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Posts posted by sappinmahsentry

  1. 45 hours is nothing. Plus she makes untrue statements. Also, You need to pay to enjoy Warframe?


    I only paid for one prime access and I'm still playing.

    I haven't paid a cent and I'm still playing. I'm actually pretty successful in this game, hell, I have good enough equipment to get past level 65, the only reason I can't go higher w/o valk is because I got burnt out after 1113 hours of gameplay.

  2. Here igo, couldn't find better footage. The first player touched me yes, but look at the 2nd one:



    Also it's a good example of how ridiculously high fire damage procs it can stack.

    Here, you can see Tenno being put in an invisible death trap that gives you no warning.


    It's perfectly balanced, though. If the enemy completely stays away from Nezha and/or has mind readi-nope. I can't even poorly explain my way out of this.

  3. Oh... well... to be fair, that would have been a lot more obvious if he had a specific frame in the title instead.

    Also, I just speed-read the topic itself since it was so short...

    Oh, I thought you were being sarcastic. I'm disappointed.


    Well, OP, basically efficiency, strength, and duration. for slowva. Efficiency, negative strength (OE), and duration for speed nova. And efficiency, range, strength, and negative duration for EV trinity.


    well, thank you very much.
    no need for your sarcasm - this thread is about passives and
    if I did not find the correct ones,   I am really grateful to learn them now.
    Fact is that you don't notice them when you play so I am glad about any information on that.
    And if it turns out that we already have plenty of them I am even more happy
    and maybe other players who possibly had not known about this, are glad too.


    Yeah, I totally don't notice Excalibur's 10% attack speed and damage buff to swords, nikanas, rapiers, and dual swords.

  5. Level 50+ Infested:


    Regular units: If damaged but not killed units will attempt to merge themselves together. If successful they will become a Juggernaut. This only happens if you debuff the infested without killing them. AKA A anti CC effect. Though Lotus/tenno will warn you when it starts to happen.


    Level 50+ Jumpers: If jumped on they will lock you into a animation where your stuck on the ground basically helpless you will have to spam space for a bit to get out.


    Level 50+ Infested will now eat their own corpses, using canabilism will level the infested up by 3 and restore all HP. Their is a 2 second infested devouring animation before its finished so you have plenty of time to kill it. Though if your dumb enough to leave a infested behind with a bunch of dead friends you might be coming back to a pretty strong infested. The infested will be crouched down trying to blend in with corpses during this animation. In attempts to sneak past the player and REKT them later.


    Level 50+ they will knock out the ships light reducing lighting to very dark. Allowing them to flank you easily with wall climbs.


    Level 50+ Anctients can now merge with eachother to combine their effects. Healers can merge with toxics and so on.


    Anctient also start being stealthier and hang on walls now instead directly running at the Tenno like regular infested. 


    Also on any mission depending on the tileset you might see a Greneer or Corpus heavy that has been infected. These have 2x the HP, but way worse accuracy. They are extremely brutal and will rush you firing whatever at you in fast volleys. In attempts to terrify the player. These are results of a not totally infested Corpus/Greneer. (This is level 20 infested missions)



    Also all infested now are 2x as fast when aggroed. (Level 50+ infested) Edit going more into this: I mean when the infested are alerted they will be a set speed regular speed. Though when they see a Tenno and or Take damage they will double their speed in attempts to rush the Tenno before they can react. 


    This only happens when they see the Tenno so infested on the other side of the map will not get that effect if mr. runner over yonder does.

    As if Infested weren't aggravating enough.

  6. Squall's gunblade is really impractical, it's literally a revolver with a sword for a barrel. I much prefer the gunblade from FF13 that lightning used because of the smoother animations on it. It seems a lot more believable than squall's.


    But as you can see, right there that thing is big, thin, hard, and just transforms into a blade. It's literally just a gun that turns into a blade.

  7. I still think a health drain is the best way to go. If i were to change Hysteria, i'd leave it as it is and add the following:


    - Hysteria drains 12 health per second while active.


    - Hysteria's health drain cannot drop below 2 health.


    - Hysteria increases movement speed by 50% while active.


    - Health lost gets added to Hysteria's base damage(not that she needs it) with a cap or 200 extra base damage.



    I'd remove the stored damage feature too. She would actually feel like a Berserk character this way because most sacrifice health and well-being for power.

    Whoa, 12 health per second is really steep. It has to be lower than that.

  8. She can easily one-hit kill 20 lv105+ Corrupt Bombard Eximus with her charge attack. It would probably be the same results on a lv200 version.

    And Excal, Valkyr, Ash, and Banshee can one shot anything on demand with a dagger and covert lethality.


    It's a different thing when we're talking about finishers.

  9. What we see here, is many, many people defending OP "precision" weapons. They do this because they just can't stand anything having any competition other than their OP ones. So nerf everything, and buff the "precision" weapons so we can be more OP.

    No, we shouldn't nerf anything but your "precision" weapons. DE, hear me out or play your game. When a guy who hasn't used one of these weapons before can get 25/5 in their first match, that's a bad thing.

  10. Ironclad Charge + Ironskin = 40k+ Iron skin hp.



    There you go, now go tank everything.

    Chroma can easily get over 100k HP.


    But I think Rhino is fine where he is, Iron Skin provides as a tiny shield to use when going to the frontlines to use stomp.

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