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Edit:  If this didn't get the point across;  You don't need 300 hours, and even if you do, you should play because you enjoy it, not because you feel you have to.  This is only to get all the weapons/frames, if you find something you like and only want to use that, you totally can.

300+ hours was a number, roughly what I put into it. You've put in 230, that's close enough and FAR more than most casual players have put in is my guess. If you enjoy the game, play it sure, (STILL not sure how it's relevant to this problem.... Please, explain how enjoying the game suddenly fixes the prices)

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It fixes the prices because the market is only there (with respect to things obtainable in-game, which is almost everything) for people who don't want to spend the time to farm it out.  The market sells convenience.  Much the same way that 7-11 sells convenience.  Due to this being a convenience factor prices are highger, and DE can literally charge whatever the hell they want for anything in the market because nothing in there affects gameplay.  7-11 sells milk for $7 while my local grocery store sells it for $4.  Why? Convenience.

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It fixes the prices because the market is only there (with respect to things obtainable in-game, which is almost everything) for people who don't want to spend the time to farm it out.  



The market sells convenience.



 Much the same way that 7-11 sells convenience.



 Due to this being a convenience factor prices are highger,



and DE can literally charge whatever the hell they want for anything in the market because nothing in there affects gameplay.  7-11 sells milk for $7 while my local grocery store sells it for $4.  Why? Convenience.


1. ...right, so because it can be farmed, prices are fiiiiine. No, that's not how it works. They want to sell weapons and frames, not just slots/potatoes


2. Cool, but if prices are teribble, it's not convenience, convenience online implies that it's easier to get, which it is, but if the price is crazily stupid, no one will buy it. For example, a truck selling lemonade sets up next to your house, but is selling it for $10, while the shop down the street is selling it for say, $2. Gonna buy the $10 lemonade because it's "convenient"? Of course not.


3. & 4. Right, and their prices are meh, but the prices are HIGHER than the other stores because they're closer to some people. However, 7-11 is a bad comparison, there are TONS of factors that the real world has that the digital world does not (i.e. distance, or the fact that you don't use two different types of money like you do in F2P games, so you can easily compare prices.)


5. Right, they can charge whatever they want, but it doesn't mean they should. They COULD charge 10k plat for everything, but should they? No. They COULD charge 1 plat for everything, but will they or should they? No. And so what if nothing affects gameplay, how does that matter? Why does that mean they should offer reasonable prices.



Here's my question: WHY are the prices ok? WHY should the prices for weapons and frames be so high? Convenience? How can you judge that when you use 2 different types of currency, plat and credits + mats? Convenience means nothing here other than a shortcut, and you expect to pay for it with REAL money, not money earned in game, that's the only way that convenience relates here.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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I've been trying really hard to wrap my head around this, and nobody ever gives anything resembling an answer, useful, intelligent, or otherwise:


You get 75 plat for $5. If you're very patient, you can get 75 plat for $2.50, when you get a 50% sale in your daily login--these seem to average about once every 45 days.


Most stuff in the game, besides full-out purchases(complete warframes and such) cost a fraction of 75 plat, or 75 plat.


Then there's people who go on and on about how X or Y has plat or needs plat or seems OH SO EXPENSIVE...


And I'm just sitting here going "...but you get 75 plat for $2.50..."


It's really useful, but it's also REALLY cheap. Why does anyone have a problem with this?


Am I missing something, or is there merely something wrong with these people, or what?

Because those of us who are spending our own money and have been out in the real world for quite a while know that 15-20 dollars for a weapon in a video game is completely ridiculous. Even at half price it seems a bit expensive.

You can't buy anything meaningful for 75 plat ($5 worth) - frames and weapons are in the $15 range.

As many in the community feel, the 50%/75% discounts only come right after you buy something. It's true for me - the only two times I got 50% discounts were the day after I bought my founders package and the day after I upgraded it.


Otherwise, Plat is priced so high because 1) DE needs money and 2) DE wants the prohibitive costs to make farming seem more desirable. Not ideal, but it works well enough.

Bad argument. Lower price = more sales. FTP games make most of their money on micro-purchases, which are usually around the ballpark of 5-10 dollars.

Only cosmetic items you can't get without Plat(Currently) are Sentinel items and the clan badge. All the alt helms can be obtained through patience, hopes, prayers(If you believe in such), and the Alert System. Unreliable as it is, it is certainly doable. I think I'm only missing like, two or three helmets in the whole game right now(Chloraaaaaa! :shakes fist: )? About 315 hours of gameplay, arguably, but still, it can be done.


