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Just a personal note about rescue mission


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So just as a personal note about rescue missions in (general) that i have to give after i needed 10 #*!%ing minutes just to finish a routine rescue mission because this STUPID #*!%er seriously was downed every single time close after beeing revived just to get his stupid ass get downed AGAIN, and as he finally survived longer then 3 seconds he DIDNT MOVE, he didnt followed, didnt even thought about using ANY kind of cover and just straight away gets his STUPID (and yes on intention insulting this bot, and its a damn bot) self killed right away again for not moving.

Im talking about the standard invasion rescue missions on Corpus side rescueing a Crewman.

Reason why i write this? Well obviously because a normal close to 2 minute mission turned into a more then 10 minute mission just because a bot you are supposed to rescue (someone beeing stupid enouth to surrander and get captured doesnt even deserve a rescue if you ask me in the first place) is to stupid to simply do something simple as using cover and i got about 230 kills since like 10 or 15 new enemys were running in the room INSTANTLY after i downed all of them (no i just had Loki and and a Pistol, with Ember who would care about it?) and down this bot AGAIN and over and over. YES i know, i could have taken ivara and just made it easy by stripping a stealth arrow to his USELESS ass, but does the idiot you rescue seriously needs to be THAT useless and stupid NOT moving, sabotaging you ON INTENTION i say? (Would love a bonus mission where you play the stalker, and kill the hostages that annoyed you, maybe torture their ass like they deserve for beeing the idiots they are)

Not even hoping the Devs are even giving a DAMN about what this crazy man here just written and about more then half i written will be censored anyways because of the vulgaritys in it (maybe even locked down, who the hell knows?) and the answers to this will most likely be toxic anyways like my post here will be considered toxic. And most likely nothing is gonna change about the stupidity of the hostages always getting themselves killed (ON INTENTION i say!) just to piss you off, but i can afford doing so since its 4:45 am over here, im a jobless looser, and i seriously couldnt give a damn about all of that but i just felt the urgent need after that mission to just write it down. (and NO im not drunk or or drugs even if you could think so, im just crazy)


My Feedback about Rescue missions, thanks for joining this madness post. (No you wont get your wasted time back, bad luck, thats how life works)

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You do know that if you have problems with him getting downed you can bring Warframes to make it easier, right?

Gara's shatter shield, Limbo's banish or Nezha's augmented Warding Halo.

This is partially why these abilities exist after all. Recues are completable with any frame still, but some frames are just more suited to it than others. Same as how Limbo can complete an Exterminate or Survival, but he'll have a harder time then, say, Excalibur or Valkyr.

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vor einer Stunde schrieb Loza03:

You do know that if you have problems with him getting downed you can bring Warframes to make it easier, right?

Gara's shatter shield, Limbo's banish or Nezha's augmented Warding Halo.

This is partially why these abilities exist after all. Recues are completable with any frame still, but some frames are just more suited to it than others. Same as how Limbo can complete an Exterminate or Survival, but he'll have a harder time then, say, Excalibur or Valkyr.

Yeah or just bringing Ember to an Exterminate (pre nerf... and yes its a nerf because her stunlocking like 4th abilitys range made her survive much easier even if she didnt instantly killed all enemys that fast that were above level 50+, should add 2 zones to ember, one long range only like stunlocking the enemy and closer range that does the massive damage. Well, to late now)

vor 22 Stunden schrieb Dark_RRiderr:

YES i know, i could have taken ivara and just made it easy by stripping a stealth arrow to his USELESS ass

My answer about what i could have done instead to make it easier, but usually that wasnt nessecary before until this day...

vor 22 Stunden schrieb therealDG:

I actually only read your thread title and this last sentence, so jokes on you.

Ahm, yeah i guess so:

vor 22 Stunden schrieb Dark_RRiderr:

im a jobless looser

So the joke is always on me ;)

Plus alone opening the topic and taking the time to post something proofs you already wasted your time. Most people are surely already ignoring every single topic i write these days on intention saving themselves time, or maybe some are amused by the bullS#&$ i write and only check them out because of that, who knows? Im not even taking my own posts that serious anymore anyways. And if you wonder why im then posting anything here and if i seriously expect DE to take notice of it:

No i dont really expect them to take notice of things like this anymore and why should they listen to the complaint of just one person? (and this topic is seriously nothing else then complaining instead of how a good feedback should look like. Except for the hidden suggestion of making the hostage take actual cover maybe)

This topic here was for the most part just to write it down for myself, but also to let DE know (should they even notice) about how annoying something like babysitting hostages can be if something goes very wrong because the hostage not moving and not taking any cover whatsoever...

