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Warframe Concept; Molecule Warframe, Medusa *update 3*(Bumped)


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Update notes!


Update 1:

Reupdated and remade from the first few feedbacks. Made some wrong calculations and measurements on certain base stats.
NEW Revised design of MEDUSA will come later in Friday.
Revisions/Update on the concept are bolded.

Ability; Slither has thought over and it seems to be not a helpful skill. Last night, been thinking about a different skill to give since it would not be of use to set a theme for the Frame. It has been changed to Acid Trail.

Update 2:

Added skill information against boss type enemies!
Built COBRA exchanged stats
Re-buffed 'Contact'

Re-buffed/defined 'Acid Trail'
Re-buffed 'Fangs'

Re-buffed 'Death Gaze'



Update 3:
Naga Lance Stat Comparison added
Naga Lance Concept postponed to Saturday
Medusa Concept V.2 postponed to Saturday 

Added COBRA Art concept



Warframe: Medusa

Inheritance: Molecule/Nanite Control

- MEDUSA is a Warframe that is able to control and manipulate organic molecules. The design was made for a real frame to introduce a massive execution against heavy type enemies. Her eyes are built everywhere into body to see her enemies from all sides and ensure their sight of death. Well suited against heavies as a support.


Concept Design:



Base Stats:

Role: Anti-Heavy, Individual targeting, Support able

Gender Model: Female type

Heath: 110 (10+ Per level, Max: 410)
Shield: 100 (8+ Per level, Max: 340)
Energy: 105 (5+ Per level, Max: 230)

Shield Armor: 18 (Revised after looking up base stats for Warframes.)
Sprint Speed: 0.80
Stamina Recharge: 4% Per second
Maximum Stamina: 80% (No increase from level)

4x Power (Scratch)
1x Tactic (Bar)

1x Attack (V)

Aura Polarity: Attack (V)


1. Contact - Mod Level 5, Uncommon
- 55 Energy

- 65 Base damage (Damage base increases in Level.)(2.5%+ Per level, Total: 77.5)
- 15 Second stun (Power duration increased.)

- 15.5% Stun chance (0.25%+ Stun chance, Total: 16.5%)  - True fact pointed out by NBlitZ

"MEDUSA comes in eye contact with an enemy in front of her causing the target/victim to be stunned in a short duration time while dealing a little damage."


(Deals huge damage to heavies.)
(Only a individual target.)
(Does not apply for 'Stretch' mod.)
(Target can leave the skill if not killed for indicated amount of time.)

(Skill does not catch any targets behind a target in front.) 

(Target caught by Contact will have their armor reduced for 175%)

(Stretch mod enables multi-hit in a cone form in front of MEDUSA)

(Target will still be stunned despite MEDUSA being downed)
(Has a additional 15%+ Damage to Infested Faction)

(Double the damage if the boss is caught being groggy)

2. Acid Trail - Mod Level 6, Uncommon

- 35 Energy (-2 Energy Efficiency Per level, Total: 13 EN)(Streamline mod possible)

- 80 Base Damage (25+ Base Damage Per level, Total: 230)(Augmentation possible)
- EN Toggle skill
- 200 Power Range (Wide range Trail)

- 2.5% Stun chance (Augmentation possible)
"MEDUSA leaves a trail of her 'shedding' skin that dissolves into acid fumes and kills any organism that attempts to cross her trail."


(Deals half damage to heavies.)
(Trail can be stacked over.)
(Power range can be increased, but in only 25.0+ per increaase.)
(Damage deals over time depending on how long the enemy stays there.)
(Fumes dissipate when MEDUSA is downed or out of Energy.) 

(Acid Fumes have a -20% to Ancient Infested)

(Increased 16% damage to Grineer and Corpus Factions)
(Does not stun any bosses but deal the same damage over time)




3. Fangs - Mod Level 3, Rare
- 60 Energy (No decrease upon level mod)(Streamline mod is possible.)
- 15% Vampire Shield/Health (5.0%+ Per mod level, Total: 16.55%)(Augmentation possible.)
- 10 Available Fangs (2+ Per mod level, Total: 16 fangs)

"MEDUSA throws a dozen of fangs around her, fangs that come and impales/punctures an enemy will cause to transfer half of their shield or health to MEDUSA and her party for a small amount. If only MEDUSA is in solo, she receives all the fangs that leeched enemies that were impaled/punctured."

