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Posts posted by Culaio

  1. 37 minutes ago, Naimadekar said:

    No man, how i say before, i try all ceres and not found Guardsman for scan unlock, steam guide is from 2016-09-13 , too old, maybe how somebody say is bug, so i wait some time to try again. ty for answer anyway.

    guide is old but last few days I used it everyday to look for targets and it was correct every time, so if it doesnt work for you then most likely you have a bug, also remember that sometimes you have to wait certain amount of time for game to inform you about scanning target.

  2. 7 hours ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

    Fun fact: it takes all players the exact same amount of "time" to acquire all rewards. That being said, a pretty decent compromise was suggested in this thread.

    will you say same thing when people will have to wait 10 years to get those things...

    4 hours ago, Momaw said:

    We already have exclusive founder gear and extremely low availability on event weapons. 3 weapons from login rewards isn't going to be a significant drain your potential mastery when we have literally hundreds of other weapons for you to use. And why shouldn't the players who have been around the longest have the highest mastery?  If only by a sliver?  The way it works right now, if you have absolutely everything you get to the next mastery a couple of weeks ahead of the herd and then DE releases some new stuff and everybody catches up. I haven't run the numbers but I'm pretty sure at this point you could miss EVERY login reward and EVERY event weapon, and still be solidly into the middle of MR23, which is higher than any weapon prerequisite or quest prerequisite. You miss out on a tiny bit of rep grinding and one free mod point for new gear, that's it.  It just doesn't seem that serious.

    yes there is founder gear but the less exclusive weapon there is the better, and if DE continues to add exclusive weapons as login rewards then the problem will grow, and people defending this system want MORE rewards like that...


  3. 14 hours ago, zNightWolfz said:

    i disagree why shouldn't we be rewarded with things like zenistar and primed mods for playing for the time we have..Its not like you cant play without the mods so your not missing out really. i think all these sorts of threads are BS.You just want a easier faster way to get the items and don't want to play for so long  that what it seems like..


    problem is that game progression is tied to mastery of weapons so any weapons in this system affect your whole game experiance, like:

    • daily trading limit
    • maximum Void Trace capacity by 50 per rank
    • maximum daily bonus amount of Syndicate standing by ‍1000 (Conclave is considered a Syndicate for the purposes of bonus standing)
    • amount of point weapon/frame starts with
    • cap on the amount of Loadout slots

    As you can see it affects many things, and like I mentioned in one of my previous posts 1-2 years to get something is not so bad but what happens when people have to wait 5/7/10 years to get something, it will push away new players, maybe no all of them but some people for sure, if you really prefer to feel like special snowflake  even at cost of making game less attactive to new players then I am sorry to say it but you are bad for this game.

    And dont say primed mods dont make a difference, yes in normal play it doesnt but it can make a difference when you want to get a gold trophy for your very small clan in events in game, for example during ambulas reborn event I got 250 points for my clan and single handedly won gold for my clan(I am not alone in my clan but rest of my clan is much less experianced then me so they got very little points, also I was helping another guy who alone was doing event for his clan, I needed less then 200 for my clan to get gold but the guy needed 240 for his clan so I stayed with him until the end). So what I am trying to say is that, primed mods DO matter.

  4. 8 hours ago, Unus said:

    From the story, Earth's transgenic mutilations of old Earth life were "simply" Orokin approximations of species they slapped together from discovered genetic components. The Kavat, as well as the plants on Earth were purpose built from zero to be Infested defiant chimeras, something which has, once again, gone to far without governance as the forests ravage the planet with near-Paleozoic ferver. On the less focused end, the kubrow and the skate are Orokin genetic slap-togethors, with the skate being a "successful" experiment (a.k.a. ask someone 150 years after skates go extinct what skates look like and what they were like. "They seem built for sand and had poisonous tails. . . CLEARLY DESERT ANIMALS!") and the kubrow being an attempt at breeding a companion organism in the vein of the dog (and ending up with a canine/chiropteran/ursine/monotreme fusion.)



