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Official Necro Ability Discussion


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I don't like his ultimate. Well, I can like it if it goes the way I think it will go. Here's what I think:


Nyx has a similar ability, to make enemies into allies. But they're all still killable, and the rest of the team usually just kills them anyway. And it's not even her ultimate ability, so it seems weird that this is Necro's ultimate...


Let's put this into perspective. If Necro uses his Clone the Dead ability on the X number of enemies he killed, then he has a bunch of dead followers, yes? Alright. Then Nova comes up and decides to use HER ultimate. Boom, now Necro's ultimate deems completely useless.


Now this can change, Necro's Clone the Dead ability now makes the enemies into actual allies, and they will not take damage from fellow teammates. This seems like it's all said and done, right? His ultimate is actually quite helpful. But wait... What about Nyx?


Now Nyx gets undermined by this, slightly at least. Depending on the amount of enemies he can change (X) then it shouldn't change much. But if he were to change the last 10-15 people he killed into followers, well then... Nyx isn't as useful as Necro can be. But if it's only 3-5 enemies changed into allies, then Nyx won't get undermined as much, and he could still end up being good, or his ultimate could be less effective then players want it to be.


Now because we're on a fence here, I do suggest a complete change in his 4th ability, because it is too similar to another warframes ability. (Nyx)

It seems you can only do that to people you kill..I tend to think more higher level runs..not when you can lol through mobs because they are so easy to kill. Making nyx still more useful. I do agree that the skills are too similar and 3/4 of his skills need serious rethinking 

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I see, 


Point still stands though, why bother with that nonsense when you could just use nyx, Search the dead why even bother installing that as a skill. Doesn't even really fit..like why. Why use fear against anything but infested and even still, if they just run you'll have to deal with the same situation again. Unless i'm missing something.

Because with Nyx, you have to wait for enemies to be in the right place at the right time.


With Necro, you can kill a specific set of enemies you want, "store" them, and then resurrect them at just the right time, anywhere you want.


It's not quite the same thing.

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Thoughts on the abilities from 1-4:

1. Soul punch sounds fine, but I dont like the name. I think it would be better suited to that reaper-frame i heard about a while back.

2. A totem? For something that should raise armies of death? Really?

3. Sounds like something that every Warframe should do passively.

4. Cloning sounds a bit irrelevant towards necromancy, but whatever I predict people wont like my opinions. That or theyre going to get ignored.

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The Necro is probably going to be my favorite frame when it comes out, but i have a suggestion. Instead of search the dead, maybe you could have an passive ability, that when an enemy is killed, it will drop rarer/better mods. Rather than finding corpses and checking them. Thats just my thought.

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I agree, if the abilities were more geared towards actual necromancy, then I wouldnt being replying to you.


I was hoping for a summoner/debuff frame, like every other necromancer in every other game.

The abilities for the necro make no sense.


You punch their soul and that reduces their armor. uh huh, sure.


Also a 5% armor debuff? For one enemy? How many times do I need to punch a LVL60 Ancient so my non AP weapon works without emptying a clip? Given that we fight multiple enemies at the same time, having a close combat ability against one enemy that doesn't even kill that enemy seems rather pointless if we have bullethoses of death. Also X% (max?) health in direct damage? Cool, so if i punch it multiple times for the debuff I'll kill it. Awesome, way to waste my debuff. Does this work on bosses? Can i soul-punch bosses to death? %-damage is $&*&*#(%& because it makes killing a boss as hard as killing a corpus crewman.


A fear totem? What is this? WoW? If I wanted to play a Shaman I'd go revive my lvl80 and go kill some pandas. Why would I want to disperse enemies anyways? This will suck in extermination missions.


Body looting? What use is that? Is this supposed to be the farming frame? I'll slap master thief on it and never buy anything from the store ever again. Surely this will not backfire on DE or the promised trading system.


Cloning sounds alright if you can do it at any given time.


1/4 powers sound "ok".

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so 3rd and 4th abilities are lame,

3rd should be:
Dead Web, Neco hits a taget and tendrils of biomass shootout from the target ensnaring the target and X enemies surrounding him.

Necro gathers corpses and fuses them into a Biomass weapon, (for creativites sake I have 3 options.)