Really, Plat prices aren't that bad compared to a lot of other FTP games and their cash shops. Nothing they sell is ABSOLUTELY necessary, (Like, I dunno, hotkeys? Yeah, Elsword actually makes you pay money to get more hotkeys for your skills), and the items, while pricy, are actual weapons and frames that you can use, and max out, also they come with a free catalyst/reactor. So that's a nice bonus. They aren't all just completely worthless cosmetic items that are ALSO extremely overpriced.


signed Plat is pricy, sure, but so is game development.

Zylo the Wolfbane

Weapon/warframe slots are pretty much mandatory, so yes, the game does pretty much force people to buy platinum at some point, much like Elsword does. (BTW, I was in the closed beta for Elsword, I knew waaaay back then that its cash shop was not going to go in a good direction, so I bailed)

Slots, colors, potatoes, sentinel swag, clan badges, resource packets... All 75 plat or less.


$5 is for 75 plat is a very reasonable price. The fact they actually offer discounts is amazing.


You can get EVERY FRAME IN THE GAME for FREE, save excal prime(which you can get an almost identical version of). You can get EVERY WEAPON IN THE GAME for FREE, save vandal versions(which you can get a nearly identical version, if you can get it at all).


So, there is nothing in the game that you can't get for free that costs more than 75 plat. Nothing at all.


This seems completely lost on most people responding here. o.0

For anyone who has a job, college classes, night life as a costumed crime fighter, etc, time is money.

What you're missing is, is that while you can get everything for free, that doesn't help DE, if you decide "Well, I REALLY don't feel like farming for X or Y, I think I'll just buy it instead." you'll end up paying roughly $15 for it. That's right, buy 4 weapons, you'll have paid for a triple A game's price.


That's what's lost on you. Not everyone wants to spend the time to farm for, say ember, or excal (who is on pluto...), or nova, or spend WEEKS/MONTHS waiting for vauban. They should be available for a decent price, A price that makes people go "ehhh... I don't feel like waiting weeks for this, and it's only X platinum, that's a GREAT deal!"

Pretty much this. About 5-10 dollar range is a good price for micro-transactions. If something costs more than that, it better be some insanely sought after and hard to get item, or a really really snazzy looking cosmetic.

It's awesome that you're a trust fund kiddie that can afford to spend the literally hundreds of hours necessary to do what you propose because you don't have to work or go to school or have a life or friends.


Meanwhile in the real world, people play more than one game and have real lives, something which is apparently completely lost on you.

This. This post right here should be posted in response to anyone who thinks $40 for 3 weapons and a few shades of black and grey is a good deal. Kids these days and their parent's money... Tsk tsk.
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Convenience IS what you are paying for.  Look the model is very simple and one I can fully get behind.  Cosmetics are affordable.  Slots (the one thing you NEED platinum for) are cheap.  Forma/Catalysts are mid-priced because they are random drops.


Weapons and Frames are core to the game, and the devs want you to PLAY the game.  If there is something you really can't/don't want to farm, there it is in the market, but the price is high for a reason.  Obviously DE would rather you earn the frame, take pride in it from getting it in game, then spend some money to bling it a bit and add some cosmetics or alt helms and such.  If DE just wanted to sell this stuff they would price them lower, but you know what?  People get what they want and burn out and stop playing.  There is more money to be had by getting people to play longer and buy more little things on the frames weapons they put something into.  Pulling out a card and picking up a frame, accomplishment?  Not so much, pride of ownership... maybe... but maybe not, and there are other games that do have the data to show the more you give them up front the more that is available for buying the less time people play.


Maybe after official release the prices will come down, but for now?  Play the damn game it doesn't take that long to get any single frame.

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I really can't argue with you guys if you're dead-set on DE being money grubbin' and only wants you to spend cash on items.  If you like the game, play it, if you don't, don't.  Either way, the shop is there if you feel the need to use it.


Weapon/warframe slots are pretty much mandatory, so yes, the game does pretty much force people to buy platinum at some point, much like Elsword does. (BTW, I was in the closed beta for Elsword, I knew waaaay back then that its cash shop was not going to go in a good direction, so I bailed)

$10, without coupons, should buy you more than enough slots for a while.  If you find yourself needing more, then you've probably played 100+ hours, and I'd say that DE's earned your money.

