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Posts posted by master_of_destiny

  1. Question to those who actually bought a rare resource BP, how many do you get?


    I ask because 50,000 nanospores, at about 3000 per mission, means you grind 17 missions (the alloy plates and salvage are pretty much dropped like candy in the void).  Assuming that you only yield one item (in this case a Neurode), this is a terrible deal.  It's admitting that Neurodes are basically on worlds you don't want to play, so we can make you grind worlds you do play constantly.


    Assuming of course it's 10 Neurodes, that's a bit more reasonable.  5,000 nanospores is one or two missions, and entirely reasonable given that neurodes drop once every few missions on Earth.

  2. Dude chill it is not just AMD users, right now EVERYONE crashes when attempting to contribute resources to the Daikyu research.



    Fair.  At the same time, weeks of random crashing puts you on the edge.  Having to post 40+ crash report numbers before ever getting an official response makes it difficult to not just string curses together and leave this game forever.  Especially when the update is released "a day early," but broken.

  3. I'll try to say this without being angry.


    Why exactly can't you release a stable game?



    I appreciate the difficulty of coding.  But this AMD BS is killing me.  Whether it is intentional, or not, can you please test stability on some AMD hardware?  Heck, shoot me a PM and I'll send you a 6950 I've got lying around.


    Every time I get to the dojo, and try and start research on the bow, crash.  Every F***ing time.



    I can deal with some crappy make two weapons before you can make another one hijinks.  It's annoying, but the crashing is just crap.





    As a side note, the visual changes in the loading screens are nice.  Not going to change the world, but very nice. 

  4. I'm feeling good, as a leftover from finally getting stability back.  As such, I've only got a few questions.


    1) When are we going to get something worth building in the late game?  I'm not asking about weapons, frames, or archwings.  I'm staring at 999,999 alloy plates (that's literally as high as the counter goes, so whomever implies they have more is lying).  Between that, and enough other resources to outfit a Raid party with any frame and weapons they desire, it seems like prime parts are the only things worth actively seeking after the mid game grind.


    2) When will we get better login rewards?  After months of logging in the best I've ever received was a Forma.  Once you hit middle to late game those bonuses to primary weapon, sentinel, secondary weapon, sentinel weapon, and frame blue prints are pretty much worthless.  An incentive which insults is worse than no incentive at all.


    3) When will archwing matter?  Right now it's a hand full of missions, a paltry amount of weapons, and almost completely divorced from the rest of the game.  Assuming that Tellurium wasn't used in the one bit of research, you could shear it off from the main game and lose nothing.  That's a shame.  I'm not expecting something as huge as a boss, or the Raid focused boss you've already promised, but a dozen more missions, a new mission type (think something akin to a race, which is what the speed of archwing calls for), and we'd have something to get us involved.  As it stands, the barrier to entry is too high, and the rewards for continued play just aren't there.



    I've asked what I feel needs to be expounded upon.  Unfortunately, I feel as though this will be another stream where no answers are had, promises are made, and we'll have to wait another 4 months to start seeing some of the "awesome new features" that are constantly being gushed about.

  5. Archwing bonuses are all kinds of messed up.  The main weapon doesn't count as a rifle, there is no secondary, there's no hacking, and despite all this I get those objectives regularly.  I'd like to see DE fix this stuff, but honestly it's on the list well below getting some of their game modes to consistently work.


    Between the regular need for the /unstuck command (though this seems to be getting better), the need for a /resetfov command (anyone else have the view locked to the back of your frame's head after a hack?), and the general failures of PvP to be balanced, I think they've taken a bite that may be a bit too big.  They'll eventually gnaw it to a reasonable size, but until then losing 5000 xp isn't so bad (when you get 12000 three times from a high level SPy 2.0 mission.

  6. That doesn't hold water.  Each pigment drops in different amounts.


    Something like the blue from Nef Anyo drops in singles (need 20).  Something like charger blue drops in 10 (need 480).  The drop count is not influenced by difficulty.

  7. Hello all,



    Was wondering if anyone else had the same issue.


    When you go to Earth, at night, the Tonkor seems to not have a flashlight.  It's impossible to use it, so it's functionally unplayable.  I confirmed that it was a bug with this weapon by switching to my secondary, and the flashlight suddenly lit everything up.




    So I guess it's the usual.  New content is always broken.  Kinda seems like I should start waiting to do anything until the following major update.  That's a disappointment.

  8. I could ask a snarky question, or perhaps state my opinion.  Neither ever seem to be taken into account until I've gotten a list of crash reports as long as my arm.



    On the off chance that this actually gets addressed, I've got several questions:


    1) Why, from a design perspective, have you included invincibility phases in all the later bosses? 

    2) Assuming that this isn't just a ploy to add length to a boss battle, what purpose is the invincibility intended to serve? 

    3) Why are you focusing on bosses now, given that the last big push for development was PvP?

    4) When will bosses drop something special, to signify their status? 


    Vor, Sargas Ruk, Lech Kril, Vay Hek, Mutalist Alad V, and even the Manic are magically invincible, but because their animations are slow you're often only made aware of the invincibility when you've wasted half a clip of ammunition.    