    As far as I can tell, Venus' weather was controlled by massive towers who covered a variety of functions such as oxygen generation, humidity, and of course, temperature. During the war, hundreds of towers were slain, leaving giant standing corpses we raid on a constant basis. At least ONE has survived, but without direction or adjustment, it has gone to far and turned Venus into a frozen ell scape. Given enough time, it's likely we'll get a full decay back to original standards for the planet, save that it will be really really REALLY cold, covered in volcanos, and have storm's of fullerenes everywhere.


    As for how they did things? Think carefully, this is a civilization that has found out how to merge divergent species, create claytronic matter, defy the human age limit, synthesize new elements, and create gravitational fields. This is not now where humanity is multiple divergent cultures with a limited budget, this is a time of demigod like imperial magistrates leveraging the power of a multiplanetary human nation to do whatever the ell it wants. With enough time and centuries of patience, the Orokin could likely filter an entire atmosphere particle by particle from within a tower  until it reached the limits of human habitability and, in some cases, even closer. The trouble is, you NEED someone with infinite time and patience to pull it off, not a few fellows who, at best, won't gentrify till they are around 2000 years old and might get fired within that timeframe or blown to pieces.

    I wont lie, I didnt know some stuff you mentioned, and I found this info really interesting, I know how powerful orokin technology was but we must remember that even to them changing planet wasnt easy I mean we saw in "The Silver Grove' quest person trying to fix the earth to like it should be, we saw that it was taking her a lot of time time and that it wasnt easy.

    Also it seems that original orokin tech used for terraforming seems to had problem surviving in harsh enviroment, since there must been a reason why orokin created tech for terraforming and given it ability to adapt to any enviroment that eventually evolved into sentients.

    EDIT: either way we should probably stop talking about this in this thread, we gone off-topic, we should focus on thinking to make plains and other landscapes better.

  5. 4 hours ago, Unus said:

    The reason WHY they haven't hit the sweet-spot is because the entire solar system was purged of Orokin who just so happened to be working at enough of the infrastructure to have it get obliterated as well. All that's left are automated systems that, in the absence of regulatory forces, have gone to far in their machinations. According to the game, only mars retains it's habitable status without mechanical or electronic assistance In the modern age, all else, even Earth's transgenic Infested-resisting plants, are all sustained by mavhine. If they all break down, poof, back to square one.


    The "clever Corpus engineers" have only learned how to "jiggle the air conditioner nob" if you will. Turning "Antarctic post-volcanic winter" conditions into a more tolerable "North Canadian mountains during winter". 

    I have one question: how earth ended up the way it is ? I mean from lore we know that orokin were still in power when earth ended up changed beyond recongnition, it was one orokin who was trying to make earth like it should be.

    one of problems with your explaianation that I have is that systems, lack of infrastructure(because it was destroyed) needed to maintain planets doesnt explain  why planets he certain enviroments, for example lack of infrastructure on venus shouldnt make it too cold, it should make venus too hot  since its easier to make venus hot then cold,, to make it hotter you would simply need to increase amount of light reaching the planet(if it was object in space that decrease amount of light, then it would simple have to be destroyed or float of into space, if light was blocked on venus with somekind atmospheric means then amount of substance in atmosphe that blocks sunlight decreased(which can happen with time) on other hand to make venus colder you would have to increase amount of objects in space that block sunlight, or increase amount of substance in atmosphere that blocks sunlight, both can happen BUT are much less likely to happen then what I said before.

    There is also the fact that venus in game is brown which makes no sense since neither planet surface or atmosphee of venus shows such color

  6. 2 hours ago, BetaNoire said:

    That's Wally. Lotta people try to find him. 


    What's notable is the eyes are GOLD. My Wallys eyes were RED.