1st Necro gathers corpses and fuses them together summoning a weapon (scythe similar to mire in styling only more creepy and sharp, A infested themed canon similar to function as the ogris or something similar within all the weapons categories.)


2n Necro gathers corpses to him and uses the biomass to create an armor that turns his arms into weapons, similar to 1st in function but different in execution and visuals. In this instance he would be dual wielding whichever weapon type the player chooses. So if a player melees the most he will receive melee styled armor or if he uses primaries he will receive arms that act as dual primaries. 

3rd Necro gathers corpses into a sphere (size dependent on  level and amount of copses) that fuses into a "mini boss" that is similar to infested in theme that will rampage for 40. 50, 60 seconds and the level matches the caster. 

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QUESTION will there be a boss coming with him?

apparently the revamped "Golem" is going to drop parts from him if I am not mistaken.




what I am not getting is that why are people saying that his 4 sounds "too much like Chaos"?


it RESURRECTS FRIENDLY 'enemy units' to fight alongside you. and its not some massive AOE that effects everyone in range its X enemies he kills.

one simply makes everyone goes berserk while this one actually summons allies... they are quite different...

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This frame is about necromancy, why the hell its cloning the dead, nothing except for soul punch seems related to necromancy and yet you want to call this frame necro.

First ability:Needs increase on the debuff otherwiseits going to be a waste of time and energy.

Second:idea is good but on another frame since a.totem is about shamanism not necromancy.

Third: Scrap that idea and give us something defensiive in my opinion like absorbingmechanic in some way maybe I dont know.

Fourth:Change the name and give us minion zombie like.army manthis is.necromancy!Do something related to it.

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Necro looks pretty cool, so I had a (cruel) thought of putting it as a 2nd stalker but slightly diffrent from us and him.

The skills on it should be similar as evil brethren but with a suprise or 2 of diffrent powers that might throw us tenno off for abit.


Slightly a main reason, most of skilled players are really used to good ol' stalker and know how to handle him.

So.. having another challange drop-in would be fun... well.. for me that is.,


The Necro's powers.. Most of them are ok, Having a moa repellent would be nice and having (dead) backup be great for solo players. The corspe search seems good for long fights in the void.. Trust me, running out of ammo on Tower 3 just not fun at all.  Soul punch im really not getting but having it as a boss smaker seems alright such as Kril.


Anyways, Im really looking foward to get Necro.. Seems very fun and well balanced for solo and support

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Skills seem a little meh, for something as dark and awesome as necros usually are.

Soul Punch isn't the best name in the book, imo. And it would be better, to me, if he ripped their soul from them...and had some purpose for that...like maybe turned that into energy he could shoot at something else, rather than just knocking their soul out. A little uneventful.

Searching the corpses for loot seems a bit (or a lot) redundant. There's usually plenty of loot around, so that just seems like a power that is being plugged in for the lack of a better skill. I think that would be a little bit of a waste. Maybe you should have him warp, or put some dark energy around to life steal briefly for the team, or energy steal or poison or something. Anything other than just looting. Is he a thief or a necro? lol. I don't know anyone that uses the mod, Thief's Wit, so thievery isn't high on our list of things we all want to see, it seems.

I don't know...a skill that drains (maybe at a cost to you, but helps the team), a skills that fears (check, but maybe targeted as grineer don't clump up like infested), a skill that raises the dead (double check, or purhaps you lift their souls out of their bodies and it balls up, then explodes out doing AOE damage?) and a skill that does crazy poison or some kind of dark damage, would be more balanced imho. Although I have to admit, poison is kind of Saryn's thing (I love her) so maybe that is redundant as well. Purhaps a dark cloud/warp hole/trail/dark tether that would allow him to warp to an enemy and rip their soul or something more crazy like that.

He looks utterly amazing though.

Necros should be squishy, but fast and have massive spell damage. How to blend that into a warframe environment is a little weird I would think, but please reconsider skill set. Necros are dark and feirce. This sounds more like a good wizard or something. And maybe I'm a little critical because of games like Guild Wars 2 or Diablo, that have necs that life steal, or sacrifice health to do more damage and poison/curse things, but to me, that's what a necro should do. This one seems too nice and docile. I realize this is Warframe, not those other games. I imagine it would be a little difficult for designers/devs to come up with something that is more along the style guidelines of WF, but as I said, he seems a little docile.


Good luck fellas. It's still an amazing game :)

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