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[Spoiler] K Drives for Kids


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Simply-put, K drives are cOoL, except for the fact that our operators can dress up like Vent kids but cant use K drives.

Please consider letting them use K drives. We dont get to see operators out of eidolon hunt that much, and even in eidolons we barely see operators due to being focused on eidolons.

This would really give us more reason to buy or build those great operator cosmetics.

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hace 12 horas, ReaperOfTheSouls dijo:

A lot of ppl complaing about the lack of mobilty of them, maybe if they allow them to fight on K drive, operators will be more useful.

Really? I guess they haven't unbound mind sprint... When you have naramon and zenurik the mobility they have is just ridiculous, I wouldn't have imagined people complaining about that of all things. 

Anyhow, operators using K-Drives? Hell yes! 

Edited by Amhiel
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10 hours ago, Amhiel said:

Really? I guess they haven't unbound mind sprint... When you have naramon and zenurik the mobility they have is just ridiculous, I wouldn't have imagined people complaining about that of all things. 

Anyhow, operators using K-Drives? Hell yes! 

Even when you maximize your dash, there is no flow in combat. Unlike warframes and their parkour. Fighting as operators is just no fun.

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