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Stalker is a tenno too?


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On 2018-11-05 at 3:58 AM, Walkampf said:

I don't recall any of this. I'm pretty sure those are nothing but assumptions at the current point in time.

It's speculation much like 99% of stalker's info. Whatever information exists on stalker outside of second dream most players will never known. 

Edited by Fire2box
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We don't know enough to be sure of the stalker actual nature. He could have been a Tenno in the past but there good points both in favor and not to support this claim.

- If he was a Tenno why was he and the acolytes the only ones not to go mental when *you know what* that ended the orokin?

- The conversation between him and and a certain character heavily implies he was indeed a Tenno

I'm sure DE has changed mind on stalker identity quite a few times but will eventually give us the final version. Last devstream we learned that [DE] plans of maximum 7/8 months ahead and I have the feeling this applies to many parts of the lore as well. If you check the actual lore of the game in every detail you will find some plot holes and contradictions

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I see it as:

1. He is a Tenno & is now horrified of what he is as he HATES Tenno. So as Hunhow said: "You hate yourself."

2. He is an Orokin (Not a Dax) who used Transference on a Warframe (Like SIlvana & The Silver Grove) during the fall of the Orokin.

3. He is a Original Model Warframe (He was Human, was infected with Helminth & became a Warframe) and either:
A. Is horrified to discover he has been murdering Children for who knows how long.
B. Wonders if he is Child himself.
C. Has killed his Operator or rejected them now to discover the Operator is as much a victim as him/was just a child being used.
D. Now sees how depraved the Orokin had become. (IE: Using Child Soldiers, experimenting on children, creating the Warframe project & using Children to "Power"/"Control" them.

Essentially, the Second Dream gave Stalker an existential crisis as well a moral conundrum.

I really want DE to do a full fledged Cinematic quest where we don't play as our character until the end. Before then I want the quest to literally star The Stalker, have us control him as he seeks answers to his past, what, and who he is. Then perhaps our character comes in & forgives him, & grants him the peace he deserves (Like we did for Umbra).
Then finally, he joins us & becomes a true Warframe finally is given a purpose.

Perhaps the Sentients can create a Sentient Stalker doppleganger (so The Stalker is still available to jump players) post the quest.

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