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Posts posted by DarkRuler2500

  1. Hello Tennos,

    right now there are four sets of very strong mods out there.

    What i am speaking about? I am speaking about the mods dropped in The Cicero Crisis, Operation Breeding Ground and Operation Cryotic Front. Each one has four mods with 60% elemental damage + 60% status effect chance on max level. However only the poison variant is available now through T4 Vor: Whoever wants flame, electricity or frost will have to pay ridiculous prices in the ingame-shop.


    So i would suggest something to make those mods come back as late-game content.

    All those mods with +X Elemental Damage/+X Status Effect Chance should be available through different high-end enemies.


    Tower 4: Vor should drop Jolt, Shell Shock, High Voltage OR Voltaic Strike


    Lephantis should drop Pistol Pestilence, Malignant Force, Virulent Scourge OR Toxic Barrage


    Sargas Ruk should drop Scattering InfernoScorch, Volcanic Edge OR Thermite Rounds


    Lech Kril (Ceres) should drop Rime Rounds, Frostbite, Frigid Blast OR Vicious Frost


    By doing so, even now beginners can get those high quality mods now without paying hundreds of platinum on the market. If would improve the balance in the conclave battles and it would motivate to do a boss you've probably encountered some times already one more time to get those precious things. What do u think?

  2. Bei der Archwingmission auf Mars gibt es eine Passage, wo man plötzlich eine unsichtbare Wand hat, in die man ohne Kollision reinfliegen kann. Beim Versuch rauszufliegen, hat man aber plötzlich eine undurchdringbare Wand vor sich. Ich konnte mich nur durch eine Kombination aus voller Geschwindigkeit + Nahkampfattacke wieder rausquetschen. Anbei 2 Bilder, die dei Wand zeigen (siehe die Kollisions-Funken)





  3. Bei einer normalen Verteidigung im Void bin ich in ein bereits bestehendes Spiel hineingejoined.

    Ich hatte dann dort Archwing-Bewaffnung (Veritux-Schwert und Imperator-Gewehr) ausgerüstet.

    Das war allerdings nur optisch, geschossen habe ich dennoch mit dem "normalen" Equipment.






    Threads zusammengelegt, da sie vermutlich ähnliche Fehler mit der selben Ursache beschreiben

    - S3TH

  4. Recently since the Archwing Patch i have noticed, that i join the match with extremely delay.

    For example, i am on my ship and i made a crew consisting of me and 3 other mates of mine.

    Then we start a mission and the loading starts. Earlier we simply started approximately at the same time +/- 5 seconds more or less.


    Since the Archwing Patch i am sometimes still in the loading while my mates can walk freely since 20 to 30 seconds already. What is this? And how can i fix this? Or is this a known bug? If yes, fix this please, Devs!

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