Damage/Crowd control/Vampire/Support

(Only takes half the amount of shield or health from an enemy.)
(Health cannot be leeched if shield of an enemy were to recharge before leeching.)
(Deals only great damage to shield, but not as much to health.)
(Fangs will be destroyed/canceled if MEDUSA were to be downed.)
(Fangs will redirect it's transfer to another party member if it's original ally target was downed.)

(Boss type enemies will have 20% reduced shield armor than leeching shield)
(Boss type enemies will have an increased damage to shield)
(Boss type enemies can be stunned by Fangs)

4. Death Gaze - Mod Level 3, Rare
- 100 Energy (-5.0 Per mod level, Total: 85)(Streamline mod is stack-able.)
- 10 Seconds (3+ Per mod level, Total: 19)(Power duration increase is possible)
- 200% Armor reduced (0.25%+ Per mod level, Total: 275%)
- 85 Base damage (Only enemies that are killed and explodes.)
- 125 Base damage from Chain reaction/Fusion

"MEDUSA releases all of her eyes apart from her body and sends a radiant flash causing enemies around her be turned into stone for a few seconds while it reduces the enemies armor in a significant amount depending upon the number of heavies that were caught."


(Enemies will break out from stone form in 10 seconds.)
(Reduced armor cannot apply to any Ultimates, Rhino Stomp, Radiant Javelin, World on Fire, etc.)
(Reduced armor can be applied addition to Armor Piercing, Critical.)
(Enemies that are killed during the skill will explode and can cause damage to nearby enemies.)

(In a short period of time before the skill duration ends, enemies that had/have exploded form a small atom which if shot or left for a brief time will cause a chain reaction of explosion.) (Addition by Rengakun)

(Bosses can by turned to stone and be stunned for the duration of the skill but only 100% Reduced armor)

Signature Weapon: Naga Lance (In development)


(Concept Art in development)

Damage: 35.0

Rate: 4.0

Chance: 15%

Range: (Same as Orthos Radius)


Helmet skin:

"A helmet of MEDUSA to honor one of the most feared snakes."
- Reduces shield Armor for an increase of Power damage.

Shield Armor; -25% Armor


Warframe Power; +30% Power 

If you wish to improve and correct some basic stuff around my concept, or wish to reconstruct a stat or any concept you feel that is wrong and too strong, feel free to give me some constructive feedback that can benefit me and my ideas.

Thanks for the feedback guys! If something is a bit too low or strong, let me know by giving me a feedback into that.

© Medusa Concept by Siviltha
© Artwork by Siviltha
- Siviltha~~~ 

Edited by Siviltha
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Change Contact to instant stun then Damage to Per-level. no one wants a stun ability that isnt reliable.

You should also allow some modifications to abilities giving players some freedom.

The warframe design looks more like a Female Samurai warrior. I don't see much of anything that resembles a snake. Except maybe the eyes that's pretty much it.

You added too much armor-like body structures, it's supposed to resemble a snake-like lady. Maybe you should've made her more slim and added more dreadlocks.

Great Drawings btw.

I'd say this could be a Corpus-Tenno Hybrid Warframe idk making some stuff up.

The (What are those things on her butt called) they look like bug wings.

Edited by NBlitZ
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Sprint speed doesn't increase with level, and it never should. I don't think shield armour increases either.

Also no 'Frame should be faster than Loki.


Have to agree with Zhoyzu that it sounds cool but would pretty much be outclassed from the get go unless they made her ridiculously strong, which would be dumb.


I don't think we have signature weapons either, if you did it for one 'Frame you would need one for every 'Frame and I don't see that happening.

Edited by Silraed
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Change Contact to instant stun then Damage to Per-level. no one wants a stun ability that isnt reliable.

You should also allow some modifications to abilities giving players some freedom.

The warframe design looks more like a Female Samurai warrior. I don't see much of anything that resembles a snake. Except maybe the eyes that's pretty much it.

You added too much armor-like body structures, it's supposed to resemble a snake-like lady. Maybe you should've made her more slim and added more dreadlocks.