    How does the color vary? 

    my were gold but I am pretty sure my eyes had pupils in the instead of looking like fragements of SPACE, my operators eyes looked like operator in this video has:


  7. 2 hours ago, BetaNoire said:

    How did they screw them up?

    not a single of planets in solar  system is like earth which is goal of terraformation, and scientists in our current time are pretty sure that many of planets like mars or venus could become like earth and orokin had much more advainced technology then humans today(including void based technology which as we know breaks laws of physics), whats more look at earth, its nothing like its supposed to be, the orokin person mentioned in silver groove quest was actually working on restoring earth to how it was supposed to be.

  8. People who think current system is fine should realize that this system will eventually start pushing AWAY new players, 1 or 2 years to get some stuff is not that bad but how new players will react once they find out that they have to wait 5, 7 or even 10 years to get some really good stuff ? new player when he see's it will quit...

  9. 2 hours ago, ganjou234 said:

    I hope they place some sense of neutrality sometimes. Like some grineer patrol saying, "back off or we'll shoot!", or "you're not supposed to be here! leave or we'll fire!". Maybe on some areas?

    In this type of enviroment I would also want to see that but we also shouldnt forget about lore, something like this would more likely happen from corpus then grineer, since grineer in general show blind faith in their queen(which is shown by the fact that they dont seem to care that they are cloned over and over again), most of grineer that could actually do something like this are smart enough to become deserters and join steel meridian.

    Maybe if lore showed grineer who arent trigger happy I could accept that but sadly currently it would be hard to imagine.

  10. 13 hours ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

    Perhaps after the Collapse of the empire, Mars regressed back to a desert. I mean, there is still water on Mars, and vegetation, so it might have been a more lush place during the Orokin era.

    But wasnt Orokin terraformation technology was build to last, I mean codex entry about venus says this : "Hidden and entrenched in the mountainous peaks of Venus, the Corpus practice their industrious craft. the superstructures built here are a testament to the inventive Corpus engineers that have settled in regions where lingering Orokin technologies still moderates surface temperatures."

    Also another weird thing, planet venus in game when looked at from landing ship has brown color(which it doesnt when we are on planet surface), which doesnt make sense, yes I know that  atmosphere can affect how we see planet from the outside because of how it scatter light but we should still see something from the inside of atmosphere.

  11. 24 minutes ago, GrayArchon said:

    A terraformed planet is generally understood to be habitable by human or Earth-like organisms. It would be impossible to make planets exactly like Earth because of their mass, location, internal geological characteristics, etc. But they can be made habitable. If you can walk around on its surface without a gas mask, it's basically habitable, and I listed all the places in the Origin system where we can do that. Those places have been terraformed, including Venus and Mars.

    exactly same is indeed impossible as you say but VERY similar in many cases is very possible(mars is one of planets that could be VERY similar to earth), orokin for a people that had amazing almost godlike technology they were pretty bad at terraforming I mean even current people believe that making mars earth like planet is very real possibility., scientists have pretty much answer for all problems related to terraformation of mars, including lack of magnetosphere.

    Terraformed mars could pretty much look like this:


    EDIT: and here is theoretical terrfaormation of venus assuing its rotation speed wasnt speed up(which is why its clouds have such weird shape):


  12. 18 minutes ago, GrayArchon said:

    Sunlight doesn't have to reach the surface of Venus. The point of stratospheric aerosol injection is that you are increasing the albedo of the atmosphere. Venus' atmosphere already reflects 90% of sunlight, so these methods would have diminished efficacy (I think), but they would still be effective. Reflecting sunlight in the atmosphere will only make surface temperatures cooler.

    On another note, you can also reduce Venus' greenhouse effect by changing the composition of the atmosphere via carbon capture and replacement with nitrogen and oxygen. This would allow heat to escape the surface of the planet instead of being trapped by the atmosphere and would also contribute to a global cooling effect.

