forget the credits I paid and BP I used.

  6. While I do agree that there should be a cancel option for crafting, I don't think it should give back everything. I think you should get back the blueprint and half of whatever the cost was to make it. I mean there is already a confirm option in the crafting so its not like you could accidentally craft something by mistake. If you clicked on the wrong thing and didn't read the confirmation or found something you want more you should lose some of what you put into it.

    And that's why I said, credits and the BP are the ones that remain lost, resources are recovered fully.


    If they gave back half the resources, they'd have to round down the numbers and that would mean 0 rare resources. No point in canceling the craft if that's the case.

  7. Even with a potato, it's impossible to mod out some weapons ideally, forma helps to allow players to max out every mod they'd like to add.



    Though, I hadn't thought of this before, is forma only usable once per weapon?



    nope, you can use it as many times as you like, provided you level it to 30 each time.


    So that means that forma literally doubles mod slots as well, it just takes more time and money, but honestly, I think that's fair, you shouldn't be able to perfect a weapon for free.

    Can be used again meaning that it should be used multiple times and therefore should cost less than potatoes.


    It's elementary math in the end. Forma optimally grants 7 capacity, rounded down 1/4th of what potato gives. Math says it should cost 1/4th of what potato costs, 5 plat.

    Also, forma requires releveling of polarized equipment, which potato does not.

  8. I am in favor but not with the Full Return of the rescources. For Warframe making it would have to be 100% not including Credits. For other items it would be 100% for the rare materials (Drops 1 per container) and the rest of the materials would returne based on the time left to complete.

    That's why I said, all resources.


    I wouldn't return BPs because mostly these mistakes are done by clicking on excess BPs, just as I wasted morphics on building another ash chassis while I automatically clicked on it thinking it's the ash wf bp.


    If someone accidentally clicked to craft a BP of an item he doesn't have, a logical thing to do would just be to let it finish the craft.

  9. Necrio, you know what I want +1, it'd be more, but not allowed



    READ, READ what the OP says.


    Farming =/= problem in his post, its the LACK of EVERYTHING else BESIDES farming.

    Sorry, I saw 10 quotes and 10 lines with "farm" below those quotes. If OPs post isn't about farming then I don't know what is.

    As for reading posts, read mine again and you'll notice I addressed that lack of everything else.

  10. for RPGs (not including F2P) Fallout 3, fallout New Vegas, Borderlands 1, Borderlands 2, Skyrim, Dead Island, Lost Planet 2, Dead Rising 1 and 2.


    Farming is OK, however it shouldn't be the main focus of the game and the only thing to do when you reach endgame. WoW has massive dungeon raids, PvP (which warframe DOES NOT need), professions, rare monsters to find and kill, hell, even Borderlands 2 has "XYZ the invincible" raid bosses. Warframe has... farming for the void, farming for the dojo, and farming for materials so you can farm less later.

    I believe all of those RPGs, except borderlands which is more of a FPS than RPG, are SP only. Doesn't really apply to them as SP games are built only around the story although even borderlands has a farm factor. Mad Moxi was the prime example.


    As for WoW, it's all still down to farming, was it a (not so massive nowadays) raid for PvE gear or PvP for PvP gear. Professions too. Before I quit, I was circling around high lvl areas for ore nodes to sell at the AH daily, if not hourly.


    Also, all those games have a fixed retail price as they're a finished product. Warframe is free and bound to gain more content.

    I'm not defending Warframe or DE here, just presenting a reasonable view at the game's state which helps understand and cope with the excessive grind and lack of meta.





    So unlike with warframe in which you can use a Lex from 2 months ago till kingdom come, in wow, you will be throwing away stuff after a period of time, since it becomes completely obsolete.


    That being said, WoW feels a hundred million times less of a farm fest than warframe.

    Why is that so?

    Mainly cause in world of warcraft, the objective is not the goal, but the journey that leads up to it.

    Getting that tier equipment is really the cherry on the top of the cake, but the cake itself is the getting there.


    You will be crafting, collecting recipes, trading, socializing, gathering achievements, interacting with lore, planning, fine tuning, gearing, theorizing with gear enchants, gemming, skill builds, boss mechanics, boss battles, communicating, making a team, scripting, modding, team working, doing 5 man parties, 10 man parties, 20 man parties, 40 man parties, sharing and loot distributing because only 1 item drops.... You wont have time to think about it.



    As a former casual WoW player I'll have to disagree.

    One didn't got to dungeons to see the new bosses or try the new tactics, which he could see on the youtube done by pros perfectly, but to gain gear. While it was 40man, which is pretty much a nice little memory from vanilla now, it was less of a grind as bosses had that chance to drop individual loot. Now it's down to farming tokens and buying your loot, so you're pretty much farming "raid money" to buy your gear.

    I agree, collecting every single non raid recipe is an undertaking and not a farm, but collecting mats for high end recipes is an honest to god(just using the phrase here) farm.

    Also, I can overlook everything you said but "theorizing with enchants", please don't. There are several end game enchants which are used on specific classes of specific builds. There's no theorizing when the game is about min/max. Again, you farmed for those enchants, oh so dearly.


    Lastly lest not forget that WoW was done by Blizzard and has been 9 years in constant development. Its content was but a fraction of what it is now when it released.

    You're expecting an in-beta game to have the content variety of a fully developed game done by a leading company in RPG genre.

    Just look at any free MMORPG today. It's about farming, and then some more farming because it's the cheapest way to keep the playerbase while developing more meaningful content.

  11. Reach was renamed to Stretch in Update 8 and a new mod called Reach was added.

    He said a few days ago so I figured he meant the new Reach because I got it on the first day after the update. It's pretty common.

  12. While I understand OP's frustration, I have to ask.

    What makes farming in WoW much different from this? Or even, name 1 RPG that isn't about farming.And even then, name 1 free RPG that isn't about farming.

    You even pay a monthly fee to play WoW, meaning you pay a monthly fee to farm.


    RNG is definitely the devil here and needs to go but for a game with so small meta, it's the only thing keeping players from completing the game in a week.

    Wait for them to introduce more content and then start pressing them to remove the RNG system.

  13. I was unaware Reach even existed until a couple of days ago, and that's a common mod!

    Reach was just added in update 8.


    I agree with the OP tho.

    At least mods like serration and hornet strike could have some insured chance of dropping on every boss because of their 10+ ranks and being mandatory mods in all weapons.

  14. Sentinel could get assist XP and stun duration scaled to level?

    Personally I'm not fond of it 'cause it doesn't play well with most mods. Plus there're already stun mods.


    Hm. Does a rapid fire low-damage shotgun sound ridiculous to anyone else?

    Actually a medium damage slow firing shotgun that stuns would give it flavor.

    It could still utilize all of the shotgun mods for damage and faster shooting.

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