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Trinity Will Now Officially Suck. Info Of Her Changes From The Live Stream.


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new link + torid or Ogris is going to be absolutely fun.

Also, saying that you can shoot guns instead of doing link is silly, because Trinity can still shoot while Link is active. It's extra DPS ON TOP of your gun DPS.

Edited by Fundance
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Well link wasn't a skill I relied on very much except when soloing a boss, and she wasn't completely invincible either, I believe it was 10 seconds..or was it less she couldn't take any damage after casting it. It just didn't make her "op", just made her easier to solo with when you wanted too. It seems though, like most have said and I agree, there aren't that many heavies running around, so casting well of life or energy vampire on one mob still isn't practical for full support for say like defenses, or survivals...imo. 


Nice that link will be searching for more occupants to do damage too. Since it really was was her only *at the time damage skill* you gave her. But I do want well of life and energy vampire to be aoe based rather than being co-dependent upon casting it on one enemy. Would make a lot more sense as she would be pulling from everything surrounding her, rather than casting it on one enemy while you're surrounded by 10.


This could balance the damage reduction done to her link, making energy vampire (a damage over time aoe) & well of life (a heal over time aoe) upon the soon *update 10 or hotfix* (whichever comes first on the implementation of the nerf/buffs) more viable as far as a fast pace tactical support, and keeping trinity a support/solo class.

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But here's Trinity who could throw up Link and not only be INVINCIBLE, but transfer all of her damage to mobs making her #1 damage dealer and #1 tank at the same time (not counting Nova and her MPrime).


Don't you think that was just a tad overpowered?


Considering the damage from Link was affected by armor, and enemies did sh!t for damage anyways, the changes to armor better be amazing and the percentage of damage from Link better be over 120%, or it's not worth losing the invuln for no matter how you slice it.


It's also a change that's weakening a skill already onset by several fatal flaws. Link had a buffer time of about a second or two before the ability kicked on in full. Anything that was doing well enough damage was going to kill you before it did its job at protecting you. It also had to have a connection to a target, or you still take damage, so if you weren't up in the midst of everything, you weren't safe anyways. Link was not the almighty no damage button everyone wants to believe it is. Its flaws can and WILL kill even a seasoned Trinity user with no problems.


Blessing's invuln at startup doesn't even matter. The change to Energy Vampire is likely to make it harder to maintain, as you have to keep an enemy alive long enough for the recharge ticks to refund you the cost of casting both skills, and we have no idea what that will be like. I'm betting crappy considering the way the refund works right now is damage based, and there's plenty of that to go around.


Trinity was a low end frame, and one of the few frames that worked the way it should. She's not meant to do damage. She's meant to heal, refund energy, and stay alive so that everyone else doesn't die. These changes will hamper that job before they help it, and it will likely take months to unscrew anything wrong they do to her.


Really, the changes to Well of Life are the biggest joke. Unless it can provide health beyond your maximum, it will never beat out Blessing as far as healing goes. I'm of the mind that it should be able to revive downed allies who shoot the target enough times while they're downed in addition to any life regain/regen it has. At least then it would be helpful on occasion...

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new link + torid or Ogris is going to be absolutely fun.

Also, saying that you can shoot guns instead of doing link is silly, because Trinity can still shoot while Link is active. It's extra DPS ON TOP of your gun DPS.

Yeah in the casting animation for link you could have shot and done a ton more damage than the link with any non ogris weapon.



Well already revives downed targets that shoot it unless they changed it from the beta i havent rezzed using well in a long time.

Edited by Meltina
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So much doomsaying.


On more info that we usually get.

Sure, we dont have the definite numbers now but it's unlikely that they are going to make her abilities so awesome that the Link change isn't going to be felt. I mean, it would be great if her EV DOT can take people down so her Link isnt that much of a focus on her survivability but i think that would be unlikely. She was meant to be the nurse, i dont think there will be a huge focus switch from that role.

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So basically you expected to keep 100% invulnerability with Link?




After them telling Rhino, THE tank frame, that 100% invulnerability is not something that should be allowed in-game?


They nerfed Iron Skin because 100% invincibility for 50 energy is just too darn overpowered. The first nerf was uncalled for and broke the frame entirely, and then they gave us a very workable iteration (the current one of invulnerability, infinite duration, but a damage cap). Now Rhino is good.