Well the only good part is, maybe one day you are all rid of me and got your peace again from me (Until the next guy comes that is like me...)

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23 hours ago, Dark_RRiderr said:

YES i know, i could have taken ivara and just made it easy by stripping a stealth arrow to his USELESS ass, but does the idiot you rescue seriously needs to be THAT useless and stupid NOT moving, sabotaging you ON INTENTION i say?

Well, I missed this the first time so I feel obligated to point out that, yes they do, because that's kind of the point of an escort mission? That they need escorting? It's really not much of a rescue mission if they were capable of rescuing themselves.

Also, game design to make abilities that can defend objectives worth using.

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You don't wait for the hostage you sprint to extraction. That's how everyone plays rescue and it works fine for everyone. You were probably just waiting for the hostage and not sprinting yourself to extraction.

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vor 45 Minuten schrieb MrMrs:

You don't wait for the hostage you sprint to extraction. That's how everyone plays rescue and it works fine for everyone. You were probably just waiting for the hostage and not sprinting yourself to extraction. 

Exactly what i attempted.... for some reason the hostage didnt moved and as i was already outside the room close after i opened his cell and even left a holo decoy several times while i was mid flight gliding just to roll with shift and press ctrl again to go forward a bit more again before doing a nother bulletjump..... he was suddenly down....

So needed to go back, revive his ass, placed another decoy (probably the reason he survived one second longer....) and then he was downed again....

Revived him, and nearly instantly after he was revived he was downed again....

Revived him again... this time killing all enemys in the room (about 10 or less) and placed a decoy and moved on again.... he getting downed again by suddenly 10 up to 15 new enemies that were rushing inside the room ignoring my decoy and just going for him, downing him again...

Me going back.... AGAIN.... reviving him, killing off the new 10 till 15 new enemies,  revive him. This time guarding him killing as many enemies with my 11k rad damage and 1k cold damage mara detron like crazily shooting around. More and more enemies always coming in again, then deciding "#*!% it i use the next break of a few seconds (it litarelly were seriously just 2 seconds break until the next enemies rushed in)" and was just going as fast as i can to the extrac---.... downed again that idiot.... going back and reviving him AGAIN.

Killing like crazy around noticing him standing there without any movement at all without cover asking: "You A****** seriously do that on intention dont you?" trying to get out fast again, getting at least a little bit further until.... he was again downed because he didnt moved and didnt even got teleported after me leaving this and the next room....

Reviving again.... and lets say we just skip the (i stopped counting after more then 10 times seeing this damn suicider killing himself again...) and then somewhen finally.... i got far enouth away from this suicider so he got auto teleported after me (still again nearly #*!%ing it up with dieing nearly), and finally made it JUST IN TIME to extraction as he was on something like 12 health left and i would have needed to run 2 or 3 rooms backwards to pick his ass up again...! (I seriously thought about just letting him die and dont give a #*!% about this mission anymore)

So yeah, this mission was horribly different from all the other rescue missions i ever had before. (Yet, not the first time a mission fails because a hostage or VIP beeing a suicider having fun ruining missions for us...)


Looks like now you can only be sure this doesnt happen again if i take Ivara with Stealth arrow on his ass (and here i make a bet that bastard finds another way to suicide and if its just jumping right next into enemy fire like saying "hahaha, #*!% your mission!").... i always hated protection missions no matter which game (specially convoi escort missions in flight games....)

Sometimes really asking myself is it even worth it defending those that cannot defend themselves?... Who defends us if we need help? If the sentients are coming... who defends us Tenno against THEM? The Grineer? 😄 surely not... Corpus? For which price? Infested? Kill us no matter if there is a sentient or not, they dont even care about us beeing immune they just want to kill us no matter what. Lotus? Was shooting at us last time we met her...

If the time comes, who protects us Tenno if WE are helpless against the swarms of sentients?

And i often ask myself the same question in reality if its still worth it helping others these days? Often you only get a kick in your ass as a thank you for helping others anyways, people like to only remember your bad deeds more then your good deeds... in the end, you are always the A****** no matter how hard you tried to be there for everyone and for all your friends. Just extremly rarely some remember your good deeds even after many years have passed. Drifting away to much from the topic:

All i would love to see is the hostage not beeing entirely braindead and getting themselves killed on intention, thats all i would like so im not entirely forced to only take very certein warframes for this mission types.

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