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Posts posted by Culaio

  1. 59 minutes ago, Golmihr said:

    If this is going to be a clan only thing then they are just wasting their time.

    Sadly I must agree, unless you were part of small but very active clan OR big clan with many players you would have problem finding crew for your ship. I am personally excited for this concept but sadly I am part of small clan that has only few very active players, so I am afraid I wont be able to enjoy this :(

  2. 11 minutes ago, Ferah_Frithu said:

    "I know stuff you might like and tell you that I know it, but I won't tell you about it"

    Grade A+ b8 m8

    Sorry for this, I just wanted to show that stuff is coming, its probably on backburner because of plains, I would say more but I am afraid of getting in trouble, talking about data mined stuff on forums is forbbiden

    I hope I wont get in trouble for this, but you can find info here:


    search for word: alchemy,

    keep in mind that info may be fake or outdated


  3. Dont worry DE already has plans for infested room, they described it in the past as "alchemy" room, I saw long time ago info datamined on reddit that mentioned some interesting things but I wont post info here since I dont want to get in trouble and dont want to spoil anyone.

  4. Sorry for going offtopic, but did anyone hear anything about super weapon(non-setient), on tennocon weapon panel ? its supposed to be three weapons(primary,secondary and melee) that when equiped together form some kind of super weapon, ive heard about this on reddit and I am confused no one mentioned on forums and was wondering if thats some kind of incorrect info or did people miss this info, here is where I found out about this weapon:


    you can also see it here:


    its the third pic.

  5. On 17.07.2017 at 9:51 AM, Fiftycentis said:

    i thought we were gonna have umbra around august/september, and poe near november/december, well, soontm we will discover if those don't get DElayed

    Ive saw message from DE on twitter that plains come before umbra and that they are planing to release plains late summer but I expect like always for some DElays to happen

  6. I personally would want for us to be able to invest our resources/credits into the cetus colony, to improve it, adding new buildings(huts?, tents?) to Settlement, adding new functionality to settlement and plains themselves, for example, one of investments could unlock ability to hunt animals(since we can fish why not hunt other animals like birds, wild kubrows, the bunny-like animal that is supposed to be in game(or is it already in game?) and other animals, some of other possibilties to unlock through investment:

    -new lunaro arena - it would be added visibly to town and of course it would be added to play from pvp menu, it would be interesting if it would be possible to organize lunaro game in settlement and for other players to watch it if they want to :)

    -hut/tent/building that unlocks new way to find lore, like for example archeological dig site that lets us unlock lore about past of warframe world like what happen to earth exactly, did humans we know become orokin throught evolution(natural or artificial), or new lore about sentiets after researching stuff left from them on the plains, or maybe unlock lore about living tower, and other possibilities.

    Why I want to be able to invest resoruces/credits, because I think its amazing when players can help shape(or at least feel like they are shaping) stuff in game, another reason is that it would be good resource sink for community, we know that DE doesnt want community to have so much of resources as we have currently, you may or may not agree with this opinion but of all the things DE could do to overcome this problem, community-wide resource sink would be best choice, since Hema was very bad way to do it since it hits some people harder then others(my small doesnt even have half of mutagen samples to research hema), community-wide sink would be more fair since people who have more resources then other would invest more while people who have less would invest less(the more you have the more you are willing to spend, while leaving some for the future) which would better balance resources of community.

    Third reason is that it would in a way would be voting for what we want in game, what we invest the most in would show DE what we want more of, on other hand it would show what community doesnt care about because its not interesting(which means DE would know what community doesnt care about and/or is in bad shape and need big improvements)

  7. On 10.07.2017 at 11:00 PM, Blakrana said:

    Bear in mind that Excalibur is not the Sword in the Stone, but bequeathed by the Lady of the Lake. It's when the Sword in the Stone is broken, that Merlin gets Arthur to come with him to the Lady to receive Excalibur.

    And...I personally wonder if that aspect of the legend, of the broken sword being replaced, is what they're going for; note that the entity with laboured assisted breathing and the heart monitor going ceases around the point Umbra shows up. What's a person to Ballas but a tool, after all, ultimately replaceable?

