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Everything posted by Kiera_Okitoshi

  1. Did the sortie and Alad V died right as he cast his mind control mechanic on me. My character froze for a second before recovering, then my UI completely shut down. Markers registered as 0 meters away and pointed to a random spot on the map with nothing there, minimap was frozen as if I was still standing where I got hit, the actual map had some sort of white picture with a red X on it as if it was an error, I couldn't bring up chat or any other menu, abilities didn't work, and I couldn't regain energy.
  2. I like playing tanks and was thinking that a shielded gun weapon would be neat. Synthetik is a top down roguelike shooter while Riot Guard is a beefy tank class that plays around HP regen and tanking damage. His passive grants his bonus maximum HP after taking a certain amount of health damage while also granting him temporary stacking HP regen the more he deals or takes damage. His primary ability is an AOE stun but the entertaining part of his kit is that he has a unique starting weapon which is a submachine pistol and riot shield combo. Holding it grants additional damage reduction and dashing with it allows you to damage and stun enemies if you hit them. Was thinking it'd be cool to have a tank class with an exalted weapon like that. Something like a simplistic gun based soldier archetype that we haven't really gotten since Rhino.
  3. Frankly speaking I don't think he's unviable. In fact due to power creep there's really not a whole lot that can't be played through steel path. But just because it's playable doesn't mean most of it isn't either weak or janky. Some of the worst examples usually don't even get to utilize their kit properly and have to min max specific builds or mechanics to get the ball rolling. I think Oberon fits into that category. For one his stat reliance is split which is bad. Where most frames can focus on 1 or 2 stats to mod out for Oberon's entire kit requires too much of everything. Smite and Reckoning need to be spammed so efficiency is needed. Hallowed Ground and Reckoning are AOE's so range is needed. Hallowed Ground is a lingering status/buff zone that you want to keep up so duration is highly preferred. Then Renewal and Reckoning are highly reliant on numbers so strength is necessary. At least 200% so reckoning gets 100% armor shred and doesn't eat up more casts than necessary. You slap together a jack of all trades build and the end result isn't even particularly impactful. Smite is just there to apply puncture procs but it does it in such small amounts at such a slow speed that you'd be better off just killing everything. Hallowed Ground gives you CC and status effect immunity but it requires you to stay on the ground in the grass and it doesn't even block the actually common and problematic effects like Eximus CC's, Leeches, Disruptor effects, and obviously null effects. Renewal is a precursor in design to Wisp mote with a comparatively not so great effect but more importantly is much harder to apply and maintain on people due to the way it works. And while Reckoning's armor shred actually isn't bad it's limited by requiring synergy with Hallowed Ground to access that effect. Otherwise it's just an AOE nuke with a huge energy cost, long cast time, and terrible damage. The other problem I have is that on top of the limited build potential for this frame you're further limited by the fact that Oberon's best mechanics are locked to augments. Smite augment and especially Phoenix Renewal are fantastic but now that's either 1 or 2 mod slots down on a frame that already had terrible modding to begin with. Now I complain a lot about the frame but admittedly I have no clue how to fix him really. Support frames in general are pretty trash, especially in modern day warframe. Minor effects aren't really valuable as power creep kicks in. As mentioned before: Why would I bother spamming smite and wasting god knows how long debuffing mobs with puncture when I or my team could just wipe them off the map the moment they come into line of sight. If the orbs were more numerous, had quicker and better tracking, and applied more puncture procs per orb then it'd be good. But this frame was designed in long gone era where end game was endurance runs on pre steel path Mot. If you wanna make a support frame that players will play you either gotta make a kit that's fun to use (definitely not Oberon) for the casual end of the player base or a support frame with crazy mechanics for the high end of the game. Wisp does a semi decent job for both. Casual players enjoy the fashion frame and robutt while the sweat lords like Wisp's buffs to camping strats. You also have middle of the road players who main Wisp cause she can just do a whole lot in general. Buffs for missions, lots of speeds for speed running, for some reason a built in passive stealth for spy missions, ect. About the only thing that comes to mind for Oberon is radiation damage for boss content. TL;DR: Oberon is kind of poop but I think a rework is pointless unless he's getting nearly completely scrapped and rebuilt which I understand is unlikely to even be considered. However he could still use a QOL update. What he needs depends on the Oberon player so it's hard to say definitively as a single individual. The one thing I've been advocating for years on though is changing Renewal. Casting it places down an invisible bubble that players have to hit to get the buff. That's already a problem since it means you have to group people up for the buff. At least with Wisp people know that walking into the funny plant makes them go brrrrrrrrr. As Oberon all I've got is looking at them seductively while making come hither motions. Oberon then shoulders an energy drain and then additional drains per target being healed. This screws you over big time if you're dealing with any sort of allied frame that creates units. Nekros will give you PTSD since he can create a ton of shadows and all of them have a constant health drain since he's normally meant to upkeep them himself. If a unit/player loses the buff due to null effects or out of bounds they can't get the buff back until Oberon deactivates it and recasts. This is basically the worst part as people have 0 survival instincts in this game and love jumping head first the abyss or running into the funny blue bubbles to shoot the bubble men. This has basically made me give up all together on supportive gameplay cause it's just too much of a pain. I support me, myself, and I. If you get the buff then so be it. But if you lose the buff then I ain't recasting it. Not that most people care anyway. I doubt the majority of the playerbase even know what the frames does or the fact that he's healing them/providing armor. So that only incentivizes them to just into the no no zones even more. Granted a good bit of players are self sufficient in public lobbies. Even if I'm not buffing them they're used to fending for themselves. But there's always that subset of players who can't keep themselves alive for more than 5 seconds at a time. Regardless of how much I try to hold them down and shove heals and armor down they're throat they are determined lose that buff and die by any means necessary. What I, and plenty of others have asked for over the years, have been asking for is making Renewal a constant aura effect, Rather than a stationary bubble like Wisp Motes make it a constant effect that radiates from Oberon and applies it to anyone near him. Then make it so that no matter how many times someone loses it they can regain the buff. One thing that differs from person to person though is the energy costs. Personally I don't care about additional energy costs for team mates but I think energy costs for pets and allied NPC's need to be removed. If not then at least a special case basis for frames like Nekros. Other than that, please gather some feedback from the community and see if you have the available development time to touch him up a bit. This has been my Ted Talk.
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