But here's Trinity who could throw up Link and not only be INVINCIBLE, but transfer all of her damage to mobs making her #1 damage dealer and #1 tank at the same time (not counting Nova and her MPrime).


Don't you think that was just a tad overpowered?


That is because Trinity has NO OFFENSIVE POWER. She doesn't have something like Rhino Stomp, which is a great crowd controller and OH S#&$ button. Also, 100% invincibility for 50 energy is cheaper than 75 energy. Did Rhino also have a time limit for his Iron Skin back in the 100% invulnerability days? (Legitimate question, I don't really know Rhino's history.) If so, then that is still better than Link which costs more, and if not, then holy Jesus that is pretty broken.

Link is literally the only thing that she has that can deal damage. Even so, the damage it does does not make her a number one damage dealer. That is highly variable and totally dependent on the level of and sort of enemies she is surrounded by. 

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100 energy for you escape ability isnt really a sustainable escape ability.


Totally agree. Unless Trinity is in specific situations, energy isn't going to be dropping like it's about to flood the building. Soloing or going through other missions that are not defense/survival makes it difficult for her to be invulnerable and very inflexible. EV is not really helpful for those situations either when you do need Blessing because damn, you need that invulnerability now! 

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Guys... it's the same thing happened to Iron Skin: UNLIMITED = BAD


Byez Link, byez Bastille and soon... Byez Snow Globe


Like i said above....

It's bad when you have 3 offensive powers that go on unused.

It's not bad when you dont have any offensive powers that you actually use.

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That is because Trinity has NO OFFENSIVE POWER. She doesn't have something like Rhino Stomp, which is a great crowd controller and OH S#&$ button. Also, 100% invincibility for 50 energy is cheaper than 75 energy.


Last I checked, Iron Skin does not return damage to the enemy.


Did Rhino also have a time limit for his Iron Skin back in the 100% invulnerability days? (Legitimate question, I don't really know Rhino's history.) If so, then that is still better than Link which costs more, and if not, then holy Jesus that is pretty broken.


Yes, he did have a duration back then. And it was very overpowered -- with enough energy siphons, you could have a near 100% uptime (but you couldn't use anything else because you'd run out of energy then). That's why it was nerfed -- it was overpowered (kinda like Link pre-u10).


Link is literally the only thing that she has that can deal damage. Even so, the damage it does does not make her a number one damage dealer. That is highly variable and totally dependent on the level of and sort of enemies she is surrounded by.


Does she HAVE to deal Damage? Look at Loki. He can't deal damage other than his weapons, either and he gets by just fine. Trinity is meant to be a healer, and a support unit. She is not, however, meant to stand in the middle of all the gunfire and be completely invulnerable to damage while protecting her fellow Tenno at the same time.


And saying Rhino isn't a tank is LOL-worthy. They made Iron Skin an Aggro Magnet for a reason. Rhino has high armor, high health, and high shields, along with serious damage reduction. His CCs are meant to help him survive longer in the thick of combat while keeping damage off of his fellow Tenno.


If that isn't the definition of a tank, I don't know what is.


Look at World of Warcraft, Protection Warriors. They are called tanks and are meant to tank, and guess what? They have no less than three CC abilities: An AoE Stun move called Shockwave (sound familiar? You even stomp the ground while doing it), an AoE Fear (it is actually a shout, oh wait, Rhino has one of those too, only it buffs damage... kinda like Battle Shout does), and a single-target stun. Oh, WoW Warriors also have Charge which you can add a glyph to, to make it..... yes, do the same thing Rhino Charge does.


The only difference here is that WoW Warriors use a Shield and there are no Shields in Warframe, and of course, guns. But functionally, Rhino and WoW Prot Warriors work in very similar ways.

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As a Trinity main, I am excited about the change and can't wait to try it.


Link has been bugged for awhile: It has not been absorbing 100% damage, so I have already adjusted my play style around it.


Giving Energy Vampire damage ontop of pulsing energy is so perfect. I never knew when to cast it for pugs because we can't see anyone's energy bar.


Instant-heal on 4 allows me to be a much better life-saver, whilst the new Link now allows me to see all targets near-by (Personal Radar)


I give the initial rework (numeric values pending) 4.5 stars out of 5


Don't forget that with a Rage mod, Link will become even more awesome. Damage reduction means you can have controlled amounts of infinite energy, whilst doing damage to the enemy, whilst your energy vamp is giving you energy, whilst building up energy to use blessing and ROFLFACETANK.