    The Orokin, as far as we've seen, were absolute masters of terraforming. Not a single celestial object in our solar system (in today IRL) is terraformed (EDIT: other than Earth, obviously), yet in Warframe's vision of the future, they all are. So the Orokin are responsible for making, at a minimum, Venus, Mars, the moon, Ceres, Jupiter['s atmosphere], Pluto (ambiguous; cephalon fragment suggests not), and Uranus habitable for human or posthuman habitation. This is a massive feat of terraforming that is possibly the Orokin's greatest accomplishment. Not to mention, these locations are still habitable hundreds or thousands of years after the Collapse. Even Earth is still very much habitable. The only thing wrong with Earth is that the Orokin let the plant life go crazy, which has almost nothing to do with terraforming. The Sentients were even created for the task of terraforming the Tau system. That's how central this practice was to their civilisation.

    Acording to wikipedia atmospheric method  pretty much wouldnt work at all(because of already high albedo), yes changes to atmosphere are needed but they wouldnt work alone if you didnt first limit amout of light reaching venus.

    like you said venus is TOO cold this shows that they are far from perfect at changing planets: remember that terraforming means making planet like earth(word terra in terraforming means earth), at which they failed  at most planets, mars isnt like eath even though its probably planet easiest to turn into earth like planet(yes there is earth like atmosphere as we see with the fact people can breath there but its still very dry planet), venus is too cold which means they went too far with cooling down the planet and there are many other examples.

  13. 40 minutes ago, GrayArchon said:

    Venus is canonically cold due to extensive terraforming, as per its cephalon fragment. In fact, it's implied that it's too cold, and that current Corpus settlements are only extant in locations where lingering Orokin technology makes the temperature warm enough (although the verb used is "moderate", and is ambiguous). The Orokin had technology that allowed them to perform god-like feats, and probably several hundred/thousand years in which to do them. Lowering the surface temperature of a planet isn't as hard as it seems. Something low-cost like stratospheric aerosol injection could be massively effective with our current technology, let alone Orokin technology.

    Venus is a cold planet in the Warframe universe. This really can't be dismissed. It is stated in recent, in-game lore, not some old comment on the website (ie the composition of Uranus' oceans). So it's unlikely that DE will change it because "it doesn't make sense". If you're looking for something that's truly absurd, try the Uranus Sealab tileset.

    Actually the method you mentioned wouldnt work on venus, pretty much no atmospheric method would work because pretty much no sunlight reaches surface of venus, its clouds pretty much reflect all sunlight already, to cool down venus you literally have to decrease amount of sunlight reaching clouds themselves so no terraforming method would work, only way to achieve that is blocking sunlight from reaching in space or upper atmosphere .

    Yes I know Orokin had amazing technology but even in the lore it was said that they werent that great at terraformation, how we know that ? they screwed up most of planets in solar system(including earth) and had HUGE problem fixing them...

  14. plains related questions:

    -is there a chance we will get more then one landscape per planet(at least on some of planets), representing different enviroments, like for example second landscape on earth in forest area. it would be great if we did get more then one landscape per planet since it would help better show different enviroments or cultures living on planet, for example one landscape on mars have "native" people(like baro's people) , another landscape could be in style of wild west(space western trope), something like what we see in trigun anime :D.

    -is there a chance that we will get to craft other types of weapons on different landscapes, like for example crafting secondary (I would love to craft my own revolver) or primary weapons ?

    -Are there any other activites other then fishing planned for for landscapes ? like for example: mining(but instead of mining directly we could drop mining device from our ship, and our role would be to protect it while its minging), its just an idea.

    -During the video from plains you showed us being able to use normal weapons with archwing does that mean archwing weapons wont be accessible on plains ? if thats true than that would be very disappointing since plains is the best place to be able to use archwing weapons, I know that there would be problem with balance(because of regenerating ammo), but I think that archwing weapons would be great in plains with small changes that would make them more balanced, like archwing weapons having ammo on the plains(possible ammo that is more rare then ammo for normal weapons)

  15. 32 minutes ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

    Yeah, I like your ideas a lot. The devstream thread is up, so you should definitely ask them about any plans to do more stuff like this.