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Convenience IS what you are paying for.  Look the model is very simple and one I can fully get behind.  Cosmetics are affordable.  Slots (the one thing you NEED platinum for) are cheap.  Forma/Catalysts are mid-priced because they are random drops.



Weapons and Frames are core to the game, and the devs want you to PLAY the game.  If there is something you really can't/don't want to farm, there it is in the market, but the price is high for a reason.  Obviously DE would rather you earn the frame, take pride in it from getting it in game, then spend some money to bling it a bit and add some cosmetics or alt helms and such.  If DE just wanted to sell this stuff they would price them lower, but you know what?  People get what they want and burn out and stop playing.  There is more money to be had by getting people to play longer and buy more little things on the frames weapons they put something into.  Pulling out a card and picking up a frame, accomplishment?  Not so much, pride of ownership... maybe... but maybe not, and there are other games that do have the data to show the more you give them up front the more that is available for buying the less time people play.



Maybe after official release the prices will come down, but for now?  Play the damn game it doesn't take that long to get any single frame.


1. Right, and you pay for it WITH REAL CASH, not in game credits earned easily, but with real cash, THAT'S the cost of convenience.


2. If that is HONESTLY DE's mindset, they're doing it wrong. They would be better off having everything priced well, making MORE money, and hiring more people to do more stuff.


3. RNG, GG try again.


I really can't argue with you guys if you're dead-set on DE being money grubbin' and only wants you to spend cash on items.  If you like the game, play it, if you don't, don't.  Either way, the shop is there if you feel the need to use it.



$10, without coupons, should buy you more than enough slots for a while.  If you find yourself needing more, then you've probably played 100+ hours, and I'd say that DE's earned your money.


1. Who said we're dead set on DE being money grubbing? Where did you get this? And that's not a solution, and it's the wrong mindset to have "Gee, this sucks, guess I won't try to change it, so I won't use it or care, everything is now fine." Wrong mindset to have. See something you don't like? Try to change it if you can get it changed (obviously this doesn't mean CHANGE EVERYTHING)


2. Sure, but this isn't about slots, this is about overpriced weapons + frames. I personally found myself needing more slots after roughly 40 hours when I wanted to build a 3rd frame AND have what, more than 4-5 weapons? (I think it's 5 weapon slots base)

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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I don't understand what you think is the issue here.  DE has systems set up in the game for you to aquire litereally everything that's not Excab, Lato, and Skana primes without cash.  You're complaining that they also have a system set up for you to buy a version of that item, with a potato and it's own slot, for a reasonable price.  If you don't like how expensive it is, don't buy it.  I can't imagine how much more thought it should take to resolve this issue.  They made a game.  The game works.  They THEN made a market that has no effect on the game.  Now people complain about the market.  If the market never existed, there would be no problem.  The market is convenience, and yes, you DO pay for that.  That is what sells, not p2w strategies.  Through the wonders of modern economics (and a BUTTLOAD of information released by Valve and Blizzard), it had been surmized that customers like buying things that are cosmetic or save them time.  On the same note, it has been found that customers do not like buying things that they feel they need to purchase in order to stay competative.  If you have not done your research or are not willing to listen to someone who has, then I can not explain this issue further.  The bottom line is, DE knows what they are doing, and you, apparently, do not.


On to the another point you made...  I did not bring up the slots, hence why I quoted someone who did, and then refuted their argument.

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I don't understand what you think is the issue here.  DE has systems set up in the game for you to aquire litereally everything that's not Excab, Lato, and Skana primes without cash.  

And that's great.


You're complaining that they also have a system set up for you to buy a version of that item, with a potato and it's own slot, for a reasonable price.

Are you HONESTLY saying $15 on average is reasonable? really? Holy crap.


 If you don't like how expensive it is, don't buy it.  I can't imagine how much more thought it should take to resolve this issue.

Right, because trying to bring it to DE's attention is stupid and silly, because they never ever listen to their player base. Oh wait, yes they do, and they HAVE tried to improve.


They made a game.  The game works.

And it could be better. One of the ways it could be better is plat prices being better. No player should be expected to shell out $15 because they see an item that looks cool, they want impulse buys from new players.


They THEN made a market that has no effect on the game.  Now people complain about the market.  

People complain because it could be improved.


If the market never existed, there would be no problem.

