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  1. I agree completely, why bother with the childbirth arc if he's going to be an irresponsible dad trying to kill the one who helped him get the kid?
  2. Looking cool doesn't fix stupid.
  3. Warframes don't even fill their tactical roles fighting things well, why are we trying to humanize literal knockoff borg-tyranid flesh in metal suits? Pregnancy and women aren't a problem despite what you said about being her only personality is true, it's the actual warframes filling a role nobody asked for while doing nothing to enrich the overall setting or adequately even fill in on the stalker. It's a filler quest, that's all warframe unlocks except Umbra are and it was reinforced they were filler because they make primes of everything and stripped any meaningful identity with the operators.
  4. Eminations and echoes of long dead volunteers and victims, take away the operator and they become a sack of infested borg meat. I will say, this touches on an old argument that the operator replaces any semblance of identity warframes had.
  5. Fan service isn't an excuse for breaking character or context.
  6. I'd honestly just replace him with an archon at this point. We've moved on from Stalker being both a threat and an enemy.
  7. It's a symptom of having an unfinished beta project filling in gaps and retroactively adding plot material on top of it. Not only that but we've had a project lead change and our search for water in creative drought is leading us to Camp Lejeune.
  8. I run a small clan solo and my friend runs a sister clan and we both can usually take events. It really depends how much grind your group wants to commit to. As for nechramechs, they're arguably one of the best additions to the game and have uses in both railjack missions and current late game areas so I would suggest sucking up and getting them. The only bad part to all this is eating that 6 hour dumpsterfire of a quest but the Zariman and Labs are worth it.
  9. At this point they have nothing left to go on so they're just using memes as canon now. I really need to be quiet when I say it gets worse before it gets worse because someone always takes it to heart.
  10. Filoni was always not a good writer but... this is something else. It's like someone from the Fallout Frontier modding team landed a job at a company and this is the project we get.
  11. I used to call Khora someones bdsm and cat mom roleplay. Needless to say this is getting to Fallout Frontier levels of bad.
  12. The issue is most of the lore isn't well written. Most of the plot writing is hamstrung by constantly adding retroactive material because Warframe had no direction for years. There's nothing to appreciate unlesscyou really like campy void fill.
  13. It's a bad trope and it is literally meaningless in the multitude of existence wide crisis going on. The quest also failed to address meaningful Stalker background which is what I expected some surface scratching, or even why Stalker still works with Hunhow. Only takeaway from this is they're now hammering the Orokin were totally corrupt and that Hunhow is actually a caring dad guy.
  14. 1. We have no idea what caste Stalker his. He was a guard to the Emperors, which means he was likely above a Dax. If he wasn't a Dax, he still probably could get away with it. 2. That doesn't stop him from going to the Tenno, who should have taken him to their Helminth. 3. It literally works next to the juggernaut spamming shockwaves and corruption. 4. He can affect matter and can be observed moving underwater. His control unit is seperate of the wreckage.
  15. Had nothing to do with not being able to speak, he can speak, he just doesn't want to. Adding Jade as a reason is retroactivrly trying to provide substance to a character that had none and fails. The meaning is lost in bad execution and plot points that exist because someone thought they were good when they're not.
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