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Mesa Prime access


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Seems reasonable to me. Sorry you are bummed you cannot use her day one like you planned. Always feels crummy to get hyped up about something and build up your expectations only to find out things are not the way you expected. Honestly though, as others have said...this Prime Access is working exactly the same way it always has. Using this price model for prime access, they have made a wonderful free game that is gorgeous. Their playerbase, for years, have happily payed for this Prime Access exactly the way it always has been. 

They have slowly started to add options. Such as Prime Vault Releases, where you can buy previous primes for cash money. Not to mention, pretty sure the "Accessory" pack with all the boosters is something they added later on. But I am not 100% sure on that. 

They do have options for you, just not the ones you were expecting. And sadly, the way you think it could work, is a way that defeats the way is has been setup to work, which has been profitable and yielded a expansive game with new content being added that is so pretty because they sell such hefty things that they do their darndest to make worth while. 

You could have still played her on day one, and for free, but you would have had to prepare for it, and gotten your plat trades in order before now. Going forward, for any frames you get pumped about, prepare for them. They give us plenty of advance notice, and a release schedule that has usually followed a specific pattern. They don't try and pull a fast one over...anyone. They are pretty damn transparent. 

Just my two cents. 

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26 minutes ago, McGoodGreen said:

Seems reasonable to me. Sorry you are bummed you cannot use her day one like you planned. Always feels crummy to get hyped up about something and build up your expectations only to find out things are not the way you expected. Honestly though, as others have said...this Prime Access is working exactly the same way it always has. Using this price model for prime access, they have made a wonderful free game that is gorgeous. Their playerbase, for years, have happily payed for this Prime Access exactly the way it always has been. 

They have slowly started to add options. Such as Prime Vault Releases, where you can buy previous primes for cash money. Not to mention, pretty sure the "Accessory" pack with all the boosters is something they added later on. But I am not 100% sure on that. 

They do have options for you, just not the ones you were expecting. And sadly, the way you think it could work, is a way that defeats the way is has been setup to work, which has been profitable and yielded a expansive game with new content being added that is so pretty because they sell such hefty things that they do their darndest to make worth while. 

You could have still played her on day one, and for free, but you would have had to prepare for it, and gotten your plat trades in order before now. Going forward, for any frames you get pumped about, prepare for them. They give us plenty of advance notice, and a release schedule that has usually followed a specific pattern. They don't try and pull a fast one over...anyone. They are pretty damn transparent. 

Just my two cents. 

I really appreciate this response.

Just with the passing of time my anger has ebbed, obviously.

I will have Mesa prime for free pretty soon, so that’s cool.

There does seem to be somewhat of an understanding between the greater community and DE that this is how people want it done.

I’ve even seen videos of them asking the community what exactly they want in packs.

In the Noclip documentary, I think it’s Steve, one of the programmers mentions that warframe has a really high wash out rate, and it’s hard for them to retain new players.

I think I can understand that now, that I am actually progressing down the path of being a new player, as opposed to stalking this game from afar.

It’s hard to look at Mesa prime access as anything but a desperate gouging cash grab, when that’s all you’ve known.


I’m still not really happy about it, but other people are.

I’m happy to leave well enough alone.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

It’s hard to look at Mesa prime access as anything but a desperate gouging cash grab, when that’s all you’ve known.

You're saying this after admitting spending 50$ on a skin, I think this is a bit strange.

Nobody can make you feel different I suppose, but when the only thing of the pack that you can't acquire day one are operator cosmetics I fail to see anything close to a cash grab.

You can get Mesa for ~300 plat, ~200 to get her, 50 to rush and 20 for a potato.

If all you want is Mesa it's easy and cheap, getting the Prime pack is either a conscious decision to support the devs or a plat purchase.


Or you know...laziness.

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On 2018-12-18 at 9:47 PM, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

The only pack that includes Mesa prime costs $105.

the other $85 pack is operator accessories and 2/3 90 day boosters.

Not that this is particularly helpful but to clarify, last night I paid $79.99 and I received mesa prime plus the weapons.  $105 isn't necessary in the U.S. at least.