...except for the fact that there would be no market, and the premium market is the way DE gets payed.


 The market is convenience, and yes, you DO pay for that.  

For the last bloody time, we pay in real cash, not because it's closer (and therefore higher prices). AGAIN READ THIS. WE PAY. IN REAL CASH. INSTEAD OF FAKE MONEY.


That is what sells, not p2w strategies.

Errr duh?


 Through the wonders of modern economics (and a BUTTLOAD of information released by Valve and Blizzard), it had been surmized that customers like buying things that are cosmetic or save them time.  

And probably at reasonable prices.


On the same note, it has been found that customers do not like buying things that they feel they need to purchase in order to stay competative.

Duh? How is this relevant to my points?


 If you have not done your research or are not willing to listen to someone who has, then I can not explain this issue further.

Heh, I'm not listening to someone who clearly hasn't...


 The bottom line is, DE knows what they are doing, and you, apparently, do not.

Neither do you :)


On to the another point you made...  I did not bring up the slots, hence why I quoted someone who did, and then refuted their argument.

Yeah, that was my bad.

Here are my points:


The weapons in the market are for convenience, we pay for that convenience not in higher prices (because it's closer) but in real cash. Now, you CAN get it for free, but you use a different type of money. Real cash gets you convenience in the form of obtaining a weapon instantly. How does that justify a $15 weapon? F*** man, a new setup costs you $60 (frame + 3 weapons), that's the cost of a new triple A game, or a few indie games.


Hell, lets ignore weapons for a second, you want to do your crafting in ALL mats + credits and use plat to speed it? A frame will cost you roughly 390 platinum for credits ALONE (roughly $20, assuming you have starter platinum still). Can you HONESTLY say plat prices are fine? Honestly? Truly? At this point I feel like you're just trolling.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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I have no idea what they cost because I didn't want the convenience of purchasing them.  I wanted to play the game.  The prices are set to what they are, if they were too high and no one was purchasing, I'm sure they would have been lowered.  You are complaining about a non-issue and are simply asking for things to be less expensive.


Furthermore you keep saying "dur" and ascertaining that I do not know what I'm talking about, then you still cling to the same points that I have very clearly laid out to be unfounded.  I can't find the particular set of slides I was looking for, but at one point Valve released some statistics and design process behind their line of work.  Essentially what it boiled down to was that they could sell most of their games for a penny and still make ridiculous amnounts of money through allowing players to pay for auxiliary things such as (just going with TF2) hats. As well as allowing everything to be aquired in-game, but also allow for players, who do not want to wait, to purchase these directly from the steam store.  Blizzard has talked about similar findings since the opening of their store that sells purely cosmetic items.


This minorly illustrates my point http://finance.yahoo.com/news/consumers-want-choices-convenience-shopping-160000944.html .

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I bought 20 dollars worth of Platinum, and then had to buy another five dollars worth because I was one short of getting Ash. I could have spent 25 dollars and gotten an entire game, and instead, I spent 25 dollars and got one warframe and a catalyst or two for my weapons. How is this NOT overpriced?

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I bought 20 dollars worth of Platinum, and then had to buy another five dollars worth because I was one short of getting Ash. I could have spent 25 dollars and gotten an entire game, and instead, I spent 25 dollars and got one warframe and a catalyst or two for my weapons. How is this NOT overpriced?

Could have spent a bit of time in game and got Ash for free.  Pretty cheap price if you ask me.

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I have no idea what they cost because I didn't want the convenience of purchasing them.  I wanted to play the game.  The prices are set to what they are, if they were too high and no one was purchasing, I'm sure they would have been lowered.  You are complaining about a non-issue and are simply asking for things to be less expensive.


Furthermore you keep saying "dur" and ascertaining that I do not know what I'm talking about, then you still cling to the same points that I have very clearly laid out to be unfounded.  I can't find the particular set of slides I was looking for, but at one point Valve released some statistics and design process behind their line of work.  Essentially what it boiled down to was that they could sell most of their games for a penny and still make ridiculous amnounts of money through allowing players to pay for auxiliary things such as (just going with TF2) hats. As well as allowing everything to be aquired in-game, but also allow for players, who do not want to wait, to purchase these directly from the steam store.  Blizzard has talked about similar findings since the opening of their store that sells purely cosmetic items.


This minorly illustrates my point http://finance.yahoo.com/news/consumers-want-choices-convenience-shopping-160000944.html .

