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Posts posted by sappinmahsentry

  1. The music isn't bad, it's just that it's too quiet. If you listen to it alone it sounds like there's a huge war, with all of the drum beats it feels like you're on a battlefield. It's just that in game all of the commotion of corrupted noises, ancient screaming, bombard rockets, heavy gunner gorgons, many lasers, and especially power spam. Over this you can barely hear the drums and anything else. The music doesn't need to be changed, it needs to be louder.

  2. I dont think you can kill anything even with full energy, unless you are on everpower mod.

    On a side note, Petrify is reaaaally good for team play, its a supportive frame for me in conclave.

    Problem is, it's just better to shoot the guy along with your team mate.

  3. I think this only happens to the one who's not throwing it, but in every single match I've been in the Cerata disappears when thrown. This gives me no ability to dodge it other than looking at the opposing warframe's animation, which only works 50% of the time.

  4. Titan, I played against you. I used Ash Prime for that match. I can see why you'd be angry. But the reason I was using Ash Prime was because every single fight in that server was with literally everyone. So there was bullets from all angles, so I had to choose a tank to get at least one kill.

  5. Landslide is NOT worthless. Unless your using that mod (forget the name) that prevents you from getting staggered many times in a row, Atlas can basically juggle you to death.

    Cool, except that if you're a rhino you can charge into the enemy and shoot them with a Hek.

  6. Updated the OP.




    I dunno... not getting knocked down and being able to spam 1 till your target dies is pretty good.

    Most of the time you don't have enough energy to kill them. Even then as Ash you can get 100 energy, shoot the enemy with a latron twice and then bladestorm them.

  7. Now, before you say "BUT ATLAS IS A TANK HE'S BALANCED" I'm gonna shut you down there. Wanna know why? Alright, a few reasons.

    1. Tanks are mostly useless in high skill play.

    2. If you wanna play a tank, use Ash Prime or Frost Prime. They have abilities that are actually worth something.

    Maybe DE thinks his passive is a balancing point, but that's wrong. If you don't wanna get knocked down just dodge.


    Now that that's out of the way let me tell you why he's bad. You see, Atlas in PvP has terrible abilities, his landslide is


    worthless if your enemy is swinging a melee with momentum or dodging. His tectonics is just a worse snowglobe, and


    even worse is that you can't shoot out of it. His Petrify is most likely the worst ability in PvP at the moment. It takes long


    enough to petrify someone when you actually have the energy to do it, and they only get petrified for two seconds. About


    one of those seconds taken up by human reaction time and Atlas's animation when you toggle off the skill. Finally, the


    Rumblers are slow, squishy, and don't deal all that much damage. 



    1. Landslide needs to be like a homing melee, maybe make its base damage 15, that way it'll be competitive when you press 1 three times instead of dealing 10 less damage than a Latron.


    2. Tectonics just needs more health to make it worth casting.


    3. I honestly don't know what to do with Petrify, if you make it have a half second petrify time it's gonna be "OP." But if you give him damage reduction on it, Petrify will either still be crud or be "OP" depending on how much you get. So honestly this ability seems to be doomed to death.


    4. Why do Rumblers have 5 armor? Why do they have only 400 health when other frames have about that much EHP while being able to shoot, parkour, and dodge? Why do they move slower than a drunk snail? All of these need a fix, give the Rumblers Valkyr armor, give them 500 health. Make them a tad bit faster. That's all I ask, if you're gonna spend 100 energy on these guys they better be worth it.

  8. DISCLAIMER: I have bad art skills. But the weapon would look like an infested growth on a Warframe's hand to elbow, with barbs sticking out from it.




    The Premert is a unique infested melee weapon that can morph into an abundance of other weapons. While in comboes, the Premert can morph from a mace, great sword, hammer, dual sword, and whip. Each with their own unique animations.



    Damage: 35 (dual sword), 50 (whip), 75 (mace), 80 (great sword), 90 (hammer). Corrosive damage.

    Attack Speed: 0.908

    Crit Chance: 65

    Crit Multiplier: 1.5

    Status Chance: 50%

    Slam Attack: 15 damage, no knockdown, radiation proc.



    Quick Melee: 5 lightning fast slashes with dual swords after short charge up. 75% chance to knock down opponent.

    Full Melee: Pull in an enemy directly to your feet with a whip and destroy them with a hammer. Slows down enemies that are hit with the hammer.



    So, is this good for a new weapon? Sorry that I don't have any art, I really, really suck at drawing. :P






  9. I would like to see Covert Lethality be eligible to be equipped on dual daggers. To me, it just makes sense - it's a mod for daggers, so why not have something like the Fang Prime be equipped with Covert Lethality?

    While that would be great, I did the math and Fang Prime would still deal less damage per second than a Karyst.

  10. Balance is way different on consoles vs. PC. On pc, almost Noone uses melee because people can aim with mice and are far more effective. If anything, melee needs a buff. People move so fast that it's hard to aim with controllers, so most people just run melee.

    Phase said melee needs a buff?


    Now people will actually recognize that it does!

  11. Melee hits rather hard if you know what your doing and there isn't fast enough charge up to kill the melee person

    The only melee that can fight any ranged weapon is the Mios thanks to its hard to hit but greatly rewarding whip.

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