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Posts posted by Dreadwire

  1. 4 minutes ago, imtooniceforthis said:

    Focus schools and such are not that important to me as Vox Solaris and Solaris United since if I don't cap out the latter, I can't get my hands on the new frame. I haven't even thought about MOAs or kitguns. I don't even dare to dream. I dabbled on the K-Drive thing but it needs standing so I left it as secondary, when-I-have-time- kind of a deal.

    I hope you keep on enjoying the game 🙂

    I know this game is heavy on grind. And i my self can't keep up with it. I play roughly 1 or 2 hours a day probably more on free time. Set a goal and aim for it. If i get burned i stop and play other game or take a rest. I pretty much know how you feel bro. But yeah my suggestion is if you burned. It's best to rest.  Get back when you feel like it. 

  2. After more the 25 run on PUG today. I find it easy to just use inaros for frame. Whatever primary and a kit gun.

    I just use inaros with a lot of defensive mods.

    Rapid resilience + rage + adaptation + arcane grace + whatever arcane for the second one

    First always lower the alert lvl.

    Second wear the shield down. (Most player dont know how to do this)

    And lastly i let other people use their ach gun on boss while i clear the mob.

    Got more then 25 toriod from that and it's fast

  3. As a 4 year wf player.

    I don't even max my syndicate. Let alone my operator schools focus.

    Yeah it's annoying that you need to grind your operator to be OP.

    I just build my first kit gun a week ago. And i don't even have enough resources to build a moa.

    I just gave up on max thing out and just do what i like in the game. It's a bit better that way. At least for me

  4. 7 hours ago, DeathDweller said:

    How do you run 2k with 5770?Anyway i don't think much will change except that the game will not support direct x 9 anymore so only those cards will be affected.Your GPU needs replacement though, it's like 3 gens behind already.

    My 1080p monitor died last week.

    So a huge monitor was on sale. I thought yeah why not. Then when the monitor arrived. The default reso was at 1440p.

    So here i am

  5. A guy in pug ask me how much i pay for lanka riven. 

    I told him i didn't buy mine. I was lucky enough to get one.

    Then he ask if he should pay 2.6k plat for a riven a guy sell un trade chat.

    I told him dude.. i dont mind you leach eidolon hunt. Just don't be stupid.  Just use whatever you got. Its not worth it.


  6. I see this a lot in made up group.

    I always play harrow or trin. So im not sure what happen.

    As soon as the eidolon emerge the shield gone.

    This repeat 4 time and a total of 12 eidolon a night. That the best team i join up so far.

    I try vs with arcane. I try uw with arcane.

    Even with volt. I just cant do it. Not in a short period of time.


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