...you don't even know the prices and you're arguing that they're fine BWAHAHAHAA, you have to see how funny and dumb that is.


You know why I kept saying duh? (not dur) it was because of that. And the fact you think $60 for a frame and 3 weapons is well priced. Want to know why DE hasn't done anything with the price? Maybe they haven't gotten enough feedback. And maybe you do know something about this, but clearly you do not know enough.


Also, in valve's case, almost nothing is priced above $10, a few hats I think, or key bundles (which are given to other players), and a few other things. For key bundles, if you buy one, it's the same as if you bought each key one at a time (only difference is they're given to other players)


"...ascertaining that I do not know what I'm talking about, then you still cling to the same points that I have very clearly laid out to be unfounded."

And I keep telling you WHY they're overpriced, and you keep ignoring it.


You know why valve's F2P games make money? Because the hats and whatnot are reasonably priced! Lets compare since you're having trouble seeing what I'm saying:


TF2: Hats drop rarely, but you can pay for convenience and get the hat now

WF: Weapons/frames can take awhile to farm, and certainly take awhile to build, but you can pay for convenience, and get the weapon/frame now.


Pretty much the same right? You can get both in game without paying a single cent ever, but the difference is TF2's prices are reasonable, they're not asking for $15 on average, hell, $10 is the most a hat goes for last I checked.


See what I mean now?


Could have spent a bit of time in game and got Ash for free.  Pretty cheap price if you ask me.

How does that make ash's plat price ok? How does that make $25 for one frame ok? Srsly, now.

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I bought 20 dollars worth of Platinum, and then had to buy another five dollars worth because I was one short of getting Ash. I could have spent 25 dollars and gotten an entire game, and instead, I spent 25 dollars and got one warframe and a catalyst or two for my weapons. How is this NOT overpriced?

Because it was clearly worth it to you to make said purchases.

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How does that make ash's plat price ok? How does that make $25 for one frame ok? Srsly, now.

Because the price is exactly $0 for anyone that wants to PLAY THE GAME.


The market is then driven by whatever people who would rather pay are willing to pay.  As long as there are people out there willing to spend money instead of a little time the price will be what it is.  What you consider unreasonable some people shrug off.  BUT the point is ALL FRAMES AND WEAPONS ARE FREE.  The only thing you MUST spend platinum on to acquire is very cheap.


The market is fine.

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Because the price is exactly $0 for anyone that wants to PLAY THE GAME.


The market is then driven by whatever people who would rather pay are willing to pay.  As long as there are people out there willing to spend money instead of a little time the price will be what it is.  What you consider unreasonable some people shrug off.  BUT the point is ALL FRAMES AND WEAPONS ARE FREE.  The only thing you MUST spend platinum on to acquire is very cheap.


The market is fine.

"Because the price is exactly $0 for anyone that wants to PLAY THE GAME."


Ah, but what about the people who just want to play the game and NOT farm for it?


You're missing the point here, overpriced is overpriced. Pretend you can't farm anything for a second, because you love to fall back on the "well you can get it for free" thing. Lets all pretend you have pay for a moment, so you ACTUALLY have to pay attention to the bloody price.


Now, how is $25 not overpriced? Go, figure it out, pretend we're all casuals who want to pick Ash up, but don't have the time for more than a few runs a day because we're busy and have lives to live.

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...you don't even know the prices and you're arguing that they're fine BWAHAHAHAA, you have to see how funny and dumb that is.


You know why I kept saying duh? (not dur) it was because of that. And the fact you think $60 for a frame and 3 weapons is well priced. Want to know why DE hasn't done anything with the price? Maybe they haven't gotten enough feedback. And maybe you do know something about this, but clearly you do not know enough.


Also, in valve's case, almost nothing is priced above $10, a few hats I think, or key bundles (which are given to other players), and a few other things. For key bundles, if you buy one, it's the same as if you bought each key one at a time (only difference is they're given to other players)


"...ascertaining that I do not know what I'm talking about, then you still cling to the same points that I have very clearly laid out to be unfounded."

And I keep telling you WHY they're overpriced, and you keep ignoring it.


You know why valve's F2P games make money? Because the hats and whatnot are reasonably priced! Lets compare since you're having trouble seeing what I'm saying:


TF2: Hats drop rarely, but you can pay for convenience and get the hat now

WF: Weapons/frames can take awhile to farm, and certainly take awhile to build, but you can pay for convenience, and get the weapon/frame now.


