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a new take on the War heavy blade


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i like the war heavy blade, but except its cool unique look, the stats of the weapon are not very unique, this is how i would make it different:

original war stats:                                                                                                     


example build:



new war stats:     


example build:


basically would turn war heavy blade into a full status weapon with the advantage of high base attack speed, high status chance, and innate radiation damage but low critical chance and low critical multiplier, also the reason of status instead of critical because:

war = sentient sword with high status but low crit 

paracesis = anti sentient sword with high crit but low status 


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War and Paracesis have nothing to do with each other. You've added base damage and shifted the mix to favor Slash more - red flag. "Low" crit chance of 12% - really?

Why the Radiation damage? Why the base damage increase? Why make an existing weapon something it isn't?

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44 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

War and Paracesis have nothing to do with each other. You've added base damage and shifted the mix to favor Slash more - red flag. "Low" crit chance of 12% - really?

Why the Radiation damage? Why the base damage increase? Why make an existing weapon something it isn't?

base damage is the lower than the original lol 45 + 15 + 35 + 35 = 130, war base damage is 140

radiation because the war has all that luminescent parts that could be elemental damage

ofc they have nothing to do with each other one is sword made with hunhow remains the other is made by ballas one is sentient sword the other is made to kill the sentients

12% still stacks ok with blood rush from 12% to 5% would be better

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