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Gara 4th ability


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Huh? Never happened to me. Only times that anything close happened was when I was in the middle of activating it(due to to it being liquid) or if the enemies weakened parts of the wall to where it cracked. Or they either crawled under it or climbed over it due to the area. Like if there is a slight downward hill, sometimes the wall doesn’t lower and it leaves an opening. Or if there are rocks and crates near the wall that the enemies jump on top of and jump over the wall. 

But that is my only experience. And I’ve used Gara a lot for certain defending type missions. 

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Known issue, the wall is so thin that enemies running up to it can actually clip their guns through it and fire, meaning that the projectiles are appearing on the inside of the wall, not the outside.

Another problem is the pathing; the enemy basically decides to follow specific paths laid out through the navigation mesh to get to you, if the wall is at a junction between two paths, like the point where an enemy might jump down from a higher place, the enemies transitioning from one path to the other don't actually 'see' it as an obstacle, because it's not actually blocking either path.

Between these two, you have to be reeeeeally careful where you throw your shield down, and if you see a point where enemies are just jumping through it, then re-cast so that the shield doesn't reach that point, or goes past it, and you may see that entirely stop.

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