Pretty much the same right? You can get both in game without paying a single cent ever, but the difference is TF2's prices are reasonable, they're not asking for $15 on average, hell, $10 is the most a hat goes for last I checked.


See what I mean now?


How does that make ash's plat price ok? How does that make $25 for one frame ok? Srsly, now.

http://www.investopedia.com/university/economics/economics3.asp  I do not need to know the individual price of things on the market to know that they are fairly priced.  Supply and demand govern the market's sales.  If DE thought that they needed more people buying stuff and less people spending time playing the game, then they would lower prices. They have not lowered prices, therefore it is reasonable to believe that they do not feel that their prices are appropriate for their demand.  That is it, there is nothing more, that is how buisness and economics are run, I can not explain this fact any further.  


If you really want to bring valve's hat market into this then you should probably take into account that 1) hats have no effects on gameplay, 2) there is a trade system, so aquisition is drastically more simple (that's not to say that DE has planned for the lack of trade to drive up prices, I really do think that they didn't want to have trade spam), 3) most of the money made from tf2 is from the key market which is normally used by people trying to aquire hats that are worth anywhere from $40-3000+ .

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"Because the price is exactly $0 for anyone that wants to PLAY THE GAME."


Ah, but what about the people who just want to play the game and NOT farm for it?


You're missing the point here, overpriced is overpriced. Pretend you can't farm anything for a second, because you love to fall back on the "well you can get it for free" thing. Lets all pretend you have pay for a moment, so you ACTUALLY have to pay attention to the bloody price.


Now, how is $25 not overpriced? Go, figure it out, pretend we're all casuals who want to pick Ash up, but don't have the time for more than a few runs a day because we're busy and have lives to live.

If this is your logic, then you're no longer talking about playing a game, you're talking about some weird, twilight zone-esque scenario where DE is forcing you to pay for things that you don't want, which is just not the case.

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http://www.investopedia.com/university/economics/economics3.asp  I do not need to know the individual price of things on the market to know that they are fairly priced.  Supply and demand govern the market's sales.  If DE thought that they needed more people buying stuff and less people spending time playing the game, then they would lower prices. They have not lowered prices, therefore it is reasonable to believe that they do not feel that their prices are appropriate for their demand.  That is it, there is nothing more, that is how buisness and economics are run, I can not explain this fact any further.  


If you really want to bring valve's hat market into this then you should probably take into account that 1) hats have no effects on gameplay, 2) there is a trade system, so aquisition is drastically more simple (that's not to say that DE has planned for the lack of trade to drive up prices, I really do think that they didn't want to have trade spam), 3) most of the money made from tf2 is from the key market which is normally used by people trying to aquire hats that are worth anywhere from $40-3000+ .

"Supply and demand govern the market's sales."


DE has an infinite supply of everything in WF, supply isn't the problem here. There is no drought to of X or Y to drive prices up, or warrant such high pricing.


And again, maybe they haven't lowered prices because not enough people have given feedback on it, so it hasn't brought to their attention. Maybe they don't have enough people to watch the all of the forums and follow every issue someone brings up. Maybe they have more important things (i.e. fixing bugs and whatnot) than to figure out reasonable prices right now. There are many other reasons the price hasn't changed.


As for the tf2 market, yeah, that's true, most of it is key purchases, to get hats, but only because it's cheaper than hats directly from the store.

for your other points:

1. Eh, so? They're still priced decently.

2. DE has plans for a trade system. What's your point here?


If this is your logic, then you're no longer talking about playing a game, you're talking about some weird, twilight zone-esque scenario where DE is forcing you to pay for things that you don't want, which is just not the case.

My point is stop going "but u can get it 4 free!!!111!!1", and look at the bloody price. Honestly. Go look at it. No, stop reading for a second, start WF up, and figure out how much ash costs yourself. Back yet? Cool. NOW tell me the price isn't silly.


Also, your logic is "I don't know need to know the price to say if something is overpriced or not." But MY logic is silly? Please, cmon, try again.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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"Because the price is exactly $0 for anyone that wants to PLAY THE GAME."


Ah, but what about the people who just want to play the game and NOT farm for it?


You're missing the point here, overpriced is overpriced. Pretend you can't farm anything for a second, because you love to fall back on the "well you can get it for free" thing. Lets all pretend you have pay for a moment, so you ACTUALLY have to pay attention to the bloody price.