    Could you ask them ? I am currently on vacations and my internet is kinda wonky here,

    I will try asking them some questions, but it would be even better if more people asked about it

  16. Sadly I must agree with you about lack of confidence in DE adding more then one landscape per planet, I mostly mentioned it since you had idea earlier of second landscape related to loka.

    Maybe if they made landscapes large enough that they could have multiple hubs, multiple type of "cultures" could exist on same landscape(like wild west and middle eastern), but still I would prefer multiple landscapes per planet.


    Well DE could explain cold venus with some kind of orokin void technology but we dont see anything like that in game world(some kind of special orokin towers on planet surface), you could probably make venus colder with more primitive technology like putting object with big surface between sun and venus to decrease amount of sunlight reaching surface of venus but we also dont see that in game world.


    By the way I would want to see crafting system in wild west location to have wild west type weapons, like revolvers(I would LOVE to craft my own revolver :D),  leveler-action rifles, revolving rifles and so on

  17. 11 hours ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

    I'd like a mix of a wild west and middle eastern (think Afghanistan) environment for Mars. Basically, it'd be a semi-arid/arid environment, but red like Mars. Orokin terraforming would've made it a more semi-arid environment. For a sort of Mos Eisley-like place, it'd definitely be wild west, but with earthen buildings and structures. As for the industrial structures alongside the old style structures, I'm kinda torn. On one hand, Mars already has industrial structures so it makes sense for Mars to have that. On the other hand, I'd like Titan Colony to have a sizable industrial zone, as it'd be in the heart of Grineer territory (the major moon of Saturn). So, idk how I'd feel about that.

    I definitely like your idea about mining in the environment. I'm of the opinion that a lot of the missions we currently do in the star chart make perfect sense in an open world environment.

    I want to mention that mars titleset is called grineer settlement, so it doesnt seem that its meant to be anything industrial in the first place.

    We wouldnt really have to mix different things like wild west and middle eastern since game should have more then one desert planet, I dont get why there is desert on only one planet while every other enviroment is on multiple planets(grinener snow titleset exist on multiple planets, venus should been desert planet, its currently cold planet which makes zero sense even with terraforming, its too close to sun to maintain cold enviroment unless somekind of orokin(void?) magic-technology is protecting the planet.

    but even with only one desert planet we still can still have both wild west and middle eastern stuff without mixing them, like for example seperate hubs in landscape or completly different landscapes on same planet(with its own hubs).

  18. 1 hour ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

    There are horde enemies in Zone of the Enders 2 that die rather quickly, so there's similarities there. Besides, Archwing is balanced differently entirely from the rest of the main game, so it doesn't need to be held to the same balancing standards.

    well ZOE 2 also has stronger enemies(main enemies) who dont die from one hit, and archwing doesnt have that.

    Archwing is currently trying to be like ZOE and it doesnt really work, no one finds what we have now engaging, there is nothing fun about mashing melee key until everything is dead. shooting also isnt really any more engaging, you are pretty much space turret, there isnt really reason for you to move when fighting, you simply enter location(corpus maps), kill everything(while barely moving) move to next "room" with enemies kill everythingand  so on, grinner archwing interception needs even less movement from you, only mission that demands from you to move and  shot is archwing pursuit mission, its only really engaging combat(its engaging but it isnt good because of how annoying to hit weak spots are) in game and it pretty much works like space dog fight, this is reason why I believe archwing needs space dog fights.

  19. 4 hours ago, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

    1) "Shoot someone...FIRST" LOL. I think Mars would be a cool place to have some different type of gameplay with some interesting factions. I think Baro's people should be the native population of Mars. With the look of the terrain, building structures, and some Simaris lore about location names (one place is called Uxmal), I think DE's previously been inspired by Mexico, so perhaps the native population could draw inspiration from there. When we also consider the Beast of Bones and those mercenaries as well, we could get some very interesting story and gameplay elements for Mars that are incredibly unique.