    But that's speculation on my part. Could be wrong, after all.

    Apologies for going on, as always.


    Actually ive read that there are many versions of this legend and in some versions excalibur IS sword in the stone, quote from wikipedia:

    "In Arthurian romance, a number of explanations are given for Arthur's possession of Excalibur. In Robert de Boron's Merlin, the first tale to mention the "sword in the stone" motif, Arthur obtained the British throne by pulling a sword from an anvil sitting atop a stone that appeared in a churchyard on Christmas Eve. In this account, the act could not be performed except by "the true king," meaning the divinely appointed king or true heir of Uther Pendragon. This sword is thought by many to be the famous Excalibur, and its identity is made explicit in the later Prose Merlin, part of the Lancelot-Grail cycle.

    However, in what is called the Post-Vulgate Cycle, Excalibur was given to Arthur by the Lady of the Lake sometime after he began to reign. She calls the sword "Excalibur, that is as to say as Cut-steel." In the Vulgate Mort Artu, Arthur orders Griflet to throw the sword into the enchanted lake. After two failed attempts (as he felt such a great sword should not be thrown away), he finally complies with the wounded king's request and a hand emerges from the lake to catch it, a tale which becomes attached to Bedivere instead in Malory and the English tradition. Malory records both versions of the legend in his Le Morte d'Arthur, naming both swords as Excalibur."


    Also by the way sword in the stone legend may been based on another legedary sword: Gram which was sword in a tree "Barnstokkr"

  8. 8 hours ago, ChaoticEdge said:

    No, not the spin attack, if you add fury still it still make it go fast still.  As that beserker mod should give the edge make it ultra fast like regular galatine.  Its is worth to swing it for I say, its really truely worth it to swing it.  Probably get giga dmg and crit together.




    I got one question, when the plains of eidolon is going come out?

    Its supposed to come late summer but expect it later because DE has reputation of releasing stuff later then they originally planned, and if by chance they release it on time then we will be pleasantly suprised, so expect they worse and hope for best :).

  9. I agree it would be very interesting, in reality it isnt that different from standard defense mission but it would feel more personal since there are people in town you interact with, its different from standard defense mission where you guard object or dude you just meet that seems to have some combat experiance(seeing he can wield secondary weapons).

    but I would especially want to defend against infested, not only from hordes of their enemies but from spread of infestation itself, it would be really cool if we could spread of infestation in the plains, slowly replacing fauna and flora of the plains with infested variants. and our mission would be not only destroying enemies but also some kind of infestation nodes that are source of infestation in the area(something like creep tumors in starcraft that spread creep)

  10. for people interested in what was said about operators you can check tennoclock site, there is recap with high quality pics from tennoclock

    here is what is said there about operators:"Some concept art is shown for new Operator equipment: armor and weapons. This Plains of Eidolon update is going to expand on the role of the Operator as a “warrior” of sorts. You will collect resources and be able to craft a “Focus gun” – which will utilize your Focus schools. The goal is to improve upon the duality of the warframe and the operator."

    source: http://www.tennoclocknews.com/tennolive-2017-recap/

  11. I am confused about something: DE said that excalibur umbra prime is exclusive to 'Warframe China' and that we will be getting excalibur umbra(not prime), DE also said that excalibur umbra will most likely have less "bling" then excalibur umbra prime which makes sense since it wouldnt be prime at all, but when we look at teaser I dont see any difference between it and exaclibur umbra prime....

  12. 5 hours ago, Iccotak said:

    Would be great to see those Corpus soldiers who hit us with batons get replaced with worker bots.

    As for the infested I would like to see them expand with their infestation evolution.
    First stage infected look asymetrical and like disfigured version of existing enemies.
    Second stage isinfested original creatures who have bodies that are more advanced and are ther own thing. Like the Juggernaut
    Also would love to see the Normal Humans added to the infested ranks. Imagine a scary fast infested enemy 

    I think that some corpus technicans with batons(prova) for self defense would make sense being here and there one corpus maps, doing they own stuff until tenno shows and and using baton to protect themselves but they should never main force.

