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  1. Heyo, I think this is where this report goes. Anywho, a squad and I just completed an archon hunt, all the way through and at the end of the assassination when the mission report comes up, there’s no shard. I checked helminth, no shard there either. I looked at nav and it said I haven’t even done the hunt yet. I’m cool with doing it again but I figured yall ought to know. Thank you for your time.
  2. Hey yall! There’s a little bug I’d like to discuss. In Maroo’s Bazar, mobile users encounter a strange bug while trying to set up shop. It pretty much overlays the “set up shop” screen and the, I guess, trade screen where you list your items. It’s manageable if you have a controller but for those who don’t it makes it impossible to list items. Thank you!
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