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Is It Me, Or Is The Necro Actually Not A Power Creep?


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really, i was thinking DE would make all the warframes from now on as powerfull as nova, but luckily it seems like they are not gonna do that.

1 skill, balanced

2 skill, balanced

3 skill, will surely be changed, nobody likes it

4 skill, well, it sounds balanced, but let`s see


and above all this, no "press 4 to clear room" skill!




PS: i know he has`t been released, but he SEEMS balanced, for now


edit 2: people, as i said just above this, i know he hasn´t been released. you all are saying that this is speculation, and well, YES, that´s what im doing, just speculating

Edited by lautalocos
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The ability to clear rooms at low levels is not the same as power. Honestly, in the long run utility is vastly more of an enabler than simple damage. The impact of high damage during early game gets talked about so much due to focus on kills, but at the end of the day you could remove the four abilities and the levels at which they dominate would still be easy.


No, if you really want to take a stab at whether the Necro will be on Nova's level, you need to look at his utility. Which, depending on how the 1/2 skills are implemented, could be quite high.

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Also I'm excited that his ultimate is effectively a skill that scales infinitely into endgame :D

Yes, but it does require that he (or his minions) be able to kill things.  Unless they have some kind of durability/damage buff, it will probably be less effective than Nyx's chaos.

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All frames should be support/control anyway. Of course, support could mean supporting yourself with a damage buff, but the point is that the ability isn't an ability made to do the direct damage that any weapon could have done.


Unlike other games where weapons are class-locked, all frames can use any weapon available. (e.g. little Nyx can still use a Scindo). Due to this, weapons are the damage dealers. Warframe abilities should support things, such as damage, mobility, CC, healing, etc. I can see the utility of one ability doing damage, but whenever DE makes a frame have 3-4 abilities that basically mimic a weapon, I feel the sadness of what could have been. Necro is looking quite good, so hopefully he will be.

Edited by gell
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Maybe he'll be on the other end of power creep, and be as useless as the Grakata.


That's honestly what I'm betting will happen.  There is no good direct damage #1 ability in the game so far, so the odds of Soul Punch being even remotely useful are not good.  Loot the Dead is already the single most universally hated ability in all of Warframe history, and won't offer any combat benefit whatsoever.  Clone the Dead seems good in theory, but if the devs don't massively buff the reanimated enemies, this ability will just be a much weaker version of Chaos with a higher energy cost. 


That leaves Terror Totem, which will probably be the new Bastille.  If Vauban wasn't being heavily nerfed, Necro wouldn't have a prayer of being useful. 

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You need to wait until he is released... but, you can compare his Totem to vauban's Bastille, balanced version, and his ultimate to Nyx's Chaos. Aside from that, he also has a unique first ability which has an armor debuff that sounds like it will stack for a lifetime duration making for a very good bossing ability. It also has been suggested/hinted on stream to do aoe behind the initial target.


Now from current gameplay, Vauban and Nyx mostly use their single abilities of Bastille and Chaos respectively. Necro seems to be equipped with a variation of both powers. They are not exactly alike but pretty darn similar. Actually, his ult is probably better than Chaos depending on how his spawns work. He also has an ability which produces heals, energy, and ammo for the whole team.


Necro seems to be a very flexible and overpowered frame compared to existing frames. But you just have to wait for his release to tell for sure.



Anyway, the next update will feature improvements to the armor scaling system. It might just balance many of the frames.

Edited by Stygi
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How can you pass judgement on powers that you haven't tried yet?


Also I guarantee that on day 1 people will be crying nerf, because that is just how these forums are.


1. "Armour debuff is so OP, makes armoured enemies trivial!"

2. "Terror Totem is so OP, makes infested trivial!"

3. Should not be in game. No one wants it in game. I hope "Search the Dead" doesn't make it in game.

4. "Necro has massively OP Mind Control, Nerf PLZ!"


These aren't my opinions, these are my predictions. You will see at least one thread with similar comments to those above, mark my words.

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How can you pass judgement on powers that you haven't tried yet?


Also I guarantee that on day 1 people will be crying nerf, because that is just how these forums are.


1. "Armour debuff is so OP, makes armoured enemies trivial!"

2. "Terror Totem is so OP, makes infested trivial!"

3. Should not be in game. No one wants it in game. I hope "Search the Dead" doesn't make it in game.

4. "Necro has massively OP Mind Control, Nerf PLZ!"


These aren't my opinions, these are my predictions. You will see at least one thread with similar comments to those above, mark my words.

and of course, there will be too a lot of topics saying he is the weakest wartframe and him being a complete failure.


and at the end of the nerfs and buffs, his only skill will be "search the dead"

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in my opinion and from the info we got from LS13 necro frame seems to be weak


#1 x% armor debuff that stacks ... doesn't armor increase exponential so the higher the armor the less useful this skill becomes ? i mean sure if the skill is cheap enough you could cast it 10 times on an ancient so you can kill him easier Oo


#2 don't know what to say about this ... it seems to be a rather strange variation of the decoy/molt with an added cc which would probably annoy most people since fleeing enemies tend to aggro stuff you don't want or hide/get stuck behind something


#3 feels kinda strange its a rng-depending  support skill which is kinda bad ... since i don't know how it's supposed to work i can't say for sure if it is good or bad but it really doesn't feel like it is on paar with other #3 skills


#4 this is either OP or useless depending on how the skill scales in highlevel ... i mean every nyx knows there is a limit when chaos starts to become a pure cc instead of a damage ability and this seems to be rather close to chaos



to me it looks like DE intends the necro to be played as cc with #2 -> then quickly get the "dangerous" enemies down with weapons and #1 -> #4 kill the enemies who are still cc'ed or coming back from running away in fear -> #3 to get extra loot


it sounds like a nice concept but it doesn't feel like there is much room for teamplay here ... really hope i'm wrong about that but unless "clone the dead" is really strong i don't see this frame becoming useful in high wave defs or survival

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