    I agree completly with you about infested, I would also like to add that I would want infested to also try different tactics, like trying to ambush players, imagine walking to empty room, not a single red dot on map, and then suddenly you see, one then second then third , more and more pop up on radar all around you but you dont see anything then suddenly you see infested units coming out from walls, floor and ceiling, attacking you from all direction.

    Also since infested take over area with their biomatter, I think it would make sense if their biomatter created organic traps in the area, like floor opening up below you only to reveal huge teeth that bite you if you fall in, or tentacle hanging from ceiling that if touched by play pulls them up to bite  huge mouth or something like that(idea inspied by Barnacle from half life game)

  13. 5 minutes ago, Miss_Fluffybutt said:

    the problem it took that long for tww is the script, not creating a map with things to do

    the thing is that DE was originally planing to release 2 possibly 3 huge cinematic quests like that each year, while working on other content and we saw how it ended up, pretty much always stuff DE is working on is added much later then orginally planned.

  14. 3 minutes ago, HerpDerpy said:

    I doubt that actually. 6 months seems like the proper development time for an open world map. but the concept and planned content have probably been raddling around in the devs heads for years.

    Remember that DE spend 6+ months making TWW cinematic quest and this seems much more complex.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

    Yeah but remember TWW was delayed partly because they had to do a huge script rewrite (or chose to, however you want to look at it), they have no such issue with this quest. There is no guarantee, but I think they are trying to do one major quest a year, so I at least expect them to try to push it out this year if possible. 

    I understand not wanting people to get their hopes up without confirmation though. We don't really know anything right now, except the name, and that we will finally be able to get Umbra and learn more about warframes. 

    DE said in the past that they want to release at least 2 possibly 3 big cinematic quests a year, each year, we know that didnt work out but that was mostly because of TWW rewrites, if they dont do same this year we should get 2 quests unless open world will demand too much work.

  16. 4 minutes ago, HerpDerpy said:

    DE made 2 HUGE bomb drops this tennocon. Remember last year when the only thing of note was TWW? DE is stepping up their game.

    I actually think that this may be the reason for 2016 lacking content, I know they said they were working on this for 6 months but its hard for me to believe that seeing scale of everything we saw, DE isnt exactly huge team and they were developing smaller stuff longer then this.

  17. 1 hour ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    From now on, all Warframes have skirts and crests and fans and weird ornate twirly bits and dangling things and have insanely ugly, busy, noisy, crowded design?


    No Warframe will ever again look sleek and efficient?

    Actually it makes perfect sense lore-wise, we always known that orokin(who were original designers of warframes), really cared about appearance of stuff they made, while tenno were very minimalistic and practical, so it fits orokin created frames would be very stylized(and I would say overdesigned) while tenno build frames would be simple/minimalistic and practical, it makes perfect sense, and it always was like that, pretty much every prime object(frame/weapon/sentinel) had unnecessary gold additions that realistically make you much easier target to hit...

  18. I think it would help this game stay fresh if DE made fighting each faction feel different, yes I know that there are differences between each faction, like for example having shield or armor, or different special units(bombard, nullifer, ancient and  so on), and different types of damage work better on different factions but fundamentaly you can for the most part ignore differences between factions with weapon with good build, like for example if you have soma prime with good build you wont have to care about differences between factions until very high level, I rarely change build on my weapons when I bring them to sorties to fight against level 140 enemies which shows how little differences between factions matter.

    What more lack of difference creates plot hole in game universe: how corpus faction can throw as many human soldiers as grineer who clone themselves, this is big plot hole lore wise which is confirmed in game, by our operator: "The Corpus use robotics; They never fight for themselves."

    Lore-wise corpus should be fighting mostly with their robots, instead of sending their soldiers, I am not saying there shouldnt be any humans but they should be much more rare then their robots, humans should be mostly technicans and people like that.


