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Trade chat and filters


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Having filters in trade chat was a good idea, but it doesn't seem to work, when you got 20-30 people at any given time sitting and saying "pm if wtb". That sentense alone should give a 7 day ban from trade chat for not respecting other peoples filters.

An even better solution would be to actually remake trade chat. It's always been a little bit too demanding of your attention, but half the foundation for a good solution is already there: Maroo's Bazar. Take a page out of eBay, you put your items on a database and let the bidding start. Some kind of better option is needed, because if you want to sell something you have to sit and pay attention to trade chat for a couple of hours a day, and for some people that means half of their play time is spent sitting and watching trade chat, instead of actually playing the game. Part of what, in my opinion at least, is killing the actual game.

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2 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

Trade chat filters dont work because its basically a word search.

If the system would be set up as a chat based tradeboard where every sentence must be linked from an archive it would be much better.

It doesn't work because it's a chat. It needs to be an eBay type of deal, where you put up what you have, people go place their bid and you'll get what ever you get, you might have to be able to set a minimum price for what you want from your item, then once that's reached it starts a timer (set by the seller) anywhere from 1-48 hours and your item is sold. You don't have to spend any time in trade chat trying to sell, you can play the game and enjoy yourself, not having to spend hours saying no to people who's lowballing everything. Might take you an hour to get an item sold, might take you a year, but your item is for sale. That kind of system also needs to reserve platinum from the bidder. If I placed a bid of 500p, it should take 500p of mine, if my bid is no longer highest bid, I'll get my 500p back.

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building an auction house means both more work and servers for DE

so It'll probably never happen.


Try to spread awareness of these instead:





And Yes, sitting in a trade chat channel instead of actually Playing the game is cancer.

Edited by (PS4)haphazardlynamed
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