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  1. I have set up my warframe to never need to fire any weapon. Is there any way I can heal just by kill with my abilities. I am looking for more of a passive heal like Saryn Molt Augment that give 50 health / s. rather than Trinity Well of Life. PLease tell if I have other options. P.S. I know hema, daikyu+nikana, healing return. But all of them are active heal where you need to use the weapon.
  2. I have a build that is focused around the duration of Inner Might. What I am looking for is something that I can equip or upgrade to reduce the cooldown.
  3. 5 Forma Xaku Build by AkashGarg - Xaku Global Build for easy domination - Overframe
  4. Thanks, was looking for something like that. Based on my understanding of builds, I think Armor Strip is must right?. Plus it is instant on any enemy that enters strip zone. Don't know anything about Archons as not unlocked it yet but why not Mobile Defense. Just sit there and let turrets do the job. Although spy would be bad mission type since XAKU would always trigger alarms.
  5. Use augment for 2nd for regular health regeneration. But I never new Caliban was S tier. Everyone is always dissing him. I get your point regarding tier lists.
  6. XAKU has 100% armor/shield strip in a big AOE. Auto Turrets that deal damage scaled on enemy level. 75% damage reduction. The best weapon damage buff. All of this for infinite duration. Only care about spamming his 4th ability. So, my question is what makes him not the best frame in game ever?
  7. I am new player to warframe. I want spend some money and buy 1 warframe that could complete entire game. I have watched multiple videos but confused since everyone has different opinion. There is 1 warframe Saryn that everyone mentiones. Should I go ahead with it ?
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