    I also agree that there should be multiple hubs in different areas. For Mars, that could be a bar/cantina hub with outlaws, smugglers, and defectors, another hub with native civilians, and another hub for Steel Meridian at their base.

    2) I definitely think they should try to flesh out Plains of Eidolon as much as possible before moving to a second landscape, so that they can gain a lot of experience with how to do open world. Once that happens, I do think they should prioritize landscapes over tilesets. So, imo, they shouldn't do like a landscape and a tileset and then a landscape and a tileset. I think they should do a second landscape immediately after they've completely fleshed out Plains of Eidolon.

    3) I agree that interactivity is vital to landscapes. Beyond some of the things that I suggested in the OP (like making it alive, having the AI continually doing things in the environment, having multiple repeatable side missions that offer rewards and thrilling gameplay, etc), we can also have a reason to come back if each landscape is unique in terms of factions and what they offer.

    To explain, Plains of Eidolon has the Ostrons and unique Ostron weapons that we can craft. Well, a Martian landscape wouldn't have the Ostrons. Instead, they'd have a local Martian populace who could offer their own weapons or other unique items. Titan would offer something different as well, as would Ganymede. And this wouldn't just involve weapons. We could get archwing parts, or cosmetic items, or space fighter (yes, this should be a thing) parts, that are all unique to their respective landscapes. Then, imagine if we could craft these various items together, mixing and matching parts from different landscapes to create new combinations of weapons and cosmetics. That could be our reason for returning to the landscapes, besides the various side missions and immersive experience.

    Truth to be told I would want hub and landscape that has feel(types of building, types of fauna and flora and other stuff) of wild west(with sci-fi elements), type of place where Mesa frame feels right at home :), since warframe had people living on mars in "buildings" looking like they were from very old times on earth then warframe can have wild west town and landscape(of course with sci-fi elements) :).

    Idea kinda inspired by.westworld and dark tower(I am BIG fan of wild west :D)

    TRIGUN manga world is probably good example of what I have in mind(sci-fi + western) :)




    Oh I agree that DE should work on next landscape immediately  after they finish plains, but what I meant in previous  message when saying "second" was second per planet, they should make second landscape per planet after they fiinish first landscape on each planet first.



    One of activities in the landscapes I would want is mining....I dont mean persoanlly mining with pickaxe(or any sci-fi altenrative of pickaxe), instead we would scan for resource, once we find good place we drop something similar to excavator/extractor that gathers resource, our role during that time would be to defend excavator/extractor, this idea is based on one of best thing about now dead mmo game firefall: the "thumping"(it got its name from sound the mining device makes during mining)

    firefall cinematic trailer shows pretty much what thumping is about:


  20. 1 hour ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

    Archwing should just be Zone of the Enders / Zone of the Enders 2.

    That S#&$ is the hypest. And the devs themselves have said that it was a huge inspiration not only for Archwing but for Warframe in general. You can see it in the art design for many Warframes, accessories, and so on. For example, the Trinity Meridian Helmet is literally just a narrower version of the head of a ZoE robot.

    The thing is that ZOE does not work with warframe, ZOE gameplay mechanics dont mash well with horde shooter-like gameplay because ZOE uses extensivly lock-on + strafting to make combat engaging so to achieve ZOE like gameplay DE would need to decrease amount of enemies by a LOT, strengthen enemies so they would need multiple hits to take down each enemy, another problem is that ZOE focuses on melee weapon as weapon that deals most damage, so to achieve ZOE like gameplay you would have to weaken long range weapons so they would deal 1/3(at MOST, probably they would have to be weaken even more then that) of current damage they deal.

    fundamentally to achieve ZOE like gameplay you would have to remove most of things that currently make warfame, the warframe.

  21. One of problems DE has with making archwing better is that everyone wants it to be something different, so how they are going to satisfy everyone(or at least most amount of people)...