    What I would want to see is for each faction to fight differently, for example:

    Grineer - large amount of (cannon fodder) soldiers 

    Corpus - smaller number but of more advanced robots, less enemies to fight then grineer but harder to fight thx to more advanced technology

    Infested - should be much more dangerous faction, then currently, faction that gives of 'horror' feeling(and I am saying it as person who is bad with horrors, I dont mean that there should be jump scares which I hate, I simply mean that they should feel like a faction that was created to fight against sentients), kinda like xenomorphs(alien) or zerg(starcraft),  instead of being treated like just another faction they should be more like nigh-unstoppable force, any battles won against this faction should be felt like great success in preservation of people we tenno protect but at the same time people in warframe universe should feel like they are still on brink of extinction from this faction. In a way I would want this faction to feel very lovecraftian, a danger coming from the stars.


  19. 1 minute ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    On PC at least, the relays really do get destroyed. And we all get an in game email about it

    no I know that during first event they got destroyed, they got destroyed on each system, each system was left with 3 main(I dont count baro's market) relays, it almost looks like their destruction was planed(everyone left with 3 relays, but different for each system), what I meant was that after fomorian returned second time(if I am not mistake right now that was third time fomorians returned), people one one of consoles failed to protect relay but it didnt vanished after its "destruction"

  20. Dunno if its true but ive heard that console players(dunno which console) once failed defending relay, there was count down in relay, they got kicked from relay during its "destruction" and... nothing happen relay was still there, it seems that DE didnt program destruction  of relays after then original event, or simply didnt want one of consoles to be left with only two main relays.

    Of course all this info could be false, since thats something someone told me.


  21. I must disagree with people who are fine with new players waiting over 2 years to get some really good stuff, and I am saying it as someone who was from the beginning of new daily system and who only skipped around 20 days because I was on  holidays. 

    The problem with new players waiting so long is that it discourages new players from playing game, when people see distance between new and veteran players is too great they skip the game(would you play game knowing you can NEVER catch up to veterans ?), there is a reason that even the best mmo games offer new players option to start at much higher level(when new players are discourage from playing game then the game will die, no game can survive on veterans only) , and those are games you can actually catch up with veterans with effort while new daily login system offers no way to catch up to veterans, since they will always be a head of you by number of days they were the day you started.

  22. I also want Multi-objective missions but I want those objectives to meaningfull, I want to see something happen, like we are making difference in game's world, I dont want objective to be like this:

    • capture target
    • defend the objective
    • exterminate enemies
    • extract

    since this would feel like its what we had before just stuck one after another, I would want Multi-objective missions to look/feel like this:


  23. 45 minutes ago, P0Pz said:

    Thank you! Exactly this!

    Walking the wall up "walking" and jump to another wall to "keep on walking" in a such smooth way never been ingame like that...everything looks and feels easy, soft, smooth...without breaks in between...

    Esp. This linie spinning...where is this movement? Never have seen that ingame? Oo*

    Was it ever ingame before (my time like 1+ years ago) ?

    This was how pakour 2.0 was originally supposed to to look, but it got scraped, DE excuse: it wasnt different enough from parkour 1.0(I remember DE saying it, but dont remember where), they seem not to realize that change isnt aways good(change, means different not better, it can be either good or bad and this time it was bad)

  24. 16 hours ago, Iccotak said:

    Take a look at the level design in this video. Notice how it is built around the Parkour system. That is how the levels should be in Warframe.


    changing level design wont help, parkour 2.0 is what ruined parkour in warframe, especially  changing wall run into wall hops, wall hops are so bad to use that I REFUSE to use them completly, if you try to look away from wall to look at oposite wall to jump on it or simply look away from wall to shot enemy you WILL disconnect from wall, and for the most part bullet jump combo makes wall hops useless for the most part. No level design change will fix those problems, to fix them you need to rework parkour system itself(parkour 2.5-3.0?), I saw better parkour system in mmorpg blade & soul, you dont suffer from problem of disconnecting from wall in it, you actually can make full circle on wall, if you are skilled(you can easily changing direction while wall running).

    personally I prefered first version of parkour 2.0, where we didnt run on top  of ziplines but were grabing on to them and we could brake on them and even jump from them by making circles around them(dunno how its called, english isnt my native language):

    here are other gifs from first version of parkour 2.0:

    I think that this version of parkour 2.0 was better and more fun, current version of parkour 2.0 evolved into people using bullet jump combo everywhere

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