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I guess this all comes down to different opinions. I've personally never bought a prime access pack because I can easily farm all the stuff in game. I do buy the accessory packs or special packs because I get discounted platinum in the pack plus items you can only get through those packs. I would be annoyed if they bundled those things in with the prime warframes and weapons. Actually, if I remember correctly, they used to not have a separate pack for the accessories and the warframes and weapons, but the community asked for it and they delivered. I know plenty of people who have not spent a cent on this game. But I've spent hundreds of dollars on this game and I don't feel bad about it at all because I have the money, I love the game, I love the developers, and in my opinion, I feel it's worth the cost. You clearly don't value the cost of these things the same as me and a majority of the community, and that's fine. You are entitled to your opinions, your anger, and what value you place on the game.

And the prime access packs, the platinum packs and everything they sell for real money is to keep the game running. So in a way, it IS a cash grab, to keep Warframe alive. You can easily play this game without spending a cent or you can be like me and happily spend money on them. But these prices have been the same for a long time, so I assume they have found a good pricing point on these that most of the community is happy with.

I have bought so many prime accessory packs at this point, I have not run out of the credits and affinity booster since the beginning of this year and still have another 90 days left on them, and I haven't even bought the Mesa accessories pack (which I don't plan to do as I don't like what's offered this time).

Edited by (PS4)TrinPie
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On 2018-12-18 at 9:06 PM, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

Everyone knew about it, and the correct response is not to buy them, yet “crying and ranting” about it isn’t okay?


Dude, if something seems wrong to you you are allowed to speak out about it.

DE even say themselves they want feedback from the forums.

I didn’t like something, I brought it to attention on the forums.


What are you doing?

This is also the purpose of the feedback sub-forum. The developers won't see this criticism in the general discussion section.

On the subject itself. As far as I know the value is the same every PA. It's the holiday season and she's a popular frame. No, not everyone's gonna buy the whole package - they'll either buy the main package or the accessories and farm the goods. If I had the cash to support the devs I'd buy a pack for a favorite frame or some merch. That's how they earn their money. I don't agree on the pricing but if I don't like what's being offered for the amount I wouldn't buy it.

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On 2018-12-21 at 12:25 AM, (PS4)Mono-Pop said:

I really appreciate this response.

Just with the passing of time my anger has ebbed, obviously.

I will have Mesa prime for free pretty soon, so that’s cool.

There does seem to be somewhat of an understanding between the greater community and DE that this is how people want it done.

I’ve even seen videos of them asking the community what exactly they want in packs.

In the Noclip documentary, I think it’s Steve, one of the programmers mentions that warframe has a really high wash out rate, and it’s hard for them to retain new players.

I think I can understand that now, that I am actually progressing down the path of being a new player, as opposed to stalking this game from afar.

It’s hard to look at Mesa prime access as anything but a desperate gouging cash grab, when that’s all you’ve known.


I’m still not really happy about it, but other people are.

I’m happy to leave well enough alone.

I like how you continue to call this "desperate gouging cash grab" when the "cash grab" in question comes with an enormous amount of platinum and you have multiple options for getting mesa for far, far less than the aforementioned price.


That's like going to a restaurant and calling the 128 oz steak a "price gouge".

You can, again, buy mesa for like 200 plat from another player, or get her for free yourself.

The fact that there is an option to get her for free for free at all, let alone so easily, is far more generous than most other developers who would have been happy to lock her behind a paywall and call it good. And here you are spitting on DE for it.

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I farmed her in one day so... not hard I guess ?. DE is a relatively small company with the only stable income are platinum purchases and prime access. The fact that you could even get any “prime” item for free at all is something you don’t see in many games.

Good luck!

Edited by ThunderHuy
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2 minutes ago, ThunderHuy said:

I farmed her in one day so... not hard I guess ?. DE is a relatively small company with the only stable income are platinum purchases and prime access. The fact that you could even get any “prime” item for free at all is something you don’t see in many games.

Good luck!

My Mesa farm ended a while ago.

it took 3 full days on mind numbingly boring grind.

I now have a slightly buffed version of Mesa and a skin that I don’t much care for.

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