    For example in my opinion, archwing should take inspiration rom strike suit zero, especially its two modes:

    -"space fighter" mode - high speed space dogfights (move kinda like jet fighter, moving mostl forward)

    -"mech" mode - slower but more precise movement  (VTOL like movement, slower then space fighter mode but ability to move in any direction including  backward, also able to make quick turns)

    I think having two modes of movement would make combat more engaging, especially  since I believe archwing NEEDS space dog fights or archwing combat to be engaging, which could be very hard to make enjoyable in current type of movement, its possible to make space dog fights without 6DoF movement but lack of it would makespace dog ights more annoying which is why so many people asked for 6DoF in the first place(including me) we want space dog fights, without 6DoF you will end up in situation where you are pursuing enemy(for example going above or below you), and then you will lose track of him because you reached limit of your rotation axis,

    I know that many people had problem with 6DoF in archwing(made them feel sick), but I believe that this problem can be resovled sinc I saw people who never felt sick in other games with 6DoF, felt sick in archwing with 6DoF so it means that its problem of archwing 6DoF and not 6DoF in general.

    Another game from which DE should take inspiration or arhcwing is "dark void":

    only beginning of video:


  22. On 22.07.2017 at 0:58 PM, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:

    1) See, while I know Sands of Inaros featured Baro, I wouldn't only focus on those people. I mean, they could be there, but I'd have Mars be a melting pot of different people. In on area you could have Baro's people. In another area, you could have Steel Meridian. In another area, you could have like a Mos Eisley/Wild West type place with a bunch of bandits, outlaws, smugglers, Corpus defectors, etc. It could be a much more diverse place than Plains of Eidolon.

    2) See, I'm treating Cetus like a test case, for a few reasons. 1) It doesn't reflect the Earth that we typically play on, nor is it an environment that we could see New Loka on. 2) Because of that, I'd want to see a greener Earth landscape, one where we could have some green fields and a proper jungle.

    3) I'm still thinking about how to do Ganymede and how gameplay would work. I kinda have it figured out from a story perspective. First of all, it'd be the largest Corpus-controlled Colony and the main Galilean colony of Jupiter. Second, Perrin Sequence, naturally, would contest the Corpus there. And third, it'd be where Baro moved to, and that's because while Baro is from Mars, his attire is Corpus, so I would have everything about his attire and mannerisms and profession be something he picked up on Ganymede.

    In a similar fashion, Titan would be where Maroo comes from and you'd learn more of her backstory there.

    1) now that  have better image of what you are planing I must say that I like your idea, it reminds me of tatooine from star wars, I have now strong desire to go to bar/cantina on mars and shoot someone...FIRST XD.

    but I also think there should be place where "natives" could live, I think that at least some landscapes should have multiple hubs with civilians, where we can interact with people.

    2) I dont mind second landscape, I just think it should come later, as DE gains more experiance with landscapes, they can make it bigger and better.

    3) How we interact with landscape is one of if not the most important thing about landscapes, yes story is important but story alone will take you only that far, once you finish it  if you have nothing to do, you wont have reason to return to this landscape over other landscapes so most players will abandon it, and will stay one landscapes that have more interactions.

  23. On 19.07.2017 at 6:16 AM, A-p-o-l-l-y-o-n said:



    I must say that I really like your ideas.

    about your concepts for future landscape:

    -Martian Colony - I think that main people(people giving us quests and stuff) should be survivors of baro's people(people mentioned in Sands of Inaros quest), that is if any survived other then Baro, it was a while since I played the quest so I dont remember if it was mentioned)

    -Earth Royal Colony - great idea but I think second landscape on any planet should be put in after there is at least one landscape per planet already(more diversity)

    -Ganymede Colony -I must say that urban landscape concept sounds AMAZING, but I am worried about lack of activities in such landscape, I mean you can fight or do parkour in urban area but you cant fish(gather resouces in general), there would be lack of animals in general, do you(or other people here) have any ideas for activities that could replace activities we can do  in more natural landscapes?


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