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Posts posted by blaes

  1. On 12/17/2017 at 9:59 AM, Grimm said:

    on by default, have it on. it doesnt effect the annoyance i'm talking about in anyway.

    That's because even though you have it turned on, you're not using the tap-to-cast, you're using the "select ability and press another key to cast".

    If you don't want to use your keyboard to cast your abilities, you can just bind the tap-to-cast buttons for your abilities to your mouse (A/B/C/D to precedent&next thumb buttons/mousewheel up/middle click, transference or melee to mousewheel down).

    That works flawlessly, I never get thrown back out of my frame after ending transference.

    Transference is just one more ability, there is no reason to take it out of the abilities cycle. People who want to only use the cycle need it in there.

    I wholly support the "being able to use any ability to get out of transference return to your frame" though.

  2. Magnetize should have as strong a pull effect as vortex does, minus the ragdoll. IE : enemies caught in shouldn't be able to get out as long as they're affected (ancient disruptors auras can reduce the duration they're affected, but aside from that, they should be stuck in).


    casting pull from inside a magnetize bubble should perform a 360° pull centred on the bubble's center.

  3. alternatively, there is a setting in the options to tap the ability to cast it, instead of tapping to select it and then pressing another key to cast it.

    escape -> options -> controls -> "use abilities on selection" toggle.

    you just press 1 (or 2, 3, 4, 5) and BAM, ability is cast.

  4. the first thing we need is a filter for the trade chat. just implement a text area where we put the things we're interested in, and use that to just hide every message that doesn't match.


    it can be done very easily, be simple and powerful to use, and would make trading a hundred times better.

  5. On 12/9/2017 at 5:02 PM, Glavenusaur said:

    EA is an case study of how NOT to implement micro-transactions, i'm glad they felt the burn after the stunt they tried to pull, putting pay to win mechanics in a full priced AAA game is NEVER ok. They failed cause of how they implemented micro-transactions, the methods they used. not because of micro-transactions themselves, Overwatch being a great example of how it's done.

    And when you have figures like 19 billion dollars revenue made through micro-transactions alone and that too only on PC compared to the general sales of games THEMSELVES across all THREE platforms only making £8 billion (less than half)... as a business you would literally be saying no to bucket loads of cash literally for "FREE".

    I'm just going to answer that, because you don't seem to understand :

    Microtransactions do not equate lootboxes. Lootboxes are microtransactions, but they're not the only kind of microtransactions. The current model of warframe already revolves around microtransactions.

    Those 19 billions you praise so much are not made with lootboxes only. All of warframe's revenue is already accounted in there.

    On 12/9/2017 at 9:01 PM, aligatorno said:

    I can never wrap my head around the people who actually advocate for loot boxes ... The indoctrination must be hard. 

    What I quoted above explains it exactly : a lot of people, especially younger ones, have been led to believe that microtransactions = lootbox and only lootbox, and that without it a studio can't make enough money to survive / there is no way to release or access content.

  6. On 12/8/2017 at 3:55 AM, ugoooo said:

    For example if you are playing with Ember in T3 Sortie, you can't play as you play level 30s. You should be more active to really support your team. So does Banshee, Mag, Saryn, or whatever.

    You can do T3 sorties almost the same way you do lvl30s. I cleared yesterday's exterminate T3 sortie sniper only with banshee, solo, using soundquake.

  7. 9 hours ago, (Xbox One)Natfrog123 said:

    Now obviously you are one of the brain dead people that think this game is not extremely god like characters melting enemies in seconds and think somehow you are playing a turn based stategy game.... I mean it's obvious we are not playing the same game.

    Thank you so much for that, much laugh was had.


    for the rest :

    the only interest loki has in duration aside from invisibility is decoy, which has a long base duration (25s) meaning duration isn't needed, and low health (200hp 400shield, no armor) meaning he dies in a couple seconds in the second half of the star chart, making duration for decoy even more useless.

    so in that regard, loki and ash have about the same need for duration.

    secondly, about invisibility and smoke screen : invisibility costs 50 energy and lasts 12s (that's ~4.17 energy/s), SS costs 35 and lasts 8s (that's about 4.37 energy/s). the difference is minimal.

    if you can stay invisible all the time with loki, you can do the same with ash. ash is not a "teleporter", he's a stealth based assassin frame. if you choose not to play him that way, that's fine. but that's your choice, dont complain about the consequences.


    finally :

    current bladestorm iteration is bad. that's what i've been saying since it came out. it needs to be changed. but previous iterations were worst than that, and the devs know it. so no matter how much you cry, they're not coming back. so you can either accept that, and make constructive suggestions, or keep crying and be "one of the brain dead people" who only know how to complain.