The new Trinity sounds awesome, OP has it so wrong.

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And saying Rhino isn't a tank is LOL-worthy. They made Iron Skin an Aggro Magnet for a reason. Rhino has high armor, high health, and high shields, along with serious damage reduction. His CCs are meant to help him survive longer in the thick of combat while keeping damage off of his fellow Tenno.


If that isn't the definition of a tank, I don't know what is.


Look at World of Warcraft, Protection Warriors. They are called tanks and are meant to tank, and guess what? They have no less than three CC abilities: An AoE Stun move called Shockwave (sound familiar? You even stomp the ground while doing it), an AoE Fear (it is actually a shout, oh wait, Rhino has one of those too, only it buffs damage... kinda like Battle Shout does), and a single-target stun. Oh, WoW Warriors also have Charge which you can add a glyph to, to make it..... yes, do the same thing Rhino Charge does.


The only difference here is that WoW Warriors use a Shield and there are no Shields in Warframe, and of course, guns. But functionally, Rhino and WoW Prot Warriors work in very similar ways.



This is not World of Warcraft, my man. So let's not throw around labels that have no meaning in another totally different game. I cant believe i actually have to mention this.



Don't forget that with a Rage mod, Link will become even more awesome. Damage reduction means you can have controlled amounts of infinite energy, whilst doing damage to the enemy, whilst your energy vamp is giving you energy, whilst building up energy to use blessing and ROFLFACETANK.


The new Trinity sounds awesome, OP has it so wrong.



You are under the idea that all the gains coming in are going to cover all the damage and energy use going out.

Im under the other side where they are not going to make this stuff so powerful that she could take on group of people by herself.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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What they said sound like playing Trinity will be easier not harder.  As for how link is now, it's is 100% bugged.  Survival missions proved that.  Activate link and stand in a mob and watch as they manage to knock your shields down and then your health. You can get a torid also and shoot gas at your feet and watch as you start to die when there are mobs to around to attach link too.  After all the changes they said about warframe powers, Trinity hit the lotto here.

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What they said sound like playing Trinity will be easier not harder.  As for how link is now, it's is 100% bugged.  Survival missions proved that.  Activate link and stand in a mob and watch as they manage to knock your shields down and then your health. You can get a torid also and shoot gas at your feet and watch as you start to die when there are mobs to around to attach link too.  After all the changes they said about warframe powers, Trinity hit the lotto here.


Link has to.... Link with something for the power to work.

So there was probably lag affecting what was being shown, i was killed while in the middle of doing Absorb with Nyx and was probably because the effect was over before the animation.

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This is not World of Warcraft, my man. So let's not throw around labels that have no meaning in another totally different game. I cant believe i actually have to mention this.


No, this isn't WoW.


However, Rhino and WoW's Prot Warrior work in very similar ways and they do very similar things (be tanky and use CC).


Rhino is a tank. Deal with it.

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100 energy for you escape ability isnt really a sustainable escape ability.

Link now bounces to next closest enemy after the death of the current linked enemy so currently her link does hit several enemies. We dont have damage info to know if the damage you are taking is equally divided among all enemies or divided and spread. Im leaning toward the damage being divided and spread  because if everyone takes the same damage high equally that's basically as powerful as a 4th ability.

Don't forget that she has health sustain which may very well synergize perfectly with the new Link.

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No, this isn't WoW.


However, Rhino and WoW's Prot Warrior work in very similar ways and they do very similar things (be tanky and use CC).


Rhino is a tank. Deal with it.


Prot warrior has a possible two out of 6 Prot abilities that can CC. Rhino had 3 out of 4 CC.

Needless to say one has CC as a backup for one while CC was main for the other.

Not that this has to do with anything at all because i can bring up tank classes from other MMOs that dont CC.


On top of all of that the profile video created by DE themselves call him CCer.


Sorry, guy, but only folks that called Rhino a tank are folks that didnt know how to play him.




Don't forget that she has health sustain which may very well synergize perfectly with the new Link.


We need to see how this is applied but im not down to being hopeful that the healing can cover all incoming damage.

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