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Posts posted by An_Atheist

  1. Still don't like how Neffie and Regor are running around with different looks but the boss fight has the old model.

    Their respective reworks haven't been released yet. This event is a preview of the underwater tileset FYI, so the wait until U17 for the new fights.
  2. The SG is fine if you don't slap on as much fire rate on as possible. Which is what some people did, and then complain about the ammo consumption, because you have +232% ammo consumption, meaning you're firing 49.8 rounds per second using all the pistol fire rate mods on SG, which isn't contributing in the slightest to the ammo problems being experienced(!). 

  3. Another thing about the opticor, just to let people know. It does 500 dmg half charged and fully charged. But fully charging it lets it able to splash dmg other enemies around where you shot.

    Wrong. I use it on a regular basis, and it does the listed damage at half charge and double that at full. It will always splash when you hit a solid surface, but the explosion is bigger and does more damage the more charged it is
  4. I load up my Rhino and go smite my enemies FOR THE EMPEROR AND ALL MANKIND

    Still waiting on good shoulder pads though, something more Space Marine like.

    Would Booben be better for Space Marine RP? He has a more defined shape to him, and has all the tassels that you commonly find on Space Marines

    Got to agree with the sentiment though.

  5. There's no suggestive title related to exterminating Kubrows. I completed the event with a squad of friends, and I didn't even know that the objective was for us to kill Kubrows. They were just accidental deaths, since I cannot find the correct word for it, and I still didn't know. No one did.

    Collateral damage is probably the term you are looking for

    I stopped after i got the Strun Wraith, dont really care for Kubrows.

  6. Boltace has equal or better stats all around except attack speed, but at the high end in a 4xCP+Viral team slash is a better damage type, slash procs are better and attack rate starts to matter when you don't 1-2 hit kill everything anymore.


    I'm not a math guy so I'm not calling it, but it looks close enough that I would like DE to buff Boltace to make it worth eating a previous weapon. Maybe give Boltace a syndicate mod or something? That seems to be the answer to everything these days, though.

    But mod it for status chance and slap on a Elemental combo and an Electric mod and then whale away, the not infrequent electric procs will surely give you the breather you are likely to need at this point.

    The armour is sill there in a 4xCP team, but it is not giving any mitigation, so the puncture bonuses still apply I believe, so it could scale fairly well.

  7. Not happy that it takes a Kronen to craft. Really despise these types of weapons.


    But that spin damage is no laughing matter. I was really happy with Kronens before, once I got into the habit of doing air copters and nailing heavies with headshot spin attacks. Their lack of crit didn't, and doesn't bother me at all. Plus they will look just swimming on certain frames. Steel skeleton angel wings yell heah.



    EDIT: okay which is "better?" I dunno. Does one of them have different range? That's not something that actually shows up on stats, so that needs to be testy-tested. Just the same, I'd argue that the Boltace is pretty much just a straight upgrade over the Kronens.


    But my Kronens are formae'd and have a potato in them. Sooo...




    THE DAIKYU ON THE OTHER HAND... WTF SEROIUSLY sorry I won't talk about that here.

    Give the Boltace the same love and attention you gave the Kronen, then we can see.

    I gather from that last comment people dont like the Daikyu. What is wrong with it (derailing my own thread lel)?

  8. I really hope they nerf the damage some and add on some speed or at least some critical chance. I loath slow melee. 

    And? Just because you don't like slower attack speeds for more damage doesn't man others don't. I personally quite like it, and its status is great. Not everything has to be cut and paste high attack speed, high crit chance, mid damage. Some variety is nice

  9. Opinions please.

    Which do people think is better? FYI, Boltace requires Boltor (duh) and Kronen to craft, along with some resources.

    Boltace is PUNCTURE based and Kronen is Slash, Boltace does 20 extra damage in total, but with a slower swing speed, so yeah, what do people think?

  10. Just yesterday I was helping a nee guy with a low level interception. I was doing a good job of holding two objectives, and he usually had one, so we were barely winning for the whole thing.

    Gustrag Three showed up to kill me, only to be #REKT by unending war valkyr. One of them dropped Split Chamber.

    I've never gotten a split chamber.

    So score at that point was about 53% (us) to 46% (grineer). New guy dies, and doesn't revive. I have to hold two points or we're screwed.

    I lose one point, which meant I had to leave the one I was guarding.

    Long story short, I couldn't hold both, and we lost by about 4%.

    I was salty.

    I have a spare one that you could have but you're not on PC, sorry man
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