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  1. The birds can go right through walls but somehow Dantes ability to trigger status effects can't. Tragedy has become so situational with los that there's basically no point in ever actually casting it. I'd rather have a consistent 20m range than an inconsistent los "30m."
  2. No, bleed effect doesn't take into account enemy armor resistances even when being applied. This is the formula: Slash Proc Damage per Tick = 0.35 x Modded Base Damage x (1- Faction Damage Bonuses) x Additional Multipliers It isn't based on the weapons actual hit but on the weapons base damage and extra modifiers like limb damage and faction damage bonuses.
  3. Slash ticks ignore armor, which is why they're valuable. Having an armor cap won't increase your slash tick damage. If the example they gave of an enemy with 100k health and 97% DR giving 3 mil EHP is close to how they want to keep EHP after the changes then then the enemies health will have to be boosted to 300k. So now the slash damage will actually take a bit longer to finish the enemy than it otherwise would have. This would get very noticeable when an enemy that would normally have 10 mil EHP now needs 1 mil health and your 100k slash tick will take 10 seconds to kill whereas currently it'd still have been basically immediately.
  4. I think it works a bit different . They aren't keeping the DR = armor/(armor + 300) equation for enemy armor anymore. They will be implementing a new equation that spreads it out more evenly but only on enemies. They will also be increasing the minimum armors to reflect the change so that lower level enemies don't get like 3% DR. As of yet they haven't given information on the new equation and they probably aren't done working it out yet. "The Armor scaling curve will aim to be a bit more spread out, as opposed to being bottom-heavy. Partial strip from the top end will allow for more consistent damage gains, as opposed to needing to have a total Armor Strip." Although they did say 2,700 and I don't see how you'd get that to still work out to 90% using a different equation but that might have just been said because they still haven't worked it out yet and don't have the final defense number after implementing the new system. They just know they want a 90% DR from defense cap.
  5. I think the CD buff from individual cold stacks will remain. There's just an extra big bonus once the target freezes if I understood them correctly.
  6. Complaining about the armor changes is ridiculous. Health scaling is being boosted to compensate the armor changes so that the overall EHP tends to be the same but you aren't required to fully armor strip in order to kill anymore at high levels. Already the only difficulty from the armor was "full armor strip or bust" because it'll take too long to kill anyway. With the full armor strip they still die near instantly, all the changes do is opens up a few new ways to build. Running armor strip doesn't make the game "hard" just reduces build variety for late game content. If anything, depending on how they change health and shield scaling, the game might legitimately end up more difficult since you can't rely on full armor strip to one shot targets that currently have a lot of EHP because of armor.
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