  8. 2 hours ago, (Xbox One)Natfrog123 said:

    Loki, Highest damage, most kills, NO damage taken


    Ash, lowest damage, less than 20 kills, usually die completely expending all my revives [...]

    Yup has to be the player.

    The only damage/kills Loki has comes from weapons (the damage from radial disarm is completely anecdotal), so if you're not getting just as much damage/kills with ash, it comes from the player, yes.

    And though ash doesn't have radial disarm and decoy to protect him while he recasts shadow smoke, that's easily solved by getting behind some cover. So ash shouldn't suffer more direct damage than loki. And ash has more health and armour, making him more resilient to stuff like fireblasts/toxin auras. So if you take zero damage on loki but consistently dies with ash, once again it's the player's fault.

  9. I'd rather have it as a patch than an augment, nidus already needs a lot mods, and that wouldn't change the way larva functions.

    I would see a larva augment either :

    - making it pull new targets continuously as long as it's summoned (vauban/vortex),

    - or making it recastable, and rooting enemies pulled by the previous iteration for the full duration.

    Preferably the first option.

  10. It routinely locked you for 4 seconds, no user interaction possible. Without eximi or ancients. That is not a "mindless spam problem". That is just some bad design.

    And as I said, the damage per hit was high, yes, but on a limited number of targets (18 max), over a sizeable amount of time. 18 hits over 4s, that's 4.5 hits|kills per second. Completely subpar for a damage frame for 95% of the game.

    The current version isn't much better, but at least you have some measure of control and though you still get locked in animation, there is some interaction while you're marking the targets. But it's still way too long and should be changed to be an instant cast with either instant or continuous effect (see my previous post, or the myriad suggestions that have been made to turn it into an exalted weapon or other reworks).

    I am not satified with the current version, but imo, it's not quite as bad as the previous one.

  11. On 11/27/2017 at 7:07 PM, Nazrethim said:

    As I said many times, Pre-nerf Blade Storm was really balanced and well designed.

    No and no. It was neither balanced nor well designed.

    not balanced : It was weak (and still is). It had high damage per hit, true, but it took a long time to apply all those hits, meaning that the actual damage over time wasn't that great, and ash was animation-locked during that time, preventing him from doing anything else (like more damage or CC or whatever).

    not well designed : it locked the ash player for inordinate amounts of time from actually doing anything. It made enemies invulnerable, messing with other players' actions.

    19 hours ago, (Xbox One)Natfrog123 said:

    I just want the old Blade Storm back. Period. Get rid of the invulnerable enemies but bring it back 100% exactly how it was.

    Absolutely not. It suffered from crippling, debilitating problems, let's not get that back in the game. The current version isn't much better, it's it's still at least marginally better.

    The main problem with the current version is that once you've selected your targets, you're still locked in an animation (even if it's been sped up, if you add the time spent marking targets the total is too long).

    An easy fix would be to either :

    - send clones (the same it uses since forever) and only clones to attack all marked targets at once when you release the ability, while keeping (or increasing a bit) current damage

    - or send clones attack everything you see when you use the ability (no need to mark anything) with lower than current damage

    - or make the ability channeled to summon a given number of clones that continuously attack any and everything around ash, with damage per hit to be tweaked depending to the number of clones (if there are few clones, damage per hit should be close to current damage, if there are a lot of clones, it should be lower)

  12. 1 hour ago, djternan said:

    One thing that I think would help would be to start Nidus with 5-10 stacks.  That way he has access to his 3 and 4 right away and can use 4 to build stacks even when teammates are using CC or just killing enemies faster than the 2-1 combo.

    that's actually a pretty good idea.

  13. 17 hours ago, (PS4)MrNishi said:

    I agree with flat stacking, even though I can imagine how that might "kill a toaster."

    We had that problem a long time ago when spore was still venom and before it received its first nerf (the "resolved performance issue" from update 9.7).

    Back then it didn't carry toxin procs, but you could infinitely stack and pop spores on top of one another (ie : thousands of spores per enemy) in an exponential progression right up until someone's pc crashed.

    And damn those times were fun. You could literally see the DoT spreading and the ticks starting to trickle out of enemies, and increase in intensity until it looked like the Niagara falls shining from a radioactive glare. That was true beauty.


    With the way the game functions today, spore definitely needs a revamp. It takes too long to ramp it up to anything useful (it's better to use something else and do the job just as fast and in a safer way), and it can be a real pain to maintain it. Especially when you do wave-type missions (defense etc) and have to start it up from scratch each wave.

  14. there are a few reasons a lot of people don't really like them :

    1) the core of warframe is a fast-paced, high mobility, crazy powers, action shooter. when you switch to operators, you take away the high mobility and a good portion of the fast-paced.