    Frame parts are nice, but after you get a frame the only reason to go back and fight a boss is rare drops (Alad V), or unique mods (the Jackal, Sprag and Ven'kra, Lephantis, Tyl Regor, and Sargas Ruk).  That's a shame, considering how much effort was required for each boss.

  9. Stupid, trolly, and intentionally insane comments aside; I'm hoping that this is a real fix.  I'm looking forward to actually using warframe this weekend.  The double XP thing is useless personally (no Formas, and already mastered everything I can build), but pretty good for newer players.


    Come on DE!  Hopefully this time DX11 support is fixed for AMD users.  I'm only going to believe it if my number of crashes this weekend is less than two.  If that's the case by Monday, I'll gladly thank you.  Until then, consider me hoping for the best and expecting a massive face palm. 

  10. Always love hot fixes.


    But yeah, ShadowWolf58 said. Kubrows are great and all, but they have this infuriating ability to make badguys literally invincible.


    I feel so bad for everyone using AMD. My heart goes out to them. I may not share in their religion, but now is not the time for proselytizing.


    Yeah, owning an AMD card sucks right now.  It's down to DE to fix this, and they've been "working" on it for some time.  I'll believe the work when I see it.


    Disabling both DX10 and DX11 manually seems to be working (7970).  Once I tick one or the other my game resumes crashing.  With both off, it's ugly but stable.

  11. Interesting.


    Kudos on making the game playable for AMD users.  Still peeved about the DX10/DX11 features bombing, and this is a direct result of something in U16.  U15 was relatively solid at the end.



    The new augment for Zephyr is kinda nuts.  Why would I take away the CC aspect, to increase the amount of cyclones?  They don't do much damage, so that change is out.  This seems to be a direct result of having 4 cyclones uncontrolled not being hugely useful, and the response is simply to add more and make them less effective....


    Vauban seems to be getting the frost treatment.  The ability you use most often is getting an extension, rather than having to spam the ability casting.  While I'm not a great Vauban player, the way I'm seeing this is that you'll need two ability augments (repelling bastille and the new one) to maximize Vauban.  This leaves precious little space for other mods.  It might be time to rethink releasing more mods, or perhaps time to add some more spaces to fit mods in.

  12. I have to retract my last comment.  A manic finally dropped 20 shotgun ammo today. 


    If that can be extended to all the other drops, I'm ballparking the drop of a good mod from them will occur some time in 2020.

  13. I have AMD and guess who just crashed upon entering a mission yet again?


    So, yeah.  I started a thread for this.  The only "fix" is to make the game a possibility for 32 bit windows xp systems.  Disable both DX10 and DX11, despite the game autodetecting that both can be run without an issue.  The game is more stable, but significantly less diverse (shading / lighting processing in DX9 was designed for 6 generations of hardware ago).  Additionally, shift+tab and clicking anywhere but on the game window will immediately shrink it.  Not sure if that is a bug, a feature, or more crappy coding that DE isn't talking about.




    As a side note, make the manic detectable if you're stealth.  The stalker, syndicates, hunter, and grustrag three all get visual cues.  When the manic kills you a second time, because you didn't even know it spawned (loki+invisibility suppresses sound too), it's an issue.  Nothing quite like losing a life, then losing a rescue because the manic is cheap.


    DE, let's talk.  If you're going to introduce crap to make the game more challenging, make it a new game mode with rewards.  Losing two mid-tier syndicate emblems because they're randomly generated and RNG hates you on the second run is crap. 

  14. So, I've been playing around and think I have a "Fix."  When you boot up the client, make sure to untick the DX10 and DX11 boxes in the settings.  It makes the game significantly less fun to look at, but at least it gets to run.


    I've also linked this post in the most recent hotfix.



    Just shy of 2000 hours, and this is where it might end.  If it is, may the rest of you have more luck getting DE to fix this steaming pile of code.  I'm done putting in huge amounts of effort, only to be ignored.

  15. Still no fix for:


    Decent support for AMD users:




    Basically the only "Fix" is to disable both DX10 and DX11.  That isn't a fix, so much as accepting that you've screwed up coding and have spent more time adding minor tweaks to PvP than getting the game to work correctly.  Seriously, unless we at least get some feedback saying this is being worked on I'm done.  Just shy of 2000 hours of play, and I'll be leaving Warframe a buggier pile of code than when I got here.

  16. ...You've actually seen the manics drop anything?  Seriously?



    I'd say that RNGesus was testing me, but I've never seen a manic drop anything.  No ammo, no health/energy orbs, and definitely not a mod.  They pop in, die quickly or get that dang slash proc, and I smack their corpse around out of anger. I'd have tried to desecrate with a Nekros, but that slash proc basically makes anything not tanky a distinct disadvantage.

  17. So, any other AMD GPU user ready to quit this buggy game?  It seems like a damning way to start a thread, but at this point I'm ready to write warframe off as coded by the remaining monkeys not writing the works of Shakespear.