Now, how is $25 not overpriced? Go, figure it out, pretend we're all casuals who want to pick Ash up, but don't have the time for more than a few runs a day because we're busy and have lives to live.

Ok, that is me.  I started playing about 6 months ago and have logged 85 hours (almost 2 today way above my average).  If the only way to get weapons and frames were from the market I may have quit 5.5 months ago even if they were $1/frame and $0.50 / weapon.  If they were the prices they are currently... well would have been the same story.




They're not.

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Ok, that is me.  I started playing about 6 months ago and have logged 85 hours (almost 2 today way above my average).  If the only way to get weapons and frames were from the market I may have quit 5.5 months ago even if they were $1/frame and $0.50 / weapon.  If they were the prices they are currently... well would have been the same story.




They're not.

Again, stop focusing on the fact you farm for them, we're talking about the casual who doesn't want to go and farm for a new frame, perhaps they did, and they had a bad time doing so. Look at the price. Is it fair? Ignore the fact you can put a good bit of time into the game and get it for free. We're interested in the price, nothing else.

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To anyone who thinks that the market prices in the game don't need a rework. I felt I should point out that the default Skana costs $10, while some harder to get weapons are half that price. The prices look random, some things clearly appear to be overpriced, and on the whole it looks like they need some changes.

BTW, "you can get it for free with some work" doesn't excuse high prices. If I tried to sell someone a burger for $20, but then offered it to them for free if they ran 300 laps around my neighborhood block, it doesn't change the fact that a burger, no matter how good, probably isn't worth $20. To someone who doesn't have time to run 300 laps, they will just walk away without the burger. Likewise, Warframe is too expensive a game for people who don't have a lot of free time.

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Based on the number of posts you guys have you probably have more time on these forums than I have in game.  I have yet to feel a need to buy a frame.


Banshee took some time but was the first one I unlocked.  The ever elusive Vauban is building right now.  After all these threads about $$ and BP drops i've read today I decided to try for a couple.  Nova.  I had farmed Valefor for Banshee helm for a while but hadn't gone on.  Played Gamygyn, unlocked the Raptor ran 7 times now I have Nova parts.  I had an Ash BP from a daily reward and had run that boss once so it was unlocked.  ~10 runs All parts.


My average is 1.5 hrs per day in game, but that is 2 hours here maybe 4 there and several days off.  I AM a casual player.  I put in 2 hours today and have 2 frames... just wish I had the room for them.


Your hamburger analogy is crap.

How about this, you are at a big BBQ.  You have a choice if you are participating in the events of the BBQ, sack races, or horseshoes what not, activities your Hamburger is free.  If you are not participating just showed up? $20.  It is only an unfair price if you are unwilling to participate in the activities that brought you there.

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Based on the number of posts you guys have you probably have more time on these forums than I have in game.  I have yet to feel a need to buy a frame.

It's not about what YOU want, or if WE wanted to buy a frame, it's about the price. Stop avoiding that :)


Banshee took some time but was the first one I unlocked.  The ever elusive Vauban is building right now.  After all these threads about $$ and BP drops i've read today I decided to try for a couple.  Nova.  I had farmed Valefor for Banshee helm for a while but hadn't gone on.  Played Gamygyn, unlocked the Raptor ran 7 times now I have Nova parts.  I had an Ash BP from a daily reward and had run that boss once so it was unlocked.  ~10 runs All parts.

That's some good luck! I ran raptor over 60 times probably for nova, ash took 20 runs, rhino took roughly 55, vauban I did wake up once to get a part I would have missed. Loki took maybe 15 runs, etc. You get the idea.


Your hamburger analogy is crap.

How about this, you are at a big BBQ.  You have a choice if you are participating in the events of the BBQ, sack races, or horseshoes what not, activities your Hamburger is free.  If you are not participating just showed up? $20.  It is only an unfair price if you are unwilling to participate in the activities that brought you there.

No, it's decent, not the best, but decent. A better one is "Unless you run a random number of laps, which I'll tell you after you've ran enough you don't get to know how many it is, THEN I'll give you this hamburger, until then, $15 or no burger."


And after a certain point, you're not "playing" for fun (unless ya love farming), you're playing to unlock the next weapon to level for mastery, or what not. You might not have played enough yet, but you WILL feel burnout when you have to farm one boss 30+ times, or farm the void for that weapon you want, etc.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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