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Boss Armor, Sydannas and other cosmetics


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Was having a random thought and said to myself wouldn't it be cool if each boss in Warframe had specific armor sets and syadannas as part of their drop tables(such that you get a warframe part and a piece of armor from them you can farm along side).

The grind can be super crazy or very chill e.g. 2 pieces for one knee plate or 5 pieces for one knee plate just extra things to farm bosses other than rare resources and warframe parts.

Can also be added to teralysts and spider bots give more incentive to revisit bosses after you have gotten all parts. Obviously some folk will farm these in a few days but it gives newer players their first taste at Fashion frame for "freeish" and it would be nice to have more earnable cosmetics.

Curious what the forums think about this and whether or not it would be a good addition.

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Eidolons nah, there is no such thing as too many arcanes, so as long as they are the only source, eidolon hunting will never die. About bosses... meh... they don't really feel like bosses anyways. Newer players will complain that it takes too long to grind it and that the game is p2w because other cosmetics are plat only. Veterans will either rush through the bosses and leave the armor hanging anyways, cause they already have their favorite sets, or ignore the addition outright, because they have their sets, and this armor gives no MR exp, so why bother?

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7 hours ago, DemoniesGaming said:

so why bother?

I guess just for more non plat cosmetics and it wouldn't be p2w since its just armor it doesn't affect gameplay and basically its just farmable. I do see your point but people complain about nidus khora equinox farms but still go about this grind is just a little more probably niche incentive to continue killing planet bosses but understand your viewpoint and see where you coming from. 

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10 hours ago, DemoniesGaming said:

Eidolons nah, there is no such thing as too many arcanes, so as long as they are the only source, eidolon hunting will never die. About bosses... meh... they don't really feel like bosses anyways. Newer players will complain that it takes too long to grind it and that the game is p2w because other cosmetics are plat only. Veterans will either rush through the bosses and leave the armor hanging anyways, cause they already have their favorite sets, or ignore the addition outright, because they have their sets, and this armor gives no MR exp, so why bother?

P2W is getting an advantage over others that's only archived through real money... cosmetics are never P2W. In no game.

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nothing wrong with farmable cosmetics, the sets could be themed on the Armour of the boss itself. only problem is they'd have to be sellable for the unlucky sods who keep getting the same pieces. otherwise you'd have many of the same cosmetic that you can't sell and it would clog up your inventory something terrible. 

I'm sure many people wouldn't mind a Tyl Regor set to go with their Ack & Brunt, so you can truly embrace everyone's favourite Grineer scientist.

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