    Trying to inject some levity into this, because otherwise I'd be following it with a stream a curse words.



    So update 16 has generally sucked.  Not for content, or effort, but every single update has basically told AMD users to go straight to......sorry, there's a lot of anger here.  After 16.2.2 I thought this would be fixed, but 16.3.0 managed to undo any fix. 


    To let you know I'm not whining about nothing, check out this list:




    441047 x2
    441120 x2
    442822 x2

    I stripped out the few unstuck crashes, and add x2 by the crashes which gave me the same number twice. 


    41 failures, all at the same point (mission start), and all only on AMD GPU hardware.  Playing on a laptop with a 4310 and integrated graphics yields no issues.  At this point, 16.4 (or whatever the next hotfix is) better fix the game.  If not, you've lost another player DE.


    For reference:

    3930k CPU

    32 GB RAM @ 1600 MHz 9-9-9

    Asus Deluxe motherboard

    7970 GPU with 14.12 Catalyst Omega Drivers

    Windows 7 Professional x64 SP1



    All joking aside, fix this.  Somehow 16.2.2 was stable for more than a day, without crashing.  It is definitely possible, and this crap deserves more attention than textures in PvP.


  18. So DE, what I'm hearing from you is that I should go f*** myself.  At this point, the insane instability is telling me that, and I don't see any action from you that counters that conclusion. 


    Why do I say this?  You apparently fix things, and the fix lasts for a day before you break it again.



    All of these crashes are from 16.3 and above.  The list of crashes for 16.2.2 is zero.  Don't think I'm justifiably angry, I'll list the crashes just since update 16.  Please note, a laptop using a 4310U CPU and integrated graphics has been used in parallel, and does not crash.

    16 and 16.1

    441047 x2
    441120 x2
    442822 x2


    For those counting, 34 crashes.  All of them listed were at the start of mission (I removed the couple of unstuck crash reports).


    You want to give me the finger, this is how you do it.  If I'm not stable by 16.4, this game is getting removed from my computer.





    3930k processor

    HD 7970 GPU

    14.12 AMD Catalyst Omega Software

    Driver Package 14.501.1003-141120a-177998C

    32 GB 1600 MHz RAM @ 9-9-9 timings

    Asus Deluxe motherboard

    Windows X64 SP1 Professional



    Additionally, I've had 7 more crashes tonight.


    That brings the total to 41. 

  19. So DE, what I'm hearing from you is that I should go f*** myself.  At this point, the insane instability is telling me that, and I don't see any action from you that counters that conclusion. 


    Why do I say this?  You apparently fix things, and the fix lasts for a day before you break it again.



    All of these crashes are from 16.3 and above.  The list of crashes for 16.2.2 is zero.  Don't think I'm justifiably angry, I'll list the crashes just since update 16.  Please note, a laptop using a 4310U CPU and integrated graphics has been used in parallel, and does not crash.

    16 and 16.1

    441047 x2
    441120 x2
    442822 x2


    For those counting, 34 crashes.  All of them listed were at the start of mission (I removed the couple of unstuck crash reports).


    You want to give me the finger, this is how you do it.  If I'm not stable by 16.4, this game is getting removed from my computer.





    3930k processor

    HD 7970 GPU

    14.12 AMD Catalyst Omega Software

    Driver Package 14.501.1003-141120a-177998C

    32 GB 1600 MHz RAM @ 9-9-9 timings

    Asus Deluxe motherboard

    Windows X64 SP1 Professional

  20. DE since update 16.3 I have had almost constant crash issues to desktop with my pc.  


    Prior to this update everything was sweet not a flicker then today (4/10/2015) boom ! nearly every game,  

    I have an older AMD Radeon 5570 graphics card and drivers as up to date as possible.


    Welcome to my world. They "fixed" the issue with AMD hardware in 16.1, actually fixed it in 16.2, and broke it again in 16.3.  If I were a betting man, I'd attribute it to two coders not getting together, and making sure implemented fixes were rolled into the next update.



    Also, thanks DE.  I said that if I didn't experience constant instability again I'd refrain from posting in this forum.  Congratulations, you've broken what you fixed and reintroduced the same issues.  I don't have to be quiet.  If this weren't face-palmingly stupid it would be funny.



    Again, a 4310u CPu and Integrated graphics is somehow much more stable than a 3930k and 7970.  What utter crap.

  21. Dead serious, man. Now i don't even have snowball in hell chance to beat spy 2.5 missions on my own. Literally, the only way to improve spy missions further would be raising alarm if camera/sensor bar/sentry regulator gets destroyed.

    The only way i can cope with all those lasers, sensors and stuff, is by having longivity focused Limbo at my side to banish me - last time i checked, lasers do ignore you if you are banished and do not raise the alarms...


    Oh crud, i just gave DE an idea, didn't i?




    I play these missions with pretty much every frame.  Try a Hydroid, who has absolutely no useful spy powers.  The only way to get these done, without stealth, is to use a scanner.  It'll highlight all enemies and cameras in green (through some walls).  Once you get timings down, the missions are more time consuming, but no more difficult, than the old ones.

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