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Bring Back The Old Pull Mechanic For Mag


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I'm also for the old pull.


Some thoughts that went into my mind when I read your post:


1) Shield polarize isn't crap now, just a faction specific skill (corpus + void). As long as multiple ospreys are around, you can easily deal multiple thousands of dmg. You can even see 10k+ on tier 3 def (heard from someone else). I have seen 2k when using it on psamathe. It's like an alternate to crush now, since it can knock down enemies.


2) You didn't say (not assuming you forgot) flux rifle and supra pull combo! Preferable supra with shred mod since the new puncture effect causes bullets by projectiles to bounce upwards. Therefore, 1 bullet has a chance of hitting 1 enemy twice. It's a safer alt to ogris/torid and equally as damaging IMO.


1. you are probably right about it. I couldn't try it out with loads of shield units to see the full potential. I've posted in the feedback thread before how this could synergize greatly with the old pull. With the new pull however I could not bunch them up to see the nuke effect taking place. 5 lvl 60 targets under an osprey don't die with one cast so I just did some quick'n lazy judging.


2. I am a masochist. A frickin rocket launcher is just more fun to mess with, don't you agree? I have the flux btw and ofc it works well with mag. I don't know about the new puncture effect but I'll look that up, sounds fun.

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Why need the old one if you can get most kills from 1-70 level game play? Now Pull just one of the best damage power.


your team mate won't have any chance to die, 45 M nuke kill everything before any of them can react.


Even nova can't have 45 m Aoe, forget the old pull, end all the foe before they can see you.

Edited by Cary2010haha
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Oh there is some Infestations (level 60) *pull* FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!! That is a Ancient Toxic!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies* That why it is not the best class ability on my opinion QQ.


Even if Pull COULD affect ancients right now, the new rag doll physics would negate this, because toxics drop their clouds the place they were BEFORE they were ragdolled...


So, nope. Not a viable complaint. New Pull is still superior in every way feasible as far as a combat skill goes. That we lost the utility of pulling teammates out of sticky situations is an unfortunate side effect due to trolls being trolls.

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I have to disagree with you on this one, I do not care for the damage buff (it is nice but does drop off).


Ragdolling heavies is so much more superior than sliding for crowd control, Mag simply laughs at heavies now and she has become very fun to use.


The issue we have now is that Pull no longer drags enemies out of line of site to your feet. Enemies have to be in direct line of sight to be "Pulled" to your feet.


The ragdolling is superior, but perhaps tweak the power to be at a happy medium. Keep the ragdolling, but bring back dragging enemies out of line of sight.


On a side note, Crush still sucks.

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Problem was, not everyone cooperates with the old mag when she uses pull. They only accidentally help out when they see an attractive pile of mobs.


Even with the old pull's usefulness, she wasn't top tier as her other skills lag behind so much


From my experience most people did not know how to use it.  During the Catalyst oxygen alert people realized after 10 minutes "Hey, free giant piles of enemies to melee spam" and they knew where to Snowglobe/Bastille (on me).  That went on for 37 minutes when somewhere down the line someone DC's and we got overran.  I did double their kills by simply pull/orthos spam though :) and kept all of the oxygen drops in one area.  I doubt I could do that with this new pull.

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From my experience most people did not know how to use it.  During the Catalyst oxygen alert people realized after 10 minutes "Hey, free giant piles of enemies to melee spam" and they knew where to Snowglobe/Bastille (on me).  That went on for 37 minutes when somewhere down the line someone DC's and we got overran.  I did double their kills by simply pull/orthos spam though :) and kept all of the oxygen drops in one area.  I doubt I could do that with this new pull.

Yeah I love the pull orthos spam until I found the pull supra spam. If only you could see, but now with the new pull...


The new pull has a more higher dmg, reliable and longer knockdown, and toxic ancients do not get pulled. But it lost reliable pulling effect. I can see that DE is trying to make pull less straightforward. But I have to disagree because the old pull is unique and signature by itself.


It's disappointing that ember has really powerful flames, nova has powerful antimatter and vauban controls dimensions, while mag does not have seemingly full control over her magnetic powers. If she did, she could hold crush longer, fully heal shields and pull enemies all the way instead of giving up halfway. The way she is now. she can be portrayed as a sickly lady whose head hurts every time she casts her magnetism. I'd rather she be more magneto-like.