Great Drawings btw.

I'd say this could be a Corpus-Tenno Hybrid Warframe idk making some stuff up.

The (What are those things on her butt called) they look like bug wings.

I designed those to look more like Snake-scale reference. And yet those are also similar looking to Dreadlocks, it just seems putting lots of those may put her out of the design of being Tenno-kind (Might be mistaken). But remember though, she has a snake crest design in front of her body and the Carbon-looking fiber wires are for Snake kind reference.

Thanks for questioning about the 'bug wings' you assume in her buttocks. Those are still the similar Dreadlocks wires, only connected to her body to head. I intentionally did that just to make Snake-like wires flow around her body. Am sure you know Medusa right?

I appreciate the concerns about the design. It does look like a 'Feudal' Samurai than being ninja. I'll come up a revised design later! Thanks for the feedback on the concept!

Thanks for the feedback!



Sprint 1.1 + .1 per lvl  @.@, fastest frame ever?


Contact and Slither is meh. Please re-think them.

Awesome sketch tho. +1

Nope! I made a huge mistake on that measurement of speed for her stat, but thanks for pointing that bit out!



Sprint speed doesn't increase with level, and it never should. I don't think shield armour increases either.

Also no 'Frame should be faster than Loki.


Have to agree with Zhoyzu that it sounds cool but would pretty much be outclassed from the get go unless they made her ridiculously strong, which would be dumb.


I don't think we have signature weapons either, if you did it for one 'Frame you would need one for every 'Frame and I don't see that happening.

Appreciate the reminder about the speed, I did a mistake about the speed amount I gave to her and the level increase that never existed.

I looked up the other Frames' base speed and it appears most of them start below 1.0.

Well, they do put signature weapons, ex; Banshee and Paris.

But I intend to design the weapon for all Frames' usages.




Ability 4:



Split some Molecules into Atoms, then split the Atoms.






Thanks for the info about the Atoms! I almost forgot about those! Dx


The concept interesting but need work with a bit more. +1

I get right into that! If you wish to add more or give me some ideas, feel free!


Nice Feedback guys! I really do appreciate the help about my concept and stat designs. If you feel like I still need help with these, feel free to help me out! I would love any helping hand that comes!

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Thanks for the info about the Atoms! I almost forgot about those! Dx

There's more!


Go for Nuclear Fusion immediately after!



That's like giving them a Sun immediately after detonating a Fat Man in their faces!









And finally:



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Dat &#! looks...odd.


They look like Basketballs or something. They're too...round...or something. The legs are spread a little too far apart when seen from the back.


I'd recommend doing what most other artists do: 'Observe' some 'inspirations'. You could try looking at some *ahem* 'you know what' to get a general idea on how a body should look.

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i like the nanite thing, or nanospores, or bacteria thing, dunno. i love the design too, the spreaders everywhere on the armor, great.


@death gaze : there is a "freeze" animation in the game, maybe they could use it to "make a turn to stone" medusa signature move.


@ acid trail : skin ? huuuh. HUUUH. acidic fumes, looks like perspiration. gross but love it.


@ contact : hmm. it will turn into a not used ability switched with a passive mod, the real question when using an ability is : is it worth to waste 1s and energy to cast it rather than shoot ? most of the time the ansmer is no, sadly



@naga lance ? guan dao ? love it !

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Will you fix Dat &#!?

Yes I will <3. What kind of &amp;#&#33; do you want it to look like? Clear as Crystal or just a tight suit covering it?



Cobra Medusa looks really nice. but maybe give it a different ring to it. (Ex. Flux Nova) (Swindle Loki) these names sound really nice put together.

Awh thanks for letting me know those samples, forgot about how DE names Alternate helmets for the frames. I'll rethink the name on the next update notice! If you have a good idea about the name for it, let me know!

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Dat &amp;#&#33; looks...odd.


They look like Basketballs or something. They're too...round...or something. The legs are spread a little too far apart when seen from the back.


I'd recommend doing what most other artists do: 'Observe' some 'inspirations'. You could try looking at some *ahem* 'you know what' to get a general idea on how a body should look.

its miley cirus all over again XD

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