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Strun Wraith - Bad Option For Reward?


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I just started playing the game the other week and recently got a Strun Wraith as a reward from a challenge. I admit I was mainly carried in the challenge considering my lack of level, equipment and game experience. Still, somehow I got it. Then, I almost gave up on the game, because the weapon was so freakishly above all other damage options I had, it didn't make sense using anything else but it. And that wasn't just me: play Mercury, Venus or Earth and you will see 90% of people (obviously my impression) using exactly the same gun as you are. Mighty boring. Considering you can;t change its color scheme, that's even worse. Killing the initial bosses, which was really a challenge, because ridiculously easy. Boring. Void key missions became, with minimum care, very doable.


Now, I'm not saying such weapon couldn't be a reward or something, but I really think there should have been more options (randomly chosen or not) and maybe something more player level appropriate - so that something that would be mildly interesting for an advanced player wouldn't completely wrack a beginner's game.


Note: now I bought a founders pack and purchased some other weapons, I see there are many more options in the game, but at first I was really annoyed at how Strun Wraith seemed to be the absolutely best thing up to really high level.


Anyway, just a beginner's opinion.

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You're going through the same experience I had when the Kunai were released; they seemed to cut through everything, outperforming any of my primary weapons.


Strun Wraith was released as a reward due to many players asking for a high-powered shotgun suitable for for end-game missions (see above; some people ninja'd me on this response).  I suspect the developers weren't expecting beginners to reach the 20 minute survival mark (good for you, btw, and to your teammates, who no doubt kept you going!)


I suggest you use the Strun Wraith to help you unlock more missions until you get a feel for other weapons you can enjoy.  I suggest using something in a different cagtegory of primary weapon; Boltor, Gorgon, or a bow weapon.  All play very differently.

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So, it's even worse than I thought it was. I myself have completely given it up for principles and for the sake of keep my interest in the game up. Using a Sniper with one warframe and a Boltor with the other at the moment. Both feel great, as they have very specialized niches. The shame is, I won't be able to bring myself to use a shotgun, since I'll feel silly using one when I have Strun Wratih, and will refuse to use it for the reasons above.


And yes, I do feel like the kunai are very overpowered, so it's not just me.......

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The Strun Wraith was just a bad idea from the get go.

The original Strun needs some love badly.


It's better then the syphilis, err... the Sicarus. Also, Aklato. If you really think the earliest weapons need a boost, then that should go for all of them, not just your personal favourite.

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The wraith weapons are the "primed" variants for grineer weapons.

Im sorry that you guys put 4 formas in your hek/sobek.

I do not mind using forma that ends up wasted or even catalysts for that matter.


It is totally imbalanced as it rendered all the existing Shotguns redundant.


I don't care how limited or exclusive it is, that aint right.

You were also making post to buff useless Hek before this event, you might as well make an update to it and bump it.


Anyway, just a beginner's opinion.

If I were to make a new account, I wouldn't even bother with any primary weapon and just leave Mk1-Braton equipped. There are so few good option now that they buffed the NPC level so much that it is pointless to bother with most of the primary weapons, unless you have a rank 8-10 serration card.

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There is always hope that DE Scott will just buff it along with other things on his list.


Livestream 13 pretty much clearified that they are not too interested in going back and fix the old stuff - the "core" - parts of the game. Armour scaling went to the chopping block quite simply because everyone hates the current system.


There is no way we can get people to agree unanimously on a single weapon or two in order to put that sort of pressure on them to fix the imbalance.

Edited by Brimir
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It's better then the syphilis, err... the Sicarus. Also, Aklato. If you really think the earliest weapons need a boost, then that should go for all of them, not just your personal favourite.

You're a bit mistaken.

I'd love all the early weapons to get some buffs, not just the strun. In particular the two guns you mentioned, the Boar, longswords in general, Burston etc.

Im an equal opportunity buffer

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You're a bit mistaken.

I'd love all the early weapons to get some buffs, not just the strun. In particular the two guns you mentioned, the Boar, longswords in general, Burston etc.

Im an equal opportunity buffer


Wow, someone who likes the syphilis! *hangs an elaborate frame around your neck and smiles* You, good sir, are a museum piece. *winks* I admit it sort of grew on me as well, despite wanting to break it over my knee after every mission. *laughs* I honestly think the Lato is a more effective weapon.

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I agree with making it have a Master Requirement. I am sorry to the low-levels who have it but it's too strong to not have it. That is why Acrid/Ogris are so strong it requires you to play a long time to have them, though I still think both are too strong.

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You guys really need to play MMO's.  New weapons are always more op than old weapons.  If the new items aren't better, there's no reason for people to buy them, spend money on formas, etc.

MMO Powercreep is not a good model. It leads to outdated content that nobody does. It's much harder to do but if all things fill rolls with minimal power-creep that is good. Weapons working with each other also could be a method of staving off power creep.


Numerical Upgrades are easy and very attractive to Developers as a way to save time and appease players. Ultimately it's a dangerous route that can lead to large sections of the game becoming a wasteland.

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MMO Powercreep is not a good model.

The greatest powercreep by far was when DE raised the level of all NPC in game. This outdated all weaker weapons and put a massive spot light on the "good" weapons. You can't raise your NPC level without making sure your existing weapons can handle it. They changed the benchmark without checking to see what could met it, I hope that DE fixes the mess they made with balance in U10.

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MMO Powercreep is not a good model. It leads to outdated content that nobody does. It's much harder to do but if all things fill rolls with minimal power-creep that is good. Weapons working with each other also could be a method of staving off power creep.


Numerical Upgrades are easy and very attractive to Developers as a way to save time and appease players. Ultimately it's a dangerous route that can lead to large sections of the game becoming a wasteland.

Not to mention it creates a huge barrier between new and experienced players.

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