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The current pull actually does not pull ancients. It pulls everything else but only knocks ancients over. So currently Mag won't have the same problem with toxics, but actually slow them down. Imagine a primed ancient in Frost's globe and it is ragdolling after Mag's pull, taking forever to get up (not that it's very useful but just imagine)


Actually, we should get the old pull back, but it does not pull ancients, thereby solving the problem of toxics and getting a proper heap of enemies in front of her.


Wait, what? Are you tell me that Mag can't pull every non-friendly unit on the map anymore? FFFFFFFFF, give me back the old pull!

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The ability to affect other Warframes is being removed from all non-buff powers. Mag will never get the original pull because Trolls be Trollin'

Imagine it is returned, and you go down. Now one of your teammates tries to heal you and some jerkass in a Mag starts yanking you away. That is a thing that happened. Some people ruin it for everyone.

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The ability to affect other Warframes is being removed from all non-buff powers. Mag will never get the original pull because Trolls be Trollin'

Imagine it is returned, and you go down. Now one of your teammates tries to heal you and some jerkass in a Mag starts yanking you away. That is a thing that happened. Some people ruin it for everyone.


I never saw this happen.

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I never saw this happen.


I admit, I have done it, but only to friends.  While the ability to non-troll pull allies was interesting, the changes made to pull (previous version) made it much more useful than filling a niche role.  The previous pull enabled new synergies between warframes, weapons and Mag herself and brought mag more into the mid-high tier range that the old pull could never of accomplish.  The new pull forgoes the synergies and utility that the previous one had in order to make it a low nuke spell that should not be a 25e skill.

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To be specific, I am suggesting that DE bring back the Pull that was introduced in Update 8.3 that changed Pull from a single target ability to an ability that pulled all enemies in a cone in front of you. Adding this to the first post.

Edited by Drifter11
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Mag has always been about utility, not brute force.

Seeing Mag's signature move become a cheap grunt killer (that also obsoletes crush) makes me a sad panda.


Incorrect, prior to 8.3, she was partial utility without a place in the game.  8.3 changed her from not having a specified role to an assault Warframe, her powers were focused on being more selfish and wanting to be in the thick of things.  This gave rise to the melee Mag that became popular amount Mag players.  With this, Mags new "in the thick of it" playstyle brought along some new synergies with other warframes/weapons that allowed for groups to play without needing a "press 4 to win" makeup.  Mag has a place and was valued by players who knew how to use her/play with her.  This new pull puts her back on the fringe since it breaks the team synergies and interactions with herself, unless they can fix the issues that came up with it.  If you want to see Mag support, she would need a 100% makeover, otherwise Assault Mag is here to stay.

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I think all they need to do is drop the damage by about half and find a way to make sure the ragdolls end up at your feet. They go flying all over the place, and that's pretty awesome CC, but it just doesn't feel right for Mags 1 skill.

It would still be good as some future Gravity frame's 3 skill!

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I think all they need to do is drop the damage by about half and find a way to make sure the ragdolls end up at your feet. They go flying all over the place, and that's pretty awesome CC, but it just doesn't feel right for Mags 1 skill.

It would still be good as some future Gravity frame's 3 skill!


They would also need to fix the inability to damage ragdolled enemies.  I would be hesitant about a anti-grav frame, some overlap with what Mag can do, but as part of a future skillset for her, sure.

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I've mained a Mag since open beta. Anyone that mained Mag and knew how to use her knows how fun and effective she could be. Pull was a great CC ability that could be used for agressive short-range play, or defensively for defense missions.


Yes, Pull did not do much damage That was not what it was about. Pull was for crowd control, and it worked nicely if you synergized it with your other abilities and used close range weapons with high sustain like the Sobek or Flux Rifle.


Now, the results of Pull are random, so my synergies are gone and weapon choice doesn't matter so much. The damage buff is nice, but unnecessary. The utility has been lost. Now it's just a nuke that doesn't work well with the rest of her kit.


DE, please change this back. It worked perfectly before. I think anyone that discovered how to really use Mag to its full potential will agree with me on this.



*EDIT*: I agree with White_Raven. I wish the ability to Pull downed teammates would be returned. I can't tell you how many clutch revives I made Pulling teammates out of a bad situation.


*EDIT*: To be specific, I am suggesting that DE bring back the Pull that was introduced in Update 8.3 that changed Pull from a single target ability to an ability that pulled all enemies in a cone in front of you.

Ok, here's what I like about Pull V3: I can stand in front of a pit and cast pull and enemies fall into the pit. That is awesome.

Other than that, I'd rather have Pull V2 back with it pulling enemies into a consistent place.

I agree that Pull needed a buff, but I'd rather have seen a drop in energy cost than a damage buff. 25/50/100 energy cost for 1/2/4 abilities is a crutch DE needs to stop leaning on sooner rather than later.

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DE did this because they give in too easily to whining, and let's face it: the majority of people whine about not doing as much damage as ____ (commonly Nova). 


Look what they did to Ember, or Rhino's stomp. Soon Vauban's Bastille will just be a damage AoE, and Frost's snow globe will not block damage, instead it will just kill anything inside of it.


It'll continue until A) people stop crying about not doing enough damage (it'll never happen), or b) DE grows a pair, stops giving into babies whining about damage, and actually understands how utility powers work (also unlikely, but more chance than option A).

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It'd be great if they kept both Pulls.


The old, more precise one, with downed friend pulling action.


The latest one, full of fun and lulz. Also, quite powerful and better for CC.


Or...why not both? Pull without aiming? you get super happy fun ragdoll times!


Pull while aiming? You get the old pull, no ragdolls and, if aiming at something (enemy or friend), you pull that, and only that target.


I just don't want the super fun happy ragdoll times to go away :C 


Also, the QQing of people who go "you're not using Mag the right way, your opinion is wrong because it's different from mine" makes me laugh.

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new pull is awesome

mag is nova tier now


This is exactly the kind of shallow argument that is not wanted here. If I just wanted big numbers, I'd go do something else with my time, like press buttons on a calculator. Big numbers isn't fun, it's boring, and there's no room to innovate.


When I started out as a drummer, I wanted a big drum set, with many drums, pieces, and cymbals, because it looked enticing and impressive. And so I grew my set until it was rather large. But over the years, as I observed more and more live drummers, I found that many of the best drummers out there were doing less with more. And so I stripped down my set to very few pieces, and my ability skyrocketed.


People are able to innovate because of a lack of something. Pull lacked damage, but it provided an opportunity to deal great damage. It's obvious that people don't want this Nova tier stuff, that's why Nova's getting nerfed. Gamers want to be able to employ finesse, skill, and creativity, and that's what made Mag's Pull fun.


Less is more, and this is nearly always universally true. In art, in design, wherever. You see it all the time. Just google best/worst film posters. Nearly all of the best posters are simple. Apple's design is entirely based on simplicity. 



Also, the QQing of people who go "you're not using Mag the right way, your opinion is wrong because it's different from mine" makes me laugh.


Not saying that anybody's dead wrong, but if you really invested in Mag, then you figured out how to use her very effectively. It seems clear that many people who like the new Pull lacked the patience to do this.

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Ok, here's what I like about Pull V3: I can stand in front of a pit and cast pull and enemies fall into the pit. That is awesome.

Other than that, I'd rather have Pull V2 back with it pulling enemies into a consistent place.

I agree that Pull needed a buff, but I'd rather have seen a drop in energy cost than a damage buff. 25/50/100 energy cost for 1/2/4 abilities is a crutch DE needs to stop leaning on sooner rather than later.


I actually disagree with this, I felt Pull, for the effect of V2 was reasonably costs.  While I do agree that they need to break the energy cost trend Pull felt right for its cost.  With Streamline it brought it down to 17.5 energy which is good enough.  I rarely run out of energy spamming pull as all the energy orbs are right at my feet and with Energy Syphon running.  The new pull seems more like a 50e ability.

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I*EDIT*: I agree with White_Raven. I wish the ability to Pull downed teammates would be returned. I can't tell you how many clutch revives I made Pulling teammates out of a bad situation.


*EDIT*: To be specific, I am suggesting that DE bring back the Pull that was introduced in Update 8.3 that changed Pull from a single target ability to an ability that pulled all enemies in a cone in front of you.


U can always pull all enemies from teammate and while they down revive him.


And previous pull was a little broken, enemies was pulling for a constant lenght, i was hoping they fixed it with ragdolling... but they made pull more effective than rhino stomp, now its not "pull" power, its "kill all in front of me even thru walls" power with ridiculous range for killing... 


N1 more damage and range effective than N4... its really broken....



Not saying that anybody's dead wrong, but if you really invested in Mag, then you figured out how to use her very effectively. It seems clear that many people who like the new Pull lacked the patience to do this.


They like new pull coz they can spam it on lvl50 grineer defense and killing more stuff than any other frame can

Edited by GCoda
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to much bs to quote



my opinion is different than yours

I don't want the old pull at all im happy with the new pull - makes it more fun to aim for ragdolled targets other than just pul everything I can see to me and charge attack

I found that to be shallow and boring

the new pull is awesome and I love it

its not my problem you don't like it

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