    2) when it came out, just like the archwing, it was basically a completely separate game-mode. it had 0 use outside of kuva / passive bonus. that kind of things tend to stick with people. still now, though operator's mode uses have been increased, point 1) prevents it from mixing correctly with the general flow of gameplay.

    2bis) regarding archwing : most of the problems it had with the flow have been fixed, but due to the nature of maps (except eidolon) it still remains mainly separate from the normal frame mode. uranus is the only place when you can switch between archwing/frame, but even there you're restricted to one or the other depending on the nature of the area you're in. that's understandable given the enclosed nature of the maps in the game, but it still tends to segregate the activities. the use of archwing in eidolon is a step in the right direction though.


    3) tastes are something personal and vary wildly from person to person. some just don't like the way the operators look. that's not my case, i personally like my operator a lot (except for the crappy stance forced on them by the amp).


    4) when the operator came out with focus 1.0, being a totally new system, there was a lot of grind to do, and it was locked behind lenses that were not really easy to get. now that things have been reworked, the grind has been increased on all fronts : focus 2.0 has seen all required amounts vastly increased, and the operator role that has been expanded (with the amp etc) is locked behind a syndicate grind (which was very slow at the start when no one had any gear).


    on the plus side, the operators are a solid development of the lore, and that's very appreciated.

  15. 16 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    Yes. Let's stop rewarding clans and players who enjoy pushing themselves and give everyone a trophy for trying. ^/s

    Yeah, I think exclusive rewards are a way better way to go. A [primed chamber] analog, but for assault rifle (let's call it [primed magazine], +5% damage per bullet fired without releasing the trigger) would be perfect. Of course, just like primed chamber, release only 100 instances of it.

    OR OR OR even better yet! Umbra warframes, only one of each different warframe, awarded to the 34 best participants to the event! as an exclusive reward to this event, never to be released ever again after that!  If you win, you'd have the only umbra version of a particular frame, ever.

    Now that would promote some competition and incentive for people trying to push themselves!



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  16. 16 minutes ago, Mirathyl said:

    The drop tables for this were too random and fireworks were given out way too easily. I understand wanting to celebrate the launch but if you were trying to get people into the game via this campaign you failed spectacularly people received HUNDREDS of fireworks that are completely useless. You boasted about there being some decent things in the drop tables and yet nobody got them. You should have revised the drop tables for this instead of let people get something totally useless whilst promoting there was stuff we could actually use in the drop tables. Yes fireworks are usable at least as an item however what they are for and what the game is about makes it make no sense to be there. I hope to Lotus it's not that bad for console players twitch event and that the rumor about PC getting nothing from that one is false. You let console get in on it for PC and that's not at all fair if it is the case; that alienates your players by a massive gap. Oh well this was fun while it lasted.

    I got 70+ nitain extract, 60+ forma blueprint, something like 20 of each ayatan stars, hundreds of latron BP (lots of credits), 3 or 4 wyrm sentinels, several smoke color palettes, and 3 harka frost skins.  On PC.

    Drop tables were perfectly fine.

  17. 2 hours ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

    Here's an idea for a campaign: Have it be something that you DO in the game, not that involves people with better internet connections getting more rewards than people with bad internet connections.

    In short: Games are about playing, not about watching other people play - in out-of-focus tabs on your home computer while you're at work.

    +1. I prefer playing than watching. Especially since my account got glitched at the start of the event, and none of the fixes, nor any amount of unlinking-relinking since then, let me get the teralyst sigil despite watching several streamers do the "survive the night" achievement since all fixes have been applied.

    I'm basically locked out of a reward because it's tied to "watching" (on another platform than yours if i may add), instead of "doing", which means you can't verify i meet the conditions to receive it, and thus "are unable to apply it retro-actively".

  18. 23 hours ago, Stoner74 said:

    Wow, so that's what we get after waiting 3 years for Valkyr prime? I am EXTREMELY disappointed.

    First you take her base skin and add some prime bits there and there.. Pretty much like all the prime you've done in the past. This is simply making primes look rushed. And it's a shame really, you guys were on a 3 amazing prime streak With Nekros, Vauban and Saryn.

    Then you take her corpus bits on her default and add them to her prime. I mean, really?? That doesn't make any freaking sense. It honestly feels like you slapped that there because you thought it looked cool. This goes against her lore so damn much.

    And then you have primed Valkyr "bonds"... This is the part that throws me off completely. How can that even be possible? You're insinuating that Valkyr prime was made AFTER the experiments? After Alad V? What.. the.. hell. Add to that only ONE warframe can wear the bonds. Just .. why?

    Words cannot explain how disappointed I am. All the wait... for this? Seriously, i can't stand it. 


    Edit: Please DE, redo Valkyr the right way and remove those ugly corpus blocks/bonds.

    Please DE, listen do this.

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