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Posts posted by Separius

  1. 24 minutes ago, Fi-le said:

    maybe for YOU, i was ALWAYS and I'm able to kill the enemies idk what's wrong with you guys, i did a lot of experiments and i was always able to kill the enemies -__-

    there is difference between invulnerable enemies and you cant kill it because unranked weapons, wrong mods, ecc...

    just try,  maybe is lag problem or idk

    I know what you mean, doing large damage to them might seem like it's killing the marked targets, but their hp can't go under a certain percent until ash kills them.

  2. 12 minutes ago, (XB1)FCastle74 said:

    Now 3 is obsolete. Ash is still a spam 4 frame. Just cant nuke rooms anymore. Oh well, deluxe skin is neat.

    It's a sad state of affairs. They might as well just remove all his other abilities altogether. Bladestorm better than shuriken. Stealth duration is laughable. 3 is made obsolate by multimark on same target... 

    At least bladestorm is less braindead now.

    Yeah the skin is great.

  3. Snipers need love in general, they have been underwhelming compared to the more popular weapons.

    Removing the unnecessary and annoying nullifiers would help a lot. DE needs to decide if they want us to be the space ninja killing machines that we were before nullies and remove them and add different and more types of challenges or if we should not be that unstopable, but still remove nullifiers and add different and more types of challenges.

    But snipers would still need buffs with nullies gone.

    Sniper only mods would be great, like explosive rounds, if you shoot at a target and you land a hit, 100% weapon damage is done as blast in an x yard range around the target, that can do selfkill to make it balanced.

  4. 4 hours ago, Azur_Fenix said:

    "I am not going to post any arguments and uses the system to make things I don't like go away even though their true"

    Basically you. Reminds me of someone else on another forum, an aussie I know.

    Why are you trying to use your post being deleted as an argument? Mine got deleted as well. I didn't even report you, can't be arsed to go through the effort, we must have annoyed someone else. Also it was you was the one who was threatening me with calling the forum cops on me, so stop projecting.

    And what argument are you expecting? All I did was call you out on your weird &#! behaviour of contradicting yourself - by claiming you were sarcastic with you said X, then said that you were serious when you said X right after - and you haven't been leaving me alone ever since with your labeling, weak insults and S#&$ty snarky remarks.

    Also, I don't care about your little tales about other posters.


    49 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

    How entitled must a body be to get a full featured content expansion capped off with a cinematic quest for free and then judge it by the length of time it took to launch?

    49 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

    That's not to say that you and the laundry list of others harboring that opinion have no right to it... It just doesn't make any sense given that you got it for free. 

    Implying I never bought plat. 

    49 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

    "Thanks for the free meal...Next time, get it out here sooner."

    More like thanks for starving me, and then giving me scraps, tasty scraps, but still scraps and instead of moving on I still have faith in you, do your job faster next time.

    49 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

    It's the functional equivalent of cutting your nose off to spite your face.

    And thats a nonfunctional analogy. I wasn't being entitled, neither are others who are criticizing the update. It's just us giving criticism. Sorry that it hurts your sense of justice, not everyone are happy go lucky types that ignore problems and are easily statisfied.

    49 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

    Lastly, it's tacky to drop such rhetoric on somebody's feel good thread... Tons of other complaint threads for you to do that on.

    As long as I'm obeying the rules I can post whatever I feel like posting, sorry if that upsets you. Hope you'll be able to get over it.

    49 minutes ago, Padre_Akais said:

    FWIW, that meme makes no sense.

    Seven months of [DE]lays say otherwise.

    This is pointless to argue about you liked i liked it too, I just wished they spent less time on it. It's all subjective.

  6. 22 hours ago, ArionLightning said:

    I like this weapon between all primed primaries (in terms of design). I'd like to get a riven mod for braton and put formas on it but first I want to know if this weapon is effective on lvl 100 missions (sorties) ?? 

    If not, which primed primary is good for endgame? I have boltor, braton, burston, paris, etc. all primed.


    It's good enough if you invest 7 formas in it, but it's defo not worth the effort when it is outperformed 4 forma Soma Primes, which is the alternative that you should go for if you like full auto guns.

    Here's a high numbers Braton P build: https://goo.gl/ob9BxE

    Here's an even higher numbers, except the forma count Soma P build: https://goo.gl/VU7S9g


    26 minutes ago, Lynxh said:

    Good thing it wasn't a year in development then ain't it.

    Also, your comparison to the Witcher is off by miles, if not only for the fact that they had work but in well before the announcement (which is common practice), and TWW was mentioned/announced at the stage of pre-production. If you want a Citation on that, then you might want to catch up on the Dev Streams they have been doing in which they have specifically stated this. 

    None of this matters when they made us wait nearly a whole year with actual TWW (the quest) having been [DE]layed more and more. The meme is stupid, but it exists for a reason.

    As I said it's a good quest, but not good enough for the wait.

    29 minutes ago, Lynxh said:

    Another factor to consider is the fact that these are 2 entirely different games, now do I think that puts them even? Nope. I have never considered DE to be an exceptional Dev company, besides their art direction. And I don't know the factual difference in staff and their talent in comparison CD Projekt Red. But I just have a distaste for poor analogies with inaccurate information to boot.

    If any, a fairer comparison would be to look at their Dev times for all the content they have in relation to their staff, and even that would be unbalanced due to the fact that they both have had very different starts, and backrounds which plays a lot into their ability's.

    Fair enough.

  8. 3 minutes ago, _Vortus_ said:

    Why do people keep saying this?

    The Witcher 3 was in development for 2 years after it's announcement, and the result had objectively very well polished graphics, huge amount of weapon and character models and animations, hundreds of hours of content, of which were mostly hours long amazing quest chains, humongous amounts of quality voice acting and nice sounds and music.

    Compare this to TWW, that has been in development for 1 year since announcement and has what, some recoloured modells, ok voice acting but too much, a quest that can be done in 1h and a new tileset, some bugfixes and code polishing and 4 new weapons and lighting stuff that can be set up by just one experienced graphics designer in just about 10 hours total. Underwhelming compared to the achievments in the game above mentioned.

    That's why people keep saying that.

    20 minutes ago, _Vortus_ said:

    The entire year of updates we have had were technically part of the same huge update they divided up.  TWW was just the last few months worth.

    Citation needed for that last claim.

    TWW was announced ~a year ago, this is all what we know. They released what they were ready with during the year. They didn't release the actual update because it was still being worked on, since it's announcement. 

    I mean seriously, you are claiming that they announced TWW a year ago and that they just started working on the actual update in the last few months? Come on, that's not how announcements work. You can be pretty damn sure that what we have now was being developed ever since it got announced if not before.

    But even if we count the silver grove, specters, the index, lunaro etc. as part of TWW, it still dwarves compared to... let's see... the Blood and Wine expansion of The Witcher 3. Which added ~28 hours of nonstop, nonprocedural, grind free, totally voice acted content to the main game, not mentioning the huge amounts of models that got added, both weapon and creatures.. and environmental. And it only took them ~a year since announcement to release.

    Compare that to the tops the total of 1h 30 mins it takes to complete TWW and the silver grove if we ignore the grind for plants.

    39 minutes ago, _Vortus_ said:

    Overall, the update has been phenomenal.  

    Compared to DE standards, yes, yes it was.

  9. 18 hours ago, Midrib said:

    While I don't agree that Riven mods are the best way going at making weapons viable. etc...

    Because they aren't.

    Really, all they had to do was revisit older weapons, see where they were lacking or REALLY lacking and buff them instead of this lazy RNG nonsense that might work or might not, depending on your luck.

    I don't get the attitude. I'd hate my creations fade into uselessness if I were them. I can only come to the conclusion is that they don't rework older weapons properly because they don't care for some reason, even though that's a mistake, because if they did care and actually buffed oldies, it'd earn them customer statisfaction, respect and trust >>> more dosh.

  10. 13 minutes ago, ArionLightning said:

    I like this weapon between all primed primaries (in terms of design). I'd like to get a riven mod for braton and put formas on it but first I want to know if this weapon is effective on lvl 100 missions (sorties) ?? 

    If not, which primed primary is good for endgame? I have boltor, braton, burston, paris, etc. all primed.


    I'm not gonna compare it to anything. It's "OK", not the best, but OK, when forma'd and modded properly.

  11. 1 hour ago, ChasePanic said:

    Demonstrating a total lack of knowledge on why people are angry about a system you apparently know nothing about? Check.

    Dismissing any negative view as "they don't even know why they're angry"? Check.

    Telling DE how great the game is and begging for platinum 2 sentences apart? Check.

    So much this. 


    1 hour ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

    No i'am being serious here

    with xD in the title

    I can't believe you OP.

  12. 5 minutes ago, TheDudeCZ said:

    So recently I was feeling kinda burnt out and found myself having nothing to do so....

    How do I become a GotL? That's guide of the lotus if you don't know.

    I wanna help some new people and I have done so when I was bored in the past as well, but now when I can do it "profesinally," I wanna check it out.

    From saw I can tell it's more than just helping new people. It's having to put up with a tedious stream of wiki-able questions, sometimes you'll see the same thing hundreds of times a day, like where can I farm X, where is Baro, etc.

    You'll have to put up with harassment, insults and abuse as well as bad memers and :poop:posters, so it's not for soft or sensitive people.

    Really, things like being a guide ingame... or just being a moderator on a forum should have an episode on Mike Rowe's Dirty Jobs on discovery, because you have to put up with the filth of the internet frequently

    Think this through, OP, but good luck!

  13. Yeah, I love em, except void defense, though I hated that too when void keys were a thing, because the map is too big.

    Best is survival imho. Rewards are every 5 mins no more no less. If you can do 5 rounds of defense in less than 5 mins, then that's your best bet, but that's rarely the case with pugs.

    Interception and excav are efficient too if people can solo points/drills, but give less affinity than the previous options.

  14. 3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    - Accessing Kuva Siphons is being experimented with to not be a random chance in a tileset, but rather a guaranteed spawn on planets when the Fortress is in the vicinity (like Fomorians and Negators) with a possible cooldown. To be determined!


    That would be cool. I would have been happy if the current kuva-reverse extraction became it's own game mode with it's own node, but this is much better idea, do this.

  15. 10 minutes ago, RainDH said:

    – What’s up with the choices in this quest? If I understood correctly, they do not affect anything and only thing you get from them is the icon in your profile. Can anyone explain what is the reason? There was so much hype about these "choices" and "variable cut-scenes", I expected ending at least more like choosing the school in final sequence of Second Dream. Also, hah, why "Balance" icon isn’t made in same style as "Light" and "Dark" ones? :) 'Cause I liked them much more… and, of course, was a bit disappointed, since I didn’t even thought that my choices won’t result into something more significant than profile pic, and I made them accordingly to my character preferences.

    Its just there now, just for fun atm, no other purpose, but it will change later on.

    11 minutes ago, RainDH said:

    – Transference thing is really fun, except for I’m not sure how to use it on regular missions. Maybe Void Mode could be useful on Spy or Rescue modes, but what about other high level modes? As far as I noticed void energy run out real fast and you can’t do much damage or distraction before enemies draw you back in your warframe.

    Other than kuva cloud capturing and guardian killing, it's just for fun atm, no other purpose, but we'll see more operator objectives as time goes on, I'm sure.

    13 minutes ago, RainDH said:

    – Kuva is just the another new resource for crafting? But I hoped for new Operator upgrades, and new void mods be somehow related to them...  Oh, come on, DE! :( Please, make something for us to get rid of hundreds of thousands of alloy, polymers, salvage and other old trash that almost none of a players (except newbies) do not use anymore...

    Yes, crafting resource and riven mod recycling only atm.

    The concern is real too, crafting should cost less credit and more materials